
Jonathan Edwards’ Treatise on Religious Affections, Part 2

August 20, 2003

What to think when they walk away. Learn about how unbelievers can have false assurance.

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Tonight, we are looking at Edwards’ Treatise on Religious Affections, the second part. I hope you all got a handout. This is a phenomenally significant work that Edwards wrote. Let me set the historical context for you again. Edwards wrote this at the end, or really after one could say after the Great Awakening was really over. The peak of the Great Awakening was finished. And he’s writing now to people who have experienced many things in the religious realm. They’ve been through a lot by this point. They’ve seen more than most of us would ever see. I mean, we haven’t been through a revival like the Great Awakening. And the Great Awakening had an incredible impact in a wide, over a wide area of geography. Many, many people were affected very deeply and very greatly by the moving of the Spirit. But as things started to settle down, some people returned to their old ways.

They didn’t continue walking with the Lord. And so there needed to be some kind of an explanation for what’s going on. Now, there are two different ways to explain what happens when somebody who seems to be a Christian, who has made a profession of faith in Christ, who has lived out, it seems the Christian lifestyle for a while, but then goes back to a life that repudiates Christ. There are two different ways to explain that. What would they be? What would one way be to explain that phenomenon? Somebody who’s a very clear professor of faith in Christ who sits next to you at the revival meetings, who’s just as excited as you are, who goes to all the services the way you do? Who starts attending church, who does all these things, but then after a number of years, they’re not in it at all?

What are the two ways you could explain that? What’s one of the two ways? They never were a Christian. I wouldn’t put Baxter in there, but perhaps. I mean they’re Christian, but I guess that would be a third way that they are behaving contrary to their confession at that point. But one of them is that they weren’t converted. They never really were converted. And what would be another way? The opposite way of understanding that? That they’ve lost their salvation. That they were genuinely converted, that they were redeemed, that they were truly Christian, and they have lost their salvation. And that’s what John Wesley thought as he looked at the situation. He said, it’s very clear, like a dog returning to its vomit. These have returned back to their old way of life. And Edwards tries to explain this through these kind of metaphysical nuances that nobody can follow.

Christianity is a simple thing. You have to hear and repent and believe, that’s all. Christianity and conversion are essentially simple. And therefore, it’s plain and obvious to anybody that these folks have lost their salvation. And even now if they will repent, if God is gracious and gives them time, they can get it back again. That is the Armenian way of looking at this, and this is what Wesley wrote about Treatise on Religious Affections. He read it and didn’t think much of it. This is what he said,

The design of Mr. Edwards in this treatise from which the following extract is made seems to have been chiefly, if not altogether, to serve his onus, namely that these people were not genuinely converted. He’s trying to prove that. In three preceding tracks, he had given an account of the glorious work of God in New England. But in a few years, a considerable part of these turned back as a dog to the vomit.

What was the plain inference to be drawn from this? Why, that a true believer may make ship the shipwreck of his faith. That’s what Wesley said. It’s obvious, isn’t it, that you can lose your salvation.

How then could he evade the force of this? Truly by eating his own words and proving as well as the nature of the thing would bear that they were not believers at all. In order to do this, he heaps together so many curious, subtle metaphysical distinctions as are sufficient to puzzle the brains and confound the intellect of all the plain men and women of the universe. And to make them doubt of if not holy deny all the work which God had wrought in their souls.

So Wesley on Treatise of Religious Affections, what he does say also is, “Out of this dangerous heap wherein there is much wholesome food mixed with much deadly poison, I have selected many remarks and admonitions which may have great use, be of great use to the children of God.”

So, he says there’s some good stuff in here, but there’s some deadly poison as well. Now what was that deadly poison? How did he look at it? Well, basically that it gets you to doubt what God’s done in your life. That conversion is essentially simple, and that Christian faith is essentially simple. And that it is quite possible for someone who is genuinely converted that they would lose their salvation. Now obviously we have some problems here, don’t we? I mean there’s just different ways of looking at experience, but when you look at experience and then say plainly such and such, I’m not so sure that these things are as plain as Wesley thought they were. Is the work of the Holy Spirit a plain and simple obvious thing? I don’t think so. I think that the work of the Holy Spirit is infinitely deep and mysterious and difficult to trace out.

The wind blows where it wishes. It’s very difficult to know what the Spirit is doing. Now we know some things because the scripture tells us. Secondly, are you essentially simple? Are you as a human being, an essentially simple thing? Is your will, your intellect, your emotional state, your affections- are these simple things? No, they’re not. And anyone who’s married can testify that people are not simple, okay? There are complexities involved, and I’m not going to go into gender distinctions right now. There are just complexities involved. People are complex, hearts are complex. And Edwards is wrestling with a very complex thing, namely the work of the Holy Spirit coupled with the mysteries of our own selves, our own minds. Augustine said, I don’t understand myself. Paul said that in Romans 7, I don’t know why I do what I do. I’m a complex being. And so, Edwards is wrestling with this.

