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Your passage results for 'Matthew 21'

The Glory of the Stone the Builders Rejected (Matthew Sermon 106 of 151)

Jul 19, 2009
Andy Davis | Jul 19, 2009 | Exaltation of Christ, Election & Predestination

Matthew 21:42

Andy Davis preaches an expository sermon on Matthew 21:42. The main subject of the sermon is Christ's glory, which some of the Jewish people refused to behold.

The Absentee Landowner Demands His Harvest (Matthew Sermon 105 of 151)

Jul 12, 2009
Andy Davis | Jul 12, 2009 | Judgement Day, Stewardship, The Kingdom of Christ

Matthew 21:33-46

Andy Davis preaches an expository sermon on Matthew 21:33-46. The main subject of the sermon is the way God expects His servants to multiply the gifts He gives them out of obligation to Him.

To Obey is Better than Promising to Obey (Matthew Sermon 104 of 151)

Jun 21, 2009
Andy Davis | Jun 21, 2009 | Works of the Flesh, Judgement Day, Repentance, Good Works

Matthew 21:28-32

Andy Davis preaches a verse by verse expository sermon on Matthew 21:28-32. The main subject of the sermon is the parable of the two sons, which teaches us that obedience is better than pledged obedience.

The Authority of Jesus (Matthew Sermon 102 of 151)

Jun 07, 2009
Andy Davis | Jun 07, 2009 | Exaltation of Christ, Deity of Christ, Government & Authority

Matthew 21:23-27

Andy Davis preaches an expository sermon on Matthew 21:23-27. The main subject of the sermon is the authority of Christ demonstrated in His encounter with the disrespectful Pharisees.

A Withered Fig Tree and Mountain-Moving Faith (Matthew Sermon 101 of 151)

May 31, 2009
Andy Davis | May 31, 2009 | Faith, Prayer, Judgement Day

Matthew 21:18-22

Andy Davis preaches an expository sermon on Matthew 21:18-22. The main subject of the sermon is the power that God gives where there is great faith.

God Has Ordained Praise (Matthew Sermon 100 of 151)

May 24, 2009
Andy Davis | May 24, 2009 | Worship, Holiness, Exaltation of Christ, Humility

Matthew 21:14-17

Andy Davis preaches an expository sermon on Matthew 21:14-17. The main subject of the sermon is that God has ordained that He will be praised, so it is sure to happen.

Jesus Purifies the Temple of God (Matthew Sermon 99 of 151)

May 17, 2009
Andy Davis | May 17, 2009 | The Purity and Unity of the Church, Prophecy, Animal Sacrificial System

Matthew 21:12-13

Andy Davis preaches an expository sermon on Matthew 21:12-13. The main subject of the sermon is Jesus' clearing of the temple as men treated it without respect.

The Triumphal Entry (Matthew Sermon 98 of 151)

May 10, 2009
Andy Davis | May 10, 2009 | Glory of God, Bible Prophecy, Exaltation of Christ, Prophecy, Worship

Matthew 21:1-11

Andy Davis preaches an expository sermon on Matthew 21:1-11. The main subject of the sermon is the Triumphal Entry of Christ into Jerusalem.

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