
John 2:1-25 Episode 4 – The Wedding and the Temple

August 20, 2019

Podcast Series:


In this bible study podcast episode, Andy Davis walks through John 2:1-25. After returning to Galilee, Jesus and his disciples went to a wedding in Cana where the first of Jesus’s miraculous signs is recorded. At the wedding, the hosts ran out of wine to serve their guests. Miraculously, Jesus turned water into wine and manifested his glory causing the disciples to believe in Him. After the wedding, Jesus and the disciples went to Jerusalem for the Passover and there Jesus cleansed the temple of the money-changers who had made his Father’s house a house of trade. Shortly after driving out the money-changers, the Jews demanded a sign from Jesus to prove his right to do all these things. Jesus answered the Jews, “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.” Jesus was speaking about the temple of his body.

After Jesus had returned to Galilee, he and his disciples went to a wedding. The hosts ran out of wine, so Jesus graciously performed His first sign by changing water into high-quality wine. When His disciples saw this sign, they believed in Jesus. Then Jesus went to Jerusalem for the Passover, and He found men selling animals in the Temple courts. He drove them from the Temple and he overturned the tables of the people exchanging money. The Jews demanded a sign to prove His right to do all these things. Jesus answered, “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.” This referred to His death and subsequent resurrection on the third day.

After Jesus had returned to Galilee, he and his disciples went to a wedding. The hosts ran out of wine, so Jesus graciously performed His first sign by changing water into high-quality wine. When His disciples saw this sign, they believed in Jesus. Then Jesus went to Jerusalem for the Passover, and He found men selling animals in the Temple courts. He drove them from the Temple and he overturned the tables of the people exchanging money. The Jews demanded a sign to prove His right to do all these things. Jesus answered, “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.” This referred to His death and subsequent resurrection on the third day.

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