And yes, it does seem subtle, and yes, it does seem puzzling. And yes, there do seem to be metaphysical distinctions that are a little hard to follow. It’s not surprising that when you read this you can get lost. That shouldn’t surprise us. And of the three treatises, three sections of the treatise, this one is the most depressing and the most discouraging. So, I’ve had to mix in. Wesley talked about mixing. In this section. he’s going to go through all of those things which are no proof that you are converted. And when you get done with this list of 12 things, you wonder if you’re a Christian. Because you look at all these things and say, I was kind of hoping in these things. I was looking at these and saying, this is how I know that I’m saved. And it really makes you wonder, okay, what’s left?

The love and pursuit of personal holiness by broken-hearted, humbled sinners, this is the mark of regeneration. …this is something that Satan will not counterfeit. He can’t counterfeit it because he’s not holy.

Well, that’s the third section, and we’re not going to get to that tonight. So, I don’t want to leave you a whole week wondering about yourselves and your own Christian experience. So, we’re going to talk about that, the nub of the matter on the third section. Basically, what Edwards is going to say is that the love and pursuit of personal holiness by broken-hearted sinners, this is the mark of regeneration. I’ll say it again, the love and pursuit of personal holiness by broken-hearted, humbled sinners, this is the mark of regeneration. This is what the Holy Spirit does. All the other things that he’s going to list here are good things, but they’re not the essence of it, and they can be counterfeited, but this is something that Satan will not counterfeit. He can’t counterfeit it because he’s not holy. He hates righteousness and he’s never going to work this in anybody.

And so, when you see in yourself hearted by that. What do you think he means by broken-hearted? He says all true gracious or godly affections are broken-hearted affections. We’ll talk about that next week. What does he mean by that? Okay, Psalm 51:17, what does that say, Jack? That’s right. “A broken and contrite spirit, O God, you will not despise.” So basically, you are permanently brokenhearted as a Christian, aren’t you? Not really like, well now I’m healed. I’m so full of myself. I’m healthy and strong again. It’s not that. You definitely feel the rest of your life that you are a sinner in need of God’s grace at every moment. And so, you feel that and yet there’s a great joy in that because you know have full forgiveness. You know that Christ has paid the penalty for your sins, and yet you don’t trust in yourself.

There’s a broken heart, blessed are those who mourn. The spiritual beggars, these are the ones who are in the kingdom of heaven. But that’s not enough to just be brokenhearted. There’s also a longing and pursuit and love for personal holiness. What do we mean by that? So true. And the more I look at this and then say it just feels so right. The more of it I come back to the beatitudes and realize how Christ nailed it right at the beginning of the Sermon of the Mount, because these are the things. Blessed are those who are spiritual beggars, who know themselves to be destitute and have no resources inside themselves for this. Blessed are those who mourn, that’s being broken-hearted. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be satisfied. This is what Christ said is the essence of kingdom life and Edwards is just putting it in different words. But when he lists out these 12 things that we’re going to look at tonight, which are no sure and certain sign of regeneration, you’ll be amazed. And you’ll start to realize how cheap it is to enter an evangelical church these days.

How easy it is to be considered to be an eminent saint even. And how careful Edwards was about those things. We’re going to see it. Now the first few pages here are review, and I don’t think we really have time for it. We just talked last time about the nature of affections and their importance in religion. So, I just condensed the lecture from last time on the first page and a half, but you can read that. I’m going to just launch in now into Part 2, “Showing what are no certain signs that religious affections are gracious.”

Lemme say this one thing about last time, which is two weeks ago. Basically, his point is that affections are the essence of true religion, true Christianity, the essence of true faith in Christ. True religion in Christ is essentially affection. Now we define what that meant. In that the human mind or heart has the ability not only to know and understand or perceive something, to know its attributes and its nature, the intellectual side, the mental side. But also to either be attracted to or away from it, to yearn for it and to want it, to like it or love it, or to dislike it or hate it. That we do this kind of thing. And so we are moved in our affections toward holy things toward God. And he’s saying that this affection is very much the essence of true religion.

Now realize that he’s fighting on two different battles. There are some, Chauncey and the old lights, that are saying that these excesses are bad. They actually are proof that these people are not converted. They don’t have that sober-minded, serious duty, dutiful dedication to the laws and the rules and all that, that we see in a sober-minded intellectual understanding of doctrine. That’s the old lights. And he’s arguing against them, saying, “No religion is very much in the affections.” But on the other hand, he’s arguing against those that just go so far the other direction that say the more affections, the more emotions, the more display the better. And so, he’s got to be so careful and find the right place.

Alright, that’s a very quick summary of last time’s discussion. Let’s dig in now into this part. And now what he’s going to do is he’s going to begin to discern things. One of the aspects of the Christian life is that we have is the ability to discern. To see the difference between things, to be able to taste the food and see what’s good and to see what’s not good. And that’s what he’s doing in such a very careful way here, and this is typical of Edwards. He does the same thing in the Marks of a Revival of God. How can you tell when God is doing a revival and when he is not? What are the marks of a work of the Holy Spirit generally in people? So, he’s doing the same thing now. And so he’s going to begin negatively. It’s going to begin negatively. So we’re going to have an essentially negative study tonight in which we’re looking through 12 things, which he says are no sign or mark either way, whether you are converted. You see, it’s no mark either way.

