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Your topic results for 'Miracles'

“What Do You Want Me to Do For You?” (Mark Sermon 54)

May 28, 2023
Andy Davis | May 28, 2023 | Exaltation of Christ, Miracles

Mark 10:46-52

We need to learn to listen to Jesus when He asks what we want and to pray in faith as an answer.

Jesus Feeds a Multitude… Again! (Mark Sermon 35)

Dec 11, 2022
Andy Davis | Dec 11, 2022 | Kindness of God, Miracles

Mark 8:1-10

Jesus, in his kindness and compassion, repeated the miracle of feeding thousands of people.

The Compassion, Power, and Provision of the Lord (Mark Sermon 28)

Oct 23, 2022
Andy Davis | Oct 23, 2022 | Miracles, The Offices of Christ

Mark 6:30-44

Pastor Andy Davis preached on Mark 6:30-44, where Jesus feeds the five thousand, showing compassion, power, and provision to meet his people's needs.

The Awesome Power and Tender Compassion of Jesus Christ, Part 1 (Mark Sermon 23)

Aug 28, 2022
Andy Davis | Aug 28, 2022 | Kindness of God, Miracles

Mark 5:21-43

Christ's miraculous healings were meant to bring sinners into a reconciled, personal, intimate relationship with the Almighty God.

Christ’s Powerful Ministry Summarized (Mark Sermon 12)

Apr 10, 2022
Andy Davis | Apr 10, 2022 | Calling, Miracles, Demons

Mark 3:7-19

A summary of Jesus’ earthly ministry: physical and spiritual healings; the evidence of Christ's deity; and the twelve apostles' call.

Jesus Has the Authority to Forgive Our Sins (Mark Sermon 8)

Feb 27, 2022
Andy Davis | Feb 27, 2022 | Miracles

Mark 2:1-12

In this passage, we learn that Jesus has the power to forgive our sins and also to heal all our diseases. In Heaven we will realize Jesus’ great power and amazing love!

Jesus Compassionately Cures a Leper (Mark Sermon 7)

Feb 20, 2022
Andy Davis | Feb 20, 2022 | Miracles

Mark 1:40-45

Jesus is moved by compassion and tenderly touches a leper who has been untouchable perhaps for years as a powerful picture of our own salvation.

The Healing Ministry of Christ Begins in Earnest (Mark Sermon 6)

Feb 13, 2022
Andy Davis | Feb 13, 2022 | Miracles, Jesus Christ

Mark 1:29-39

A look at the beginning of Jesus’ healing ministry, and how prayer and preaching fueled it.

The Authority of the Son of God (Mark Sermon 5)

Feb 06, 2022
Andy Davis | Feb 06, 2022 | Miracles, Deity of Christ, Demons

Mark 1:21-28

Jesus spoke at Capernaum, showing His authority through His words, judgment, and power. The right response is fear and amazement leading to faith.

Temporary Submission to Taxation (Matthew Sermon 82 of 151)

Dec 14, 2008
Andy Davis | Dec 14, 2008 | Money and Possessions, Miracles, The Kingdom of Christ, Government & Authority

Matthew 17:22-27

Andy Davis preaches an expository sermon on Matthew 17:22-27. The main subject of the sermon is the reason for Christ's compliance with earthly tax laws.


Miracles, Part 2

Apr 30, 2003
Andy Davis | Apr 30, 2003 | Miracles

Miracles, Part 1

Apr 23, 2003
Andy Davis | Apr 23, 2003 | Miracles

Daniel Podcast Episode 4: Faith Vindicated in a Trial by Fire

Dec 20, 2023
Andy Davis | Dec 20, 2023 | Worship, Boldness & Courage, Miracles

Daniel 3:1-30

The biblical record of one of the most courageous stands of faith and spectacular miracles is when three men refused to worship any other god even under threat of death.

Acts Podcast 27: The Miracle at Lystra

Aug 03, 2022
Andy Davis | Aug 03, 2022 | Miracles, The Work of the Holy Spirit, Indwelling Sin

Acts 14:8-20

In this episode in Acts 14:8-20, Paul and Barnabas have a remarkable taste of the depravity of the human heart and its fickleness in Lystra.

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