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Your topic results for 'The Church Its Nature'

Revelation Episode 4: Letters to the Churches- Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea, Part 2

May 08, 2024
Andy Davis | May 08, 2024 | The Church: Its Nature, The Purity and Unity of the Church

Jesus commends, exhorts, and encourages the faithful in Philadelphia who rely on God's strength to keep his word and receive his secret name.

1 Corinthians Episode 12: The Responsibilities of a Gospel Minister

May 03, 2023
Andy Davis | May 03, 2023 | Ministry, The Church: Its Nature

1 Corinthians 9:15-17

Paul teaches the rights and responsibilities of a gospel minister, including financial support as a right and selfless sacrifice and self-discipline as responsibilities.

1 Corinthians Episode 4: Building the Church in Light of Judgment Day Testing

Mar 01, 2023
Andy Davis | Mar 01, 2023 | Warning for the Church, The Church: Its Nature

1 Corinthians 3:1-23

Paul criticizes the Corinthians for their factions, calls on them to grow in maturity, and to build the church using the Word of God.

Class in Titus: The Role of Local Churches in the Great Commission

Dec 07, 2023
Andy Davis | Dec 07, 2023 | Ministry, The Church: Its Nature

Titus 1:1-16

Paul provides a portrait of a healthy local church, fundamental to advancing the gospel, and instructions on choosing the overseers to avoid false teachers.

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