These things showing what are no certain signs that religious affections are gracious, that is saving grace from God, or that they are not. And now he’s not going to do this equally with all 12 because some of them he doesn’t even need to defend one of the sides. Nobody would claim that if you have lots of love it proves you’re not a Christian. Nobody was saying that, and so he didn’t waste any time arguing. Chauncey and the old lights and nobody said that. So why wasn’t it? There’s no Christian on earth that says, I’ll tell you what, if I see a lot of love from you, I know you’re not a Christian. Okay, he didn’t need to waste any time on that, so he only argued on the one side. Just because there seems to be a display of love doesn’t mean you are a Christian.

That’s what he’s going to be doing. But in many of these cases he’s got to go on both sides. He’s got to show that just because you have a lot of affections doesn’t mean you’re not a Christian, arguing against those old lights. All right? Just because you’re not doesn’t mean. But on the other hand, just because you do have them doesn’t mean you are a Christian. So, he’s always got to be looking at both sides of the coin and he does so very, very well. Now let’s look at the list of 12 things and see what he says are no certain signs that you are born again or that you’re not either way.

Number one, strong and high affections is no proof either way concerning someone’s conversion. Secondly, that someone’s affections have a strong effect on their body is no proof either way concerning their conversion. That thirdly, affections cause someone to become very fluent, fervent and abundant in talking about Christ and spiritual things is no proof either way concerning their conversion. Fourth, that someone did not manufacture or stimulate those affections on their own is no proof either way concerning their conversion. Sorry, number five, that those affections come with many texts of scripture is no proof either way concerning their conversion. Number six, that there is an appearance of love in them is no proof. Number seven, having many different kinds of religious affections is no proof. Number eight, that comforts and joys in spiritual things follow a great torment of soul in a certain order is no proof. I’ll talk about that in a moment. But number nine, that these religious affections cause someone to spend much time in religion and to be zealously engaged in the external duties of worship is no proof. Number 10 that these affections lead people to praise and glorify God with their mouths is no proof. Number 11, that these affections make the people that have them exceedingly confident that what they experience is divine, and that they’re in a good estate is no proof. Number 12, that the outward manifestations of these affections and the accounts people give of them are very affecting and pleasing to the godly is no proof. Well, even that might be a little wordy for you. So, what I did was I boiled it down even simpler. Albert Einstein said everything should be made as simple as possible but not simpler.

Now, I don’t know if I’ve gone too simple here, but I’ve tried to simplify that list of 12 and get it down to its lowest level simplified list. First of all, strong high religious affections, no proof. Have lots of strong feelings, religious feelings? That’s no proof.  Secondly, to have those affections have some effect on your body. You might say, what are you talking? Well, I mean if you’ve been through a revival, you probably, I mean there’s dancing in the aisles. I mean there are people rolling on the ground. There are people that show with their bodies that things have happened. There are some people that weep, that cry out. That like when he preached Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God, people thought that the ground was going to open up under their feet and that they were going to be swallowed up into hell. And if you had been watching them, you would’ve seen bodily effects of their affections, what they were going through. Thirdly, fluent fervent and abundant talk about Christ is no proof. Being able to talk about the things of God, and be fervent in that talk. And say many things and even accurate things. It’s no proof. Number four that you believe these affections came from outside you is no proof. To say, Hey, this isn’t like me. These kinds of things don’t happen to me. I didn’t manufacture. This came on me from the outside. It’s no proof. Number five that you have lots of texts of scripture to support what’s happened to you is no proof. Number six, having an appearance of love is no proof. Now Edwards will say having a genuine love for God and love for neighbor is proof, but love can be counterfeited and he’s going to talk about that. And he’s talking here about an appearance of love and having that is no proof. Number seven, having many different kinds of religious affections, a kind of Golden Corral experience in which it’s not just one thing but many things on your plate. Some of you are cringing, maybe you just don’t like Golden Corral, but I mean there are buffets in which you can load up on your plate just to have a variety of these things is no proof.

It’s very interesting that he points that one out and I’ll tell you more later why I find that interesting. He’s a very careful man. Number eight, that torment of soul gave way in the end to joy is no proof. Now this is kind of big. And we’ll talk more about it, but the Puritans especially had a kind of pattern of conversion that you went through certain agonies of the soul. And it was caused by the law and terrors of the law.

And it resulted in a kind of crying out against yourself for a period of time. And then after that would come a certain relief and release that you had been forgiven, and that God was merciful to you. And you were then convinced that you were converted. There was a program, and it almost became ritualistic. As so often happens you can go from tradition to traditionalism. And this is the way, and when you start to realize that everybody coming forward to give testimony gave the same testimony.

That’s why Richard Baxter had to say, “God breaketh not all men alike.” Not everybody gets broken by the Spirit the same way. Have your own testimony. Tell us what God really did in your life. It doesn’t all have to be the same thing. But anyway, even if you do get the grade A, blue-ribbon approved conversion testimony story doesn’t mean that it’s genuinely you’re genuinely converted. Okay, number nine, lots of religious service and external worship is no proof. And number 10, praising and glorifying God with your mouth is no proof.

