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Your topic results for 'Suffering'

Spiritual Warfare: Fighting Leviathan from Behind the Hedge (Job Sermon 28)

Nov 21, 2021
Andy Davis | Nov 21, 2021 | Spiritual Warfare, Suffering

Job 40:1-41:34

The problem of evil and suffering we are learning about in Job cannot be addressed without understanding the role of demons and Satan… our invisible enemies.

Ascribe Righteousness to Your Maker (Job Sermon 23)

Sep 26, 2021
Andy Davis | Sep 26, 2021 | Suffering

Job 36:1-37:24

In Elihu’s final speech he uses God’s power displayed in the weather as a reminder for Job and all of us to trust God, especially in times of affliction.

Elihu Speaks (Job Sermon 21)

Sep 12, 2021
Andy Davis | Sep 12, 2021 | Suffering

Job 32:1-33:33

Elihu made some significant contributions to the topic of human suffering and the character and plans and purposes of God. And in this, his first of four speeches, he will say that God uses suffering to benefit his people.

Job’s Costly Commitment to Mercy Ministry (Job Sermon 20)

Sep 05, 2021
Andy Davis | Sep 05, 2021 | Suffering, The Poor, Mercy

Job 31:13-23

Godly people alleviate the suffering of others, and godly people suffer well themselves, trusting in God through it all.

Job’s Third Lament: Pain Made Him Doubt (Job Sermon 8)

Apr 18, 2021
Andy Davis | Apr 18, 2021 | Walk by Faith, Suffering

Job 11:1-14:22

Pastor Andy Davis preaches a sermon on Job 11-14. He covers Job’s third lament, showing how the weariness of the trial and Job's pain has begun to wear him down and cause him to doubt. The terror of the majesty of God is finally resolved in the...

Job’s Complaint Against Man and God (Job Sermon 6)

Mar 28, 2021
Andy Davis | Mar 28, 2021 | Joy in Suffering, Kindness of God, Suffering

Job 6:1-7:21

Andy Davis preaches a sermon on Job 6-7. These chapters contain Job's response to his friends and to God after his friends have spoken in the previous chapters. This sermon talks about the state of Job's heart in response to his long-term...

Blessed is the One Whom God Corrects (Job Sermon 4)

Mar 14, 2021
Andy Davis | Mar 14, 2021 | Mortification, Suffering

Job 5:17-18

Andy Davis preaches a sermon on Job 5:17-18. He focuses on the healing discipline and correction that God gives those He loves. The wicked also received difficult things in their lives, but they get no benefit from it because it does not turn...

Job’s First Lament: Why Was I Ever Born? (Job Sermon 3)

Mar 07, 2021
Andy Davis | Mar 07, 2021 | Joy in Suffering, Suffering, Trials

Job 3:1-26

Andy Davis preaches a sermon on Job 3. He talks about the first time Job opens his mouth to lament following the trials he has experienced. Job curses the day of his birth. But God had a purpose for Job, which is why he was born. Christians can...

An Avalanche of Sorrows (Job Sermon 2)

Feb 28, 2021
Andy Davis | Feb 28, 2021 | Joy in Suffering, Internal Journey, Suffering, Trials

Job 1:1-2:13

Andy Davis preaches a sermon on Job 1-2. He covers the suffering that Job experienced in the first two chapters of the book and applies it to the ways that Christians will suffer in their earthly lives. Earthly suffering is used by God to...

The Danger of Seeking the Crown without the Cross (1 Corinthians Sermon 15)

Jan 20, 2019
Andy Davis | Jan 20, 2019 | Suffering, Persecution

1 Corinthians 4:6-14

Andy Davis preaches a verse by verse expository sermon on 1 Corinthians 4:6-14. The main subject of the sermon is the danger of seeking glory outside of submission to Jesus Christ.


2 Corinthians Episode 13: Paul's Staggering Credentials of Suffering

Dec 08, 2021
Andy Davis | Dec 08, 2021 | Suffering, Trials

2 Corinthians 11:16-33

Paul gives overwhelming credentials of his suffering to show the superiority of his character and his calling to his doctrinal enemies, and to reestablish his leadership over the Corinthian church.

2 Corinthians Episode 12: Servants of Satan Exposed

Dec 01, 2021
Andy Davis | Dec 01, 2021 | Suffering, False Teaching & False Teachers

2 Corinthians 11:1-15

Paul gives overwhelming credentials of his suffering to show the superiority of his character and his calling to his doctrinal enemies, and to reestablish his leadership over the Corinthian church. He is very concerned that they have taken in and...

2 Corinthians Episode 7: The Cost and Commitment of This Day of Salvation

Oct 06, 2021
Andy Davis | Oct 06, 2021 | Suffering, Holiness

2 Corinthians 6:1-18

Paul explains that passionate gospel ministry comes with great suffering. He also issues a call for holiness of the church based upon God’s desire to dwell with her.

2 Corinthians Episode 4: Glorious Light Ministered by Jars of Clay

Sep 15, 2021
Andy Davis | Sep 15, 2021 | Suffering

2 Corinthians 4:1-18

Paul explains why he does not lose heart in the ministry of the gospel, even in the midst of mass rejection and great suffering. He considers his hardships light and momentary compared to the eternal heavenly reward awaiting him.

Peter Episode 10 - Healthy Church Life in a World of Suffering

Mar 31, 2021
Andy Davis | Mar 31, 2021 | Suffering, The Church

1 Peter 5:1-14

In this tenth episode of the Peter Podcast Series, Andy and Wes discuss 1 Peter 5:1-14. They talk about the conclusion of 1 Peter and the commands Peter is giving to the church.

Peter Episode 9 - The Blessings of Christian Suffering

Mar 24, 2021
Andy Davis | Mar 24, 2021 | Joy in Suffering, Suffering, Trials

1 Peter 4:12-19

In this ninth episode of the Peter Podcast Series, Andy and Wes discuss 1 Peter 4:12-19. They focus on the suffering that Christians will experience and the reaction they should have to it.

Peter Episode 1 - Christ a Predicted, Powerful, Purifying, and Precious Savior (1 Peter 1:1-12)

Jan 27, 2021
Andy Davis | Jan 27, 2021 | Suffering, Jesus Christ

1 Peter 1:1-12

In this first episode of the Peter Podcast Series, Andy and Wes summarize the book of 1 Peter and cover 1 Peter 1:1-12. Peter is encouraging the suffering believers with truths about Christ and their final salvation.

Battling Depression, Anxiety & Fear in the Power of the Gospel, Week 6

Jul 30, 2020
Andy Davis | Jul 30, 2020 | Suffering

Battling Depression, Anxiety & Fear in the Power of the Gospel, Week 5

Jul 09, 2020
Andy Davis | Jul 09, 2020 | Suffering

I Am Poured Out Like Water

Apr 25, 2023
Andy Davis | Apr 25, 2023 | Suffering

Psalms 22:14

What does it mean to be poured out like water, just like Christ was?

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