Sermon Living as Children of the Light (Ephesians Sermon 34) Ephesians | Ephesians 5:8-14 | Glory of God | 4.10.2016
Sermon Do Not Grieve the Holy Spirit (Ephesians Sermon 30) Ephesians | Ephesians 4:30-32 | The Holy Spirit | 3.06.2016
Sermon A Transformed Life of Labor, Love, and Godly Speech (Ephesians Sermon 29) Ephesians | Ephesians 4:28-29 | Sanctification | 2.28.2016
Sermon A Radiant Garment of Holiness Held Out for You to Wear (Ephesians Sermon 27) Ephesians | Ephesians 4:21-24 | Holiness | 2.14.2016
Sermon Filled to the Measure of All the Fullness of God (Ephesians Sermon 21) Ephesians | Ephesians 3:19-21 | Prayer | 12.06.2015
Sermon Without Holiness No One Will See The Lord (Hebrews Sermon 65) Hebrews | Hebrews 12:14 | Holiness | 5.13.2012
Sermon The Lord Disciplines Those He Loves (Hebrews Sermon 63) Hebrews | Hebrews 12:4-11 | Holiness | 4.29.2012