Number 11, this is striking. “Having a strong confidence and assurance based on these affections is no proof.” Now think about evangelism explosion. Don’t we basically ask them to give an assessment of their assurance? If you were to die tonight, tell me how sure you would be that you were going to heaven. We are always asking people about their assurance. And if they don’t have a hundred percent assurance, we think they need the gospel. And we’re going to share the gospel with them because, “99% assured is a hundred percent lost,” one preacher said. 99% assured is a hundred percent lost.

Is that true? Where do you find that in the Bible? What do you think Peter’s level of assurance was when the cock crowed that night? A hundred percent lost. Jesus said, “I pray for you that your faith will not fail” (Luke 22:32). He wasn’t lost at all, but he had a pretty tough night that night. And his assurance was about as low as I think you’re going to find it. But flip side, is it true that a hundred percent assured is a hundred percent saved? Because you are absolutely convinced that you’re saved? Are you? I don’t know. How convinced were the Pharisees that they were saved? They were at 110% and working on 111%! They were going up. Okay, number 12, having a compelling testimony that godly people that other godly people love and put their stamp of approval on. All of these people say, now this person’s a Christian, is no proof.

Alright, now you say, Wow, what’s left? You look at that and you say, I’ve got nothing left to stand on. But you got to realize- now you look at these 12 things, realize that these things actually are part of a healthy Christian life, and they are good things that God does. And so, you can get to be alienated from the list and say, okay, I don’t want any of those things. That’s the wrong reaction. You should want all of these things. These are good things. To talk a lot about your faith is a good thing. And to be active and praising God with your mouth is a good. All of these are fruit on the tree but they’re not the essence of the tree. That’s what he’s saying. And the fruit can be taped by the devil onto the tree without there being a genuine living principle there.

That’s what he’s getting at here. Alright, well let’s take them apart and look at them one at a time. As time allows, we’re not going to really have the time to go through all of these equally. As a matter of fact, I didn’t even do that on your sheet. I’m urging you to read this on your own. My little synopsis here will not do it justice. Let’s look at the first: strong and high affections. There’s no proof either way concerning someone’s conversion. And by the way, just when you begin this process and start to accept that this process is valid, you begin to realize how revolutionary that is in an evangelical church. Because it’s so easy to just take everything at face value and just assume that because somebody comes regularly to church and that they talk a lot about Christianity, and I mean the standards get impossibly low almost in evangelical churches.

I mean looking for some evidence and even the slightest little thing. And then we’ll say, well they were, saved, they just didn’t really lead a great Christian life. Well, I’ll tell you this for myself. I get anxious about that as a pastor, I don’t settle for that. And it’s a hard thing to break into that and say, don’t trust in these things. These things are no sure certain proof for you. Let’s look instead at what’s really going on in your heart to be sure that you know the Lord. And I say of all the things in pastoral ministry, that is among the most painful. To take somebody who you believe as a pastor is falsely assured and to do the work needed to bring them to that same conclusion so that they will genuinely trust in the Lord is a very difficult and painful journey. You can imagine because they’re going to fight you every step of the way. And you’re taking away what they clung to all this time.

It’s very, very hard, but it needs to be done, alright. Number one, strong and high affections. No proof either way, alright? It is no proof that you are not converted if you have strong religious affections. Now that might seem odd to you, but that’s what these old lights, Chauncey and all them were saying. If we see this big enthusiastic outward affection thing, you don’t really know what Christianity is. Well, he’s got to argue against that. And that’s the very thing he did in the whole first section of his treatise anyway, isn’t it? Who’s going to say that we should not have a very strong love for Christ? You have too much love for Christ. I mean, who would ever argue that? That’s an odd position to take. Or that we should not have a very great hatred of evil? And be actually emotional about it and have a reaction to it. To a temptation or something? I actually think our reactions are too weak, too flaccid. And Edward says, no, drive them on to where God is. Have a strong and passionate response to evil like Jesus did.

Or number three, that we should have a very strong yearning for holiness. These are affections. The main text that he’s working on speaks of very strong affections. 1 Peter 1:8, “Though you have not seen him, you love him. And even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy.” That’s pretty strong affection, isn’t it? And so, if this is what Peter’s enjoining, so much for Chauncey in the old lights. Because that is very strong affection. That’s passionate language, isn’t it?

Number five, there is much evidence in scripture about very high affections as part of the healthy Christian life. Jesus commanded it, didn’t he? Luke 6:23, “If you’re persecuted for righteousness’ sake,” he told you, ‘Rejoice in that day and leap for joy.'” And when was the last time you leapt for joy? I think it’s been a while for me. I’m not a leaper. Okay, okay, but maybe I need to be more of a leaper. Okay? Jesus commands leap for joy here. What would Chauncey think of that? What would the old lights think of that leaping thing? We got to be careful of that leaping. But Jesus said, leap for joy because great is your reward in heaven, because that’s how they persecuted to the prophets.

