Sermon Offering Work as Worship to Christ (Colossians Sermon 18 of 21) Colossians | Colossians 3:22-4:1 | Good Works | 2.03.2008
Sermon Parents and Children: Living to Please the Lord (Colossians Sermon 17 of 21) Colossians | Colossians 3:20-3:21 | Marriage and Parenting | 1.27.2008
Sermon Marriage in the Lord (Colossians Sermon 16 of 21) Colossians | Colossians 3:18-3:19 | Holiness | 1.13.2008
Sermon Living Life in the Name of Jesus (Colossians Sermon 15 of 21) Colossians | Colossians 3:17-3:17 | Glory of God | 1.06.2008
Sermon The Richness of the Indwelling Word (Colossians Sermon 14 of 21) Colossians | Colossians 3:15-3:16 | Abiding in Christ | 12.16.2007
Sermon Living in Harmony with the People of God (Colossians Sermon 13 of 21) Colossians | Colossians 3:9-3:14 | Brotherly Love | 12.09.2007
Sermon Defeating the Enemy Within, Part 2 (Colossians Sermon 12 of 21) Colossians | Colossians 3:5-3:9 | Indwelling Sin | 12.02.2007
Sermon Defeating the Enemy Within, Part 1 (Colossians Sermon 11 of 21) Colossians | Colossians 3:5-3:8 | Indwelling Sin | 11.25.2007