
John 4:27-54 Episode 8 – My Food is to Do the Will of Him Who Sent Me

January 08, 2020

Podcast Series:



John 4:27-54 Episode 8 – My Food is to Do the Will of Him Who Sent Me

In this podcast episode, pastor Andy Davis goes line by line through John 4:27-54. John’s entire purpose of writing his gospel account is so that the readers would believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God. Pastor Andy speaks on Jesus’s passion for winning lost people and challenges us believers today to redeem the time and make the most of it, seeking to be used as instruments in the hands of God. Looking at the text, after Jesus’s conversation with the Samaritan woman ended, His disciples returned from buying food and urged him to eat. Jesus points his disciples’ attention to the Samaritan people and likens them to a field ready for harvest. Leaving the well, the Smartian woman went into the town after finishing her conversation with Jesus and brought many in the town to see Jesus and as a result, many came to faith in Him because of His word.

After Jesus’ disciples returned from buying food, Samaritan woman went to the town and brought all her neighbors to see Jesus. Jesus’ disciples were urging Him to eat, but He told them “My food is to do the will of him who sent me and to accomplish his work.” He then pointed to the Samaritan people as a field ready for harvest. The Samaritan woman went to the town and brought her neighbors to see Jesus. As a result, many Samaritans believed in Jesus because of His word. Jesus then returned to His home area, and He cured the son of a royal official. The man knew that Jesus had done it, and he and his family believed in Jesus. 

After Jesus’ disciples returned from buying food, Samaritan woman went to the town and brought all her neighbors to see Jesus. Jesus’ disciples were urging Him to eat, but He told them “My food is to do the will of him who sent me and to accomplish his work.” He then pointed to the Samaritan people as a field ready for harvest. The Samaritan woman went to the town and brought her neighbors to see Jesus. As a result, many Samaritans believed in Jesus because of His word. Jesus then returned to His home area, and He cured the son of a royal official. The man knew that Jesus had done it, and he and his family believed in Jesus. 

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