Number six, the Psalms are filled with passionate expressions. Psalm 119:97, “O how I love your law, meditate on it all day long.” It’s interesting to do an original language study on the word O. There’s a number of words that are translated O, and they have no business there except emotion. They’re affectionate words, they’re passionate words. Sometimes the English translates O just in the direct address the so-called evocative case. Whenever we’re speaking to Lord, I love you, Oh Lord, that’s not the word I’m talking about. But there’s another word that does like, “O, the depths of the riches, the wisdom, the knowledge of God, how unsearchable his judgments” (Romans 11:33). That’s just passionate language, isn’t it? And it’s just the Greek omega, just a single letter. And the NASB 119:53 says, “Burning indignation has seized me because of the wicked who forsake your law.” Burning indignation. That sounds like strong passion, doesn’t it? Sounds like affections. Psalm 119:136, “Streams of tears flow from my eyes for your law is not obeyed.” I was very convicted by my study of Psalm 119 and how passionate the psalmist is, and how my heart isn’t like this. I don’t cry when God’s word is disobeyed, but the psalmist did.

Paul and John the Baptist expressed affections in Christ. John the Baptist said, “The bride belongs to the bridegroom. The friend who attends the bridegroom waits and listens for him and is full of joy when he hears the bridegroom’s voice. That joy is mine and it is now perfect” (John 3:29). I mean he’s just filled with joy at hearing Jesus’ voice, filled with joy. And so also Philippians 1:8, “For God is my witness, how I long for all of you with the affection of Christ Jesus.” Very affectionate language there. 2 Timothy 1:4, same thing with his relationship with Timothy, “Recalling your tears, I long to see you so that I may be filled with joy.” Timothy apparently cried when he said goodbye to Paul. Back in those days when you said goodbye to somebody, it could be for life. I mean it was just hard to move around.

And if he knew that Paul was going a long distance away, he might never see him again and he cried. And he said, “Recalling your tears, I long to see you.” And there’s every indication with this being 2 Timothy that he never saw him again. That was his last letter. He expected to die soon. So, a lot of affection, a lot of emotion there. The church rejoiced greatly in Christ’s resurrection and ascension. They worshiped him and returned to Jerusalem with great joy. There’s a lot of evidence about this. We don’t have to work too hard to prove this.

Number nine, saints and angels in heaven are characterized by displays of affection. Edwards put it this way, the saints and angels in heaven that have religion in its highest perfection are exceedingly affected with what they behold in contemplated God’s perfections and works. They are all as a pure flame of fire in their love and in the greatness and strength of their joy and gratitude. Revelation 19:1-7. This is a little slice of heavenly affection is what it is. “After this, I heard what sounded like the roar of a great multitude in heaven shouting,” stop there. I mean that is passion going on up there in heaven. “The roar of a multitude shouting, ‘Hallelujah! Salvation and glory and power belong to our God, for true and just are his judgments.'” What are they celebrating? They’re celebrating like the seven bowls and the seven vials and the seven trumpets. I mean they are just worshiping God for what he’s doing. And he’s pouring out wrath, but they know that he’s clearing the way for the coming of Christ. That Jesus is coming back now. Revelation 19 is the Second Coming chapter, and they’re just on the edge of their seat if they’re even seated. They’re probably standing and jumping up and down. “Come, Lord Jesus,” they’re shouting. “But salvation and glory and power belong to our God, true and just are his judgments; he has condemned the great prostitute who corrupted the earth by her adulteries. He has avenged on her the blood of his servants. And again, they shouted,” stop there. I mean they just don’t stop, do they? They’re just so excited, and they’re so thrilled. And non-Christians tell us that heaven’s going to be a boring place. My goodness, this is not boredom I’m reading here. “They shouted again, ‘Hallelujah! The smoke from her goes up forever and ever.” They’re worshiping God for his wrath here. The 24 elders and the four living creatures fell down and worshiped God who is seated on the throne. They did what? They fell down. These are bodily expressions. Do they have bodies? I don’t know. But they fell down. They fell down. And they’re just filled with joy. And they worship God who is seated on the throne.

And they cried, “Amen. Hallelujah!’ And then a voice came from the throne saying, ‘Praise our God, all you servants, you who fear him, both small and great.’ Then I heard what sounded like a great multitude, like the roar of rushing waters and like loud peals of thunder.” Well, he already said that in verse 1, so he’s got to be adding even more. It was like that was, but this is louder now, okay, “Shouting, hallelujah! For our Lord God Almighty reigns.” That’s the hallelujah verse. You know that don’t you? The hallelujah chorus. That’s what Handel was reading when he said this, and he did his feeble best to put into earthly music what is really going to go on, on that day in heaven. And you say feeble. Yes, feeble. Compared to what the saints and the angels in heaven were doing it is just an earthly echo.

Verse seven, “Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory, for the wedding of the Lamb has come, and his Bride has made herself ready.” Now if that’s not passion, I don’t know what is. That? That’s a hot place. There’s a lot of passion there. And therefore, it is clearly concluded that great and high displays of affection are no proof that you are not converted. Isn’t it obvious? But now is it proof that you are converted? That’s what he’s going to argue now.

