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John 1:15-34 Episode 2 - Jesus, the Lamb of God

John 1:15-34 Episode 2 - Jesus, the Lamb of God

August 02, 2019 | Andy Davis
John 1:15-34
The Person of Christ, Atonement, Animal Sacrificial System

John the Baptist had a ministry of testifying to the one who was greater than him, Jesus Christ. Jesus was the one coming who would reveal God the Father, who would usher in grace, and who would forgive sins. When John was questioned, he deflected the focus from himself to the one who was coming. In verse 29, John the Baptist reveals Jesus to the world. He proclaimed that Jesus is the “Lamb of God” who takes away the sin of the world. John’s whole ministry was to herald Jesus of Nazareth, and because of the Holy Spirit’s preparation in John’s life, John the Baptist boldly testified to the deity of Jesus Christ.

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