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Your topic results for 'Running The Race'

Mature in Spiritual Athleticism

Jul 09, 2024
Andy Davis | Jul 09, 2024 | Running the Race, Godliness

1 Corinthians 9:25

How can I become a spiritual Olympian?

Christ Bids Us Come and Die

May 21, 2024
Andy Davis | May 21, 2024 | Running the Race, Glory of God, Martyrdom

Matthew 16:24-25

What gain comes from dying?

Introducing New Series: Maturing Christians Develop

Feb 06, 2024
| Feb 06, 2024 | Running the Race, Internal Journey

Isaiah 40:31

How can I grow in spiritual maturity?

Overflowing With Hope

Jan 02, 2024
Andy Davis | Jan 02, 2024 | Running the Race, Boldness & Courage, Heaven

Romans 15:13

What earthly good is heavenly-mindedness?

Words of Wisdom from George Whitefield

Apr 26, 2022
Andy Davis | Apr 26, 2022 | Running the Race, Church History

Hebrews 11:4

How can George Whitefield encourage Christians today?

A Homing Mechanism for Our Souls

Mar 22, 2022
Andy Davis | Mar 22, 2022 | Running the Race

Psalms 27:8

Do you know what God has placed inside every Christian?

Delighting in the Passage of Time

Feb 08, 2022
Andy Davis | Feb 08, 2022 | Running the Race

Romans 13:11

How to think biblically about change

1 Timothy Episode 7: The Eternal Danger of Loving Money

Oct 18, 2023
Andy Davis | Oct 18, 2023 | Running the Race, Money and Possessions

1 Timothy 6:1-21

Paul gives a serious warning about false teachers who love money and teach false doctrine based on money, urging the need to guard one's own heart in this area.

Acts Podcast 45: Paul’s Trial Before Felix

Dec 28, 2022
Andy Davis | Dec 28, 2022 | Running the Race, Evangelism

Acts 24:1-27

In this episode, we learn about Paul’s trial before Felix, the subsequent years of imprisonment for Paul, and, eventually, a trial before Caesar.

2 Corinthians Episode 15: Paul's Final Warnings to the Corinthian Church

Dec 22, 2021
Andy Davis | Dec 22, 2021 | Running the Race

2 Corinthians 13:1-14

Paul finishes his epistle to the Corinthians with some final warnings, urging them to take very seriously their salvation in Christ.

Character, Part 1 - Heart: Affection, Desire, Will

Feb 04, 2024
Andy Davis | Feb 04, 2024 | Running the Race, Pure in Heart

The essence of the saving work of Christ is the transformation of the heart from within, which leads to our conformity to his likeness.

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