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Your passage results for 'Matthew 15'

Astonishing Faith Unleashes Limitless Power

Jul 28, 2019
Andy Davis | Jul 28, 2019 | Prayer, Humility, Forgiveness

Matthew 15:21-28

Pastor Andy Davis preaches on Matthew 15:21-28 and the effective results of a faith-filled prayer life.

Miracles and Lessons Repeated (Matthew Sermon 73 of 151)

Apr 01, 2007
Andy Davis | Apr 01, 2007 | Internal Journey, Jesus Christ

Matthew 15:29-39

Andy Davis preaches an expository sermon on Matthew 15:29-39. The main subject of the sermon is that Jesus, Paul & Peter all remind us of the importance or repeating & remembering Biblical truths for our Christian growth. In Jesus’ healing and...

The Astonishing Faith of a Gentile Woman (Matthew Sermon 72 of 151)

Mar 18, 2007
Andy Davis | Mar 18, 2007 | Redemption, Walk by Faith, Jesus Christ

Matthew 15:21-28

Andy Davis preaches an expository sermon on Matthew 15:21-28. The main subject of the sermon is that the characteristics of faith are illustrated in the Canaanite woman’s interaction with Jesus.

What Can Make Me Pure Within? (Matthew Sermon 71 of 151)

Mar 11, 2007
Andy Davis | Mar 11, 2007 |

Matthew 15:1-20

Andy Davis preaches an expository sermon on Matthew 15:1-20. The main subject of the sermon is what truly determines if a person is defiled and corrupt.

Tradition, Worship, and the Word of God (Matthew Sermon 70 of 151)

Feb 25, 2007
Andy Davis | Feb 25, 2007 |

Matthew 15:1-20

Andy Davis preaches an expository sermon on Matthew 15:1-20. The main subject of the sermon is the danger of traditionalism and legalism.

Unanswered Prayers

Sep 08, 2020
Andy Davis | Sep 08, 2020 | Prayer

Matthew 15:22-23

What is the point of prayers when they so often seem to go unanswered? Learn about the variety of ways God uses unanswered prayers to sanctify His people.

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