Because you have big, high displays of affection and emotion, does that prove that you’re born again? Frequently in the text he will say, on the other hand, and when you read that, if you have a copy you could write in, you circle that because that’s where he’s turning to deal with the other folks. And just about every time in each one of these points he says, now on the other hand, it is no proof the other way that you are converted, if you have these big shows of affection and emotion.

There are many examples of people in scripture who have strong religious affections who are not certainly converted. We don’t know for a fact that the Galatians were converted. You could say, well, wait a minute. Well, was Paul certain they were converted? He wasn’t. He was concerned because they were getting swept away by a false gospel. And that’s not the mark of conversion, okay? Converted people don’t get swept away with a gospel of works. They stand firm in that day of testing. They hear Christ’s voice, and they will not follow the voice of another. They know. And so, they’re not going to follow. And he says, “I fear for you that somehow I have wasted my effort on you,” Galatians 4:11. Is he certain that they’re converted? No, he’s not.

And that’s why there’s such a strong, strong tone here in Galatians. It’s such a serious letter, isn’t it? He doesn’t even bother to commend them, usually he commends everybody. Ephesians get their commendation. The Philippians get their commendation. Galatians get nothing. They get, “I’m shocked that you’re so quickly abandoning the gospel.” That’s what they get. And what does he say in Galatians 4:15-16? He says, “What has happened to all your joy? I can testify that if you could have done so, you would’ve torn out your eyes and given them to me. Have I now become your enemy by telling you the truth?” Okay, well he talks about some joy there, doesn’t he? And not just a little joy, but all your joy. So apparently, they were very joyful about their conversion, very joyful because displays of the Spirit were shown. There were miracles, I believe. There were all kinds of stuff going on, and they were really excited about that. But now he doesn’t even know if they’re converted. Doesn’t that prove that you can have great and high displays of affection, and yet it’s no sure and certain sign that you were born again?

How about the Israelites after the Red Sea? How did they feel on the other side of the Red Sea? If you walked around and asked, are you feeling emotional right now? What would they have said? Oh, they were feeling emotional. They even wrote a poem. They even sang and danced to tambourines. I mean they were having a very, very emotional experience. They really were. “Moses and the Israelites sang this song to the LORD, ‘I will sing to the LORD, for he is highly exalted; the horse and his rider he has hurled into the sea. The LORD is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation; He is my God, and I will praise him, my father’s God, and I will exalt him'” (Exodus 15:1-2). And then later in the chapter, verse 20, “Then Miriam, the prophetess, Aaron’s sister took a tambourine in her and all the women followed her with tambourines and dancing. Miriam sang to them, ‘Sing to the LORD, for he is highly exalted; the horse and rider, he has hurled into the sea.” So, they’re definitely having an affection there. There’s definitely emotion, there’s definitely passion. And it’s not a little, it’s a lot. Strong passion. And I would argue that you probably haven’t had any religious affections as high as the Israelites on the other side of the Red Sea. I mean that was incredible. And they wrote psalms about it for centuries after that. To actually see what it was like. And to see Pharaoh and his army finally destroyed. And they’re finally free. And they know it’s done now. They are really, truly free. What a moment, what a moment. And yet the next verse even (Exodus 15:22-24), “Then Moses led Israel from the Red Sea, and they went into the desert of Shur. For three days they traveled in the desert without finding water. When they came to Mara, they could not drink its water because it was bitter. That’s why the place is called Mara. So, the people grumbled against Moses.” Is that a big deal, that grumbling thing? Oh, it’s a huge deal. And as a matter of fact, God mentions it many times and talks about it. David talks about it in Psalm 95, the fact that they hardened their hearts and grumbled against the Lord. They did not trust him and therefore they didn’t believe in him. And therefore, they were not converted. Some of them were, but not many. And Paul himself says they are examples of people who were baptized in the Red Sea and ate the bread and all that using that Christian terminology. And said, “Yet God was not pleased with most of them. Their bodies were scattered in the desert” (1 Corinthians 10:5). So, they had very high affections, and yet they were not genuinely converted.

How about the crowds of Jerusalem after Lazarus had been raised? That was a big moment, wasn’t it? When Jesus said, Lazarus come forth, and he came forth. Those people apparently were the ones that really fired up the “Hosanna! Hosanna!” celebration when Jesus entered Jerusalem. That’s what it says in John 12:13, middle of the page, “They took palm branches and went out to meet him, shouting, “Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord, blessed is the King of Israel!” And then 12:17 there at the top under number three there, it says the crowd that was with him when he had called Lazarus from the tomb and raised him from the dead, continued to spread the word. Do you see that? Many people, because they had heard that he had given this miraculous sign, went out to meet him. So, the Pharisees said to one another, see, this is getting us nowhere. Look how the whole world has gone out after him.

