Podcast Revelation Episode 33: A Final Invitation Revelation Podcast | Revelation 22:13-21 | Second Coming of Christ | 1.22.2025
Sermon Stephen’s Brilliant Defense, Part 2 (Acts Sermon 16) Acts | Acts 7:20-53 | Prophecy | 1.12.2025
Class Class in 1 John: Test the Spirits A Study of 1, 2 & 3 John | 1 John 4:1-6 | The Doctrine of Scripture | 12.19.2024
Podcast Revelation Episode 18 – The Lamb and His 144,000 Revelation Podcast | Revelation 14:1-5 | Exalting Christ | 10.02.2024
Podcast Revelation Episode 12: The Angel and the Little Scroll Revelation Podcast | Revelation 10:1-11 | The Word of God | 8.14.2024
Sermon Personal Encounters with the Resurrected Lord (Mark Sermon 89) Mark | Mark 16:9-20 | Providence and Sovereignty of God | 5.12.2024
Devotional Maturing Christians Develop in Knowledge of the Bible Maturing Christians Develop | Ephesians 4:12-13 | The Word of God | 2.13.2024
Sermon The Clarity, Immediacy, Difficulty, and Eternity of Christ’s Words (Mark Sermon 75) Mark | Mark 13:28-31 | Second Coming of Christ | 1.28.2024