
John 3:17-36 Episode 6 – Light & Darkness, Heavenly & Earthly

October 17, 2019

Podcast Series:


John 3:17-36 Episode 6 – Light & Darkness, Heavenly & Earthly

In John 3:17-36, the dialogue between Nicodemus and Jesus continues and John the Baptist exalts Christ, bearing witness that he has prepared the way for Jesus the Messiah. In this text, see that apart from the sovereign grace of God in Christ people are in spiritual darkness. We see that people who are not in Christ are under the wrath of God and are condemned already. The absolute essential requirement that we must be born again by the working of the Holy Spirit continues to come out very clearly in this passage.

God sent the Son into the world to save it, but the people who don’t believe in Jesus hate Him and reject Him. Those people stand already condemned by God, and they hate Christ because He reveals their sin, which they love. Those who believe come freely to Him, glad to be free of sin and to live for God. Some of John the Baptist’s disciples seemed jealous of Jesus, but John told them that Jesus was the rightful Messiah, the Savior who brings people from death to life. His own role was only in preparation for Jesus Christ.

God sent the Son into the world to save it, but the people who don’t believe in Jesus hate Him and reject Him. Those people stand already condemned by God, and they hate Christ because He reveals their sin, which they love. Those who believe come freely to Him, glad to be free of sin and to live for God. Some of John the Baptist’s disciples seemed jealous of Jesus, but John told them that Jesus was the rightful Messiah, the Savior who brings people from death to life. His own role was only in preparation for Jesus Christ.

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