So, we have to assume that the people did not go out in a flat unemotional state. I mean, is that a fair assumption that when they were saying Hosanna, they weren’t saying Hosanna, Hosanna. They actually had a lot of affections; they had a lot of emotions. It was a very high day for them. And again, one might argue that you haven’t experienced any emotions as high as seeing Jesus ride in because they thought that he was the king. And this was the time, and the Romans were finished. And there it was. They were so excited about this. If he can raise the dead, we are undefeatable. I mean because we have good fighters anyway. But even if they have a lot more than us, we’ll just get Jesus to keep raising them from the dead. And I mean, it’s just going to be kind of tough to beat us at this point.

And frankly, if he can do that, we probably won’t even die anyway. He will protect us and be powerful. And so, they really thought this was it. And I would have to imagine that their affections, their emotions were very, very high at that point. Look what Edwards writes about this, “And how quickly was this ado at an end?” Do you see that? “All of this nature is quelled and dead when Jesus stands bound with a mock robe and a crown of thorns to be derided, spat upon, scourged, condemned and executed? Indeed, there was a great and loud outcry concerning him among the multitude then as well as before, but of a very different kind. It’s not then hosanna, hosanna, but crucify, crucify! And why? Well, I think they felt jilted. I really do. I think that there was a backlash at that point. This is not what they expected, and the Romans are going to win again.

I mean, I think they were angry at Jesus for being so weak. And that’s why there was such a vengeance. They were like beasts of prey. Of course, they were whipped up by the chief priests and the Pharisees and all that, but they were the ones who called it out. They were responsible. And so, what I’m saying is you can have very, very high displays of affection and yet not be converted. Not be converted. Edward’s conclusion, “It is a concurring voice of all orthodox divines that there may be religious affections which are raised to a very high degree, and yet there be nothing of true religion.” Wow, that’s huge, isn’t it? Number two, that someone’s affections have strong effect on their body is no proof either way concerning their conversion. I mean, this might be good for our Pentecostal brothers and sisters. I mean to them it’s a very great mark of being born again, that there’s certain physical displays. And the more displays, I think the greater the piety really. I mean you’re really into it. You’re really able to worship like David dancing before the ark. The fact that you can really do this shows I think a great deal of piety. So they would believe, but what he’s saying is all affections, all affections have some effect on the body, don’t they? I mean he said, I don’t, that’s questionable whether an embodied soul ever so much as thinks one thought or has any exercise at all, but that there’s some corresponding motion to the fluids of the body. We are just married to our bodies, aren’t we? And if you’re going to feel high affections as in the first point, could it be that there’s going to be a physical display of that in the second point? And so, these two really go together. If you’re going to concede that having very high and great affections, there’s no sure uncertain proof that you’re born again, then the bodily thing comes right next to it.

And so, this really doesn’t, you don’t have to work that hard. Now what he said, it’s no proof that you’re not converted either. Some might say this is kind of demonic. To have a bodily display of your love for Christ is evil or wrong. Well, he says that’s false. And frankly throughout the scriptures we’re going to see, you see a lot of bodily displays or demonstrations of great affections. Like Daniel for example, Daniel 10:8, “So I was left alone gazing at this great vision. I had no strength left. My face turned deathly pale, and I was helpless.” Other times the angel had to help him up because he was collapsed and prostrate on the ground. Revelation 1:17, “And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as though dead.” Now that’s a physical bodily reaction to an internal affection, isn’t it? Nobody made him fall dead at Christ’s feet, but John just fell dead as one dead at the feet of the resurrected Christ.

And how about in Hebrews 12:21, Moses at the foot of Mount Sinai? The sight was so terrifying that Moses said, I am trembling with fear. This is Moses, and he is beside himself with terror at the foot of Mount. So, there are going to be physical displays. And that doesn’t mean you’re not converted. However, it is no proof either that you are converted if you have these. Great effects on the body are no sure evidence that the affections are spiritual for we see that such effects oftentimes arise from great affections about temporal things.” Like what? Well, like a ball game. Of course they didn’t have ball games back then. But have you ever seen great physical effects of the body of affections at ball games? Yes, standing ovations, crowds, cheering, the wave, all that. Those are bodily displays of affection aren’t, they? They don’t prove anything. They don’t prove a thing. And so just because your body is doing this does not mean that you are born again.

Thirdly, that affections cause someone to become very fluent, fervent, and abundant in Christ. And spiritual things is no proof either way concerning their conversion. Many people tend to be taken in by this one. How he talks, especially if he never talked like that before. If you say, well, you should have heard his language before, but now all he can talk about are spiritual things. Now talking much about religion is a good thing. If you’re born again out of the fullness of the heart, the mouth speaks. And I have said before, I’ve preached, and I still think it’s true, that all Christ needs is the a hundred percent catalog of your words. And he will accurately judge your soul accurately. He can do that.

