Sermon The Glory of Christ Before He Entered the World Christmas Season | Christmas Season | John 17:5 | Exaltation of Christ | 12.22.2024
Devotional Paul’s Imitation of Christ’s Compassion Other Ministries | Philippians 1:19–26 | Sovereignty of God | Ligonier | 9.01.2024
Sermon A Hidden Life, A Glorious Life (Sermon on the Book of Ruth) Miscellaneous | Miscellaneous | Ruth 1:1-4:22 | Exaltation of Christ | 6.23.2024
Sermon A Final Overview of Mark: The Glories of the Son of God (Mark Sermon 92) Mark | Mark 1:1-16:19 | Exaltation of Christ | 6.16.2024
Podcast Revelation Episode 6: The Lion-Lamb Takes the Scroll Revelation Podcast | Revelation 5:1-14 | Exaltation of Christ | 5.29.2024
Podcast Revelation Episode 1: The Revelation of Jesus Christ Revelation Podcast | Revelation 1:1-20 | Prophecy | 3.27.2024
Devotional The Self-Disclosure of God Other Ministries | Genesis 18:17 | Sovereignty of God | Ligonier | 2.03.2024
Sermon The Stone the Builders Rejected Has Become the Cornerstone (Mark Sermon 60) Mark | Mark 12:10-11 | Exaltation of Christ | 9.10.2023