Sermon Egypt’s Judgment and Salvation (Isaiah Sermon 20) Isaiah | Isaiah 19:1-20:6 | Judgment | 9.28.2008
Sermon Stand Firm in Faith, or You Won’t Stand at All (Isaiah Sermon 6) Isaiah | Isaiah 7:1-25 | Faith | 6.01.2008
Sermon The Richness of the Indwelling Word (Colossians Sermon 14 of 21) Colossians | Colossians 3:15-3:16 | Abiding in Christ | 12.16.2007
Sermon From Fear to Faith (Habakkuk Sermon 9 of 9) Habakkuk | Habakkuk 3:16-3:19 | Joy in Suffering | 6.23.2002
Sermon The People who Know Their God (Daniel Sermon 16) Daniel | Daniel 11:1-45 | Prophecy | 4.08.2001
Sermon The Consuming Zeal of the Christ: Its Shadow, Cost, and Consummation Psalms | Psalm 69:1-69:36 | Boldness & Courage | 9.10.2000