Sermon God’s Eternal Purpose, Our Unshakable Joy (Romans Sermon 56) Romans | Romans 8:28-30 | Election & Predestination | 2.17.2002
Sermon Present Suffering, Future Glory (Romans Sermon 54) Romans | Romans 8:18-25 | Joy in Suffering | 2.03.2002
Sermon Adopted Children of God, Part 2 (Romans Sermon 53) Romans | Romans 8:14-17 | Adoption | 1.27.2002
Sermon Adopted Children of God, Part 1 (Romans Sermon 52) Romans | Romans 8:14-17 | Life in the Spirit | 1.20.2002
Sermon The Indwelling Spirit’s Invisible War (Romans Sermon 51) Romans | Romans 8:9-13 | Life in the Spirit | 1.13.2002
Sermon Sinfully Minded versus Spiritually Minded (Romans Sermon 50) Romans | Romans 8:5-8 | Walk by Faith | 1.06.2002
Sermon Law Fully Met in Us Through Christ (Romans Sermon 49) Romans | Romans 8:1-4 | Incarnation | 12.16.2001