Sermon Paul’s Greatest Treasure: Knowing Christ (Philippians Sermon 14) Philippians | Philippians 3:7-11 | Abiding in Christ | 2.01.2004
Sermon Come Into Christ’s Rest (Matthew Sermon 49) Matthew | Matthew 11:28-30 | Life in the Spirit | 3.23.2003
Sermon Dead to the Law, Fruitful for God, Part 2 (Romans Sermon 42) Romans | Romans 7:1-6 | Life in the Spirit | 10.07.2001
Sermon Dead to the Law, Fruitful for God, Part 1 (Romans Sermon 41) Romans | Romans 7:1-4 | The Law of God | 9.23.2001
Sermon Count Yourself Dead and Alive (Romans Sermon 36) Romans | Romans 6:5-11 | Sanctification | 8.12.2001
Sermon The Wedding Consummation: Christ and His Bride Psalms | Psalm 45:1-45:17 | Fullness in Christ | 11.26.2000
Sermon Salt and Light: Christian Influence on Society (Matthew Sermon 10 of 151) Matthew | Matthew 5:13-5:16 | Fullness in Christ | 3.14.1999