Two Journeys


Resources for Christians seeking to mature in their faith.

The Indescribable Gift: Meditations on the Birth of Christ

From before the foundation of the universe, God has made a detailed and comprehensive plan for the salvation of sinners from every nation on earth. Central to that plan is the birth of his Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ. In his wisdom, God patiently revealed a little at a time through the Spirit of prophecy. This season, as you make your way expectantly through this busy month of preparations for Christmas, take time to be glad in Jesus' birth and the fulfillment of every single prophetic promise!

See Book
Two Journeys

Books by Andy Davis

Books authored by Andy Davis to help Christians find a new gear in their Christian walk.

An Infinite Journey

After we’ve come to faith in Christ, God leaves us in this world for a very clear purpose: his own glory. But how are we to glorify God for the rest of our lives? The Bible reveals that God has laid before every Christian two infinite journeys which we are to travel every day: the

Exalting Jesus in Isaiah

Andy Davis takes a Christ-centered approach to expositing the book of Isaiah.

How to Memorize Scripture for Life

When God’s word abides in believers, it overflows with blessings for everyday life. Many Christians have individual Scripture verses “stored up” in their hearts, but there can be even greater spiritual benefit to memorizing long passages—even entire books—of the Bible. Unfortunately, this is often dismissed as impossible or too time consuming.   Andrew M. Davis helps


Author and pastor Andrew Davis offers readers the lessons he's learned in his own journey of leading church transformation.

The Glory Now Revealed

If your vision of heaven has been limited to clouds and harps and angels, it's time to expand that view with the truth found in this biblically based look at the afterlife.

The Power of Christian Contentment

The book is a challenge for Christians to confront the sources of discontent in their lives and embrace Biblical teaching on contentment in all circumstances.

Study Guides

Bible Study Questions

Bible Study Guides to help Christians find a new gear in their Christian walk.

1 & 2 Peter

Peter calls believers blood-bought exiles, born again to a living hope, who honor Christ and hasten his return through their holy lives and joyful witness even under suffering.

1 & 2 Thessalonians

This booklet is designed for personal and small group Bible studies and can also be used in conjunction with the corresponding podcast episodes for further discussion. 

1 Corinthians

This booklet is designed for personal and small-group Bible studies and can also be used in conjunction with the corresponding podcast episodes for further discussion. 

1 Timothy

One of the most important elements of a healthy Christian life is the regular study of God’s Word. The Bible Study Question Series is designed to help the reader engage the Word of God by asking questions. Most of these  were written by pastor Davis for the men’s Bible study at the First Baptist Church

2 Corinthians

This booklet is designed for personal and small-group Bible studies and can also be used in conjunction with the corresponding podcast episodes for further discussion. 


This booklet is designed for personal and small group Bible studies and can also be used in conjunction with the corresponding podcast episodes for further discussion. 


This booklet is designed for personal and small group Bible studies and can also be used in conjunction with the corresponding podcast episodes for further discussion. 


Don't Stop Believing... that Jesus is better than anything. Only Jesus' blood can atone for our sins, and he alone can bring us safely home to heaven.


This booklet is designed for personal and small group Bible studies and can also be used in conjunction with the corresponding podcast episodes for further discussion. 


Be filled with wonder as you study the Savior who came down from the highest heavens and humbled himself to save us, even dying on a cross. Rejoice as the Philippians church.


This booklet is designed for personal and small group Bible studies and can also be used in conjunction with the corresponding podcast episodes for further discussion. 


This booklet is designed for personal and small group Bible studies and can also be used in conjunction with the corresponding podcast episodes for further discussion. 


Other Resources

The Indescribable Gift

From before the foundation of the universe, God has made a detailed and comprehensive plan for the salvation of sinners from every nation on earth. Central to that plan is the birth of his Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ. In his wisdom God patiently revealed a little at a time through the Spirit of prophecy.

Discovering Christ

This booklet takes the core concepts of the Gospel of Mark and relates them simply and directly to people who are not yet Christians.

圣经背诵小册子 – An Approach to Extended Memorization of Scripture

An Approach to Extended Memorization of Scripture translated into Chinese.

Une Approche à la Mémorisation des Écritures

An Approach to Extended Memorization of Scripture translated into French.

Um Método para a Memorização Extensiva da Bíblia

Esse livro encoraja cristãos a aumentarem sua memorização bíblica. Técnicas e procedimentos diários guiam o leitor a memorizar capítulos inteiros e livros completos da Bíblia.