Sermon Philadelphia: The Church of the Open Door (Revelation Sermon 7 of 49) Revelation | Revelation 3:7-13 | Persecution | 4.23.2017
Sermon God’s Glorious Plan of Salvation (Ephesians Sermon 4) Ephesians | Ephesians 1:11-14 | Providence and Sovereignty of God | 5.03.2015
Sermon The Sovereign Lord Determines and Declares History (Isaiah Sermon 48) Isaiah | Isaiah 41:1-29 | Prophecy | 9.21.2014
Sermon The Majestic God Alone Can Strengthen the Weary (Isaiah Sermon 47) Isaiah | Isaiah 40:18-31 | Providence and Sovereignty of God | 9.14.2014
Sermon God Saves His Stubborn Children from Plans of Self-Salvation (Isaiah Sermon 32) Isaiah | Isaiah 30:1-33 | Providence and Sovereignty of God | 11.18.2012
Sermon A Song of Salvation for the Peace of the Oppressed (Isaiah Sermon 27) Isaiah | Isaiah 26:1-21 | Providence and Sovereignty of God | 9.16.2012
Sermon The Faith of Moses in the Passover and the Red Sea Crossing (Hebrews Sermon 57) Hebrews | Hebrews 11:28-29 | Providence and Sovereignty of God | 2.19.2012