
John 3:1-16 Episode 5 – You Must Be Born Again

August 30, 2019

Podcast Series:


The gospel of John was written to bring readers to a saving faith in Christ. In this podcast episode, pastor Andy Davis walks through John 3:1-16. Embedded within this passage is an imperative that we must be born again to enter the kingdom of God. We learn from this passage that being born again is a working of the Holy Spirit, whereby faith, we look to Christ who was crucified on our behalf and lifted up like the bronze serpent. All who look to Jesus will be saved; they will escape punishment in hell and receive salvation and eternal life with God.

One night a Pharisee named Nicodemus came to speak with Jesus. Jesus informed Nicodemus that he had to be “born again” to enter the kingdom of heaven. Then Jesus told Nicodemus of the salvation offered through Jesus Christ. Just like the Israelites were saved by looking at the bronze serpent, so all who looked to Jesus Christ will be saved. God demonstrated his love for sinful humanity, in that he gave his only Son Jesus, so that all who believe in Jesus will escape punishment in hell, and have eternal life with God.

One night a Pharisee named Nicodemus came to speak with Jesus. Jesus informed Nicodemus that he had to be “born again” to enter the kingdom of heaven. Then Jesus told Nicodemus of the salvation offered through Jesus Christ. Just like the Israelites were saved by looking at the bronze serpent, so all who looked to Jesus Christ will be saved. God demonstrated his love for sinful humanity, in that he gave his only Son Jesus, so that all who believe in Jesus will escape punishment in hell, and have eternal life with God.

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