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Your passage results for 'Psalms 90'

A Wise Heart Numbers Its Days

Dec 31, 2023
Andy Davis | Dec 31, 2023 | Judgement Day, Two Journeys

Psalms 90:1-17

The Bible instructs us to number our days wisely, for the same God who knit us together in our mother’s wombs holds in his hand our lifespan as well.

Number Your Days Properly

Dec 30, 2007
Andy Davis | Dec 30, 2007 | Two Journeys, Providence and Sovereignty of God

Psalms 90:1-17

Pastor Andy Davis preaches a verse-by-verse expository sermon on Psalm 90:1-17. The main subject of the sermon is that we should know our days are limited and we must serve God according to that truth.

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