Sermon God’s Warning to Rich Oppressors (James Sermon 10) James | James 5:1-6 | Good Works | 3.15.2020
Sermon If the Lord Wills, You Will Live (James Sermon 9) James | James 4:13-17 | Providence and Sovereignty of God | 3.08.2020
Sermon The Nature and Fruits of True Repentance (James Sermon 8) James | James 4:1-12 | Boldness & Courage | 3.01.2020
Sermon Heavenly Wisdom vs. Earthly Wisdom (James Sermon 7) James | James 3:13-18 | Fruit of the Spirit | 2.23.2020
Sermon Why Christians Must Tame the Tongue (James Sermon 6) James | James 3:1-12 | Good Works | 2.16.2020
Sermon How Justified Sinners Display Saving Faith (James Sermon 5) James | James 2:14-26 | Conversion | 2.09.2020
Sermon Responding to God’s Word with Obedience (James Sermon 3) James | James 1:19-27 | Good Works | 1.26.2020