Andy's Latest Book
How to Memorize Scripture for Life: From One Verse to Entire Books

Top Ten Resources of 2023

To help you prepare for the year ahead, we have compiled some of our most accessed resources in 2023. This material is ideal for commutes, personal retreats, family devotions, and supplementing your own Bible reading. We pray God will use this to inspire and equip you to make the most of 2024 for his glory and the good of Christ's kingdom.

1. Wake Up and Do It Now -- The Time Is Short 
2. God Gave Israel Its Spiritual Blindness
3. Class in Evangelism: The Role of the Holy Spirit in Evangelism
4. Paul’s Right to Financial Support, and His Decision Not to Use It
5. The Sweet Grace of Thankfulness
6. The Acts of the Flesh vs. the Fruit of the Spirit 
7. Living the Supernatural Life
8. Jesus Drives Out a Legion of Demons 
9. The Narrow Gate: Jesus Commands Us to Enter the Kingdom 
10. Without Holiness No One Will See The Lord