So, he said, just give me your words and I’ll know what to do. But he can do that. We can’t do that. And what he’s saying is just because somebody else as you’re listening is talking a lot about spiritual things, does not mean certainly that they’re born again. Now talking much about religion is a good thing. It says in Colossians 4:6, “Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt.” So, talk a lot. It says then, “About what?” It says, talk about Christ. 1 Peter 4:11, “If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God.” So converted people to talk much about their conversions, about the thing of God, things of God. But neither is true that much fluent, fervent, knowledgeable talk is absolute proof that you are converted. Like in Luke 1:65, “After John the Baptist was born, the neighbors were all filled with awe. And throughout the hill country of Judea, people were talking about all these things.” Were they excited? Were they talking a lot about them? Oh, certainly they were lots of talk. Were they all converted? I doubt it. There’s no indication that the entire hillside of Judea did not need Christ, that they were converted, that they were now in the kingdom of God. I think they were just excited and talking. Luke 5:15, “Yet the news about him (this time, Christ) spread all the more so that the crowds of people came to hear him and be healed of their sicknesses.” Now, do you think that everyone that Jesus physically healed was converted?

Was everybody that Jesus physically healed, were they all converted? No. As a matter of fact, in John 5 he warns somebody that he has healed. He says, look, you’re well again, stop sinning or something worse might happen to you. Worse than 40 years of paralysis? Oh yes, much worse. He’s warning him about hell, isn’t he? And so, he warns him about his spiritual state even though his body’s been healed. So, here’s the deal though. If you have been physically healed miraculously about Jesus, by Jesus, do you think you’re going to go talk about it among your neighbors? Do you think you’ll be bored about it or excited about it? Probably very excited. Do you think you’ll talk a little or a lot? A lot! And you’ll spread it all around, won’t you? As a matter of fact, Jesus even asked some of them not to do that, but they did it anyway. Is that proof that they’re converted, that they talked a lot about this spiritual thing that happened to them? No, it isn’t.

John 7:12, “Among the crowds there was widespread whispering about him. Some said, ‘He’s a good man,’ others replied, ‘No, he deceives the people.'” Widespread whispering. Do you see that? Lots of talk about him.  Why were they whispering, by the way? They were afraid. They were afraid. Afraid of the Jews. Yes. “No one would say anything publicly about him for fear of the Jews.” Why did John put that in there? Because he wants you to know that these folks are afraid to die. They’re afraid. Now, open testimony to Christ is evidence of spiritual maturity and the lack of it is no proof that you’re not born again. I mean, there are people that wimp out in key moments, but at the same time, what he’s saying is there was lots of communication going on about Jesus. We’re not certain what the spiritual state is of those that were doing the talking.

Or how about the palace guards that were sent to arrest Jesus, and they came back empty handed? Remember? Remember what they said? “No one ever talked the way this man did.” So, they were talking about Jesus. Were they converted? Maybe some of them were, I don’t know. And then there’s the false teachers in 2 Peter 2:17-18, “Many are springs without water and mist driven by a storm. Blackest darkness is reserved for them, for they mouth empty, boastful words. And by appealing to the lustful desires of sinful human nature, they entice people who are just escaping from those who live in error.” False teachers do a lot of talking, fervent talking about spiritual things. But 2 Peter 2 is a dreadful chapter. Now these people are bound for the worst place in hell. I mean, it’s a terrible, terrible thing to be a false teacher, terrible thing. And yet they do a lot of talking about spiritual things.

The Holy Spirit works in whatever way he chooses.

Number four, that someone did not manufacture or stimulate those affections on their own is no proof either way concerning their conversion. It’s no proof that you’re not converted. And this is a little subtle, and frankly I’m not going to take time, okay? It really is. It’s tough. But basically, the old lights were saying that the Holy Spirit always worked in a certain way and that if he worked in this other way, it proves you’re not converted. But he said that’s foolish. The Holy Spirit works in whatever way he chooses. And just because he doesn’t follow your recipe doesn’t mean you’re not converted. But let’s not spend much time on that. I don’t think there’s anyone in this room that will argue that. But God does convert some people in a very dramatic and spectacular way for his glory.

He wants the saints to know when he has worked so that he can get all the glory. And then he says this key phrase, as I pointed out before, on the other hand, there’s no certain proof that you believe your affections to have come to you from the outside yourself. Now here’s the thing. You say, look, I know myself. This isn’t like me. I don’t do this kind of thing. This has kind of come on me from the outside and that proves that I’m born again. Does it? First of all, we don’t really understand the demonic world. There are spirits out there that are not the Holy Spirit, and therefore it says in 1 John 4:1, “Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they’re from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.” Do those demonic spirits have an influence on people?

Can they lead somebody astray into a false faith? Of course they can. That’s the essence of idolatrous religions. Is that demons have led people astray into worshiping passionately things that are false. So just because something comes on you from the outside doesn’t mean it’s good. It may actually be openly demonic and lead you into an idolatrous faith, a false faith. It is the religion of demons. So, we don’t understand the spiritual world. So just because something came from the outside doesn’t mean that for sure you’re converted. Secondly, we don’t action ourselves. How do you know you’re not really like this? How do you know that this came from the outside, and it isn’t you? Could it be that this was just part of who you were, but you were repressing it all this time? You don’t really know yourself, do you? So that’s no proof.

And thirdly, and this is interesting, could be that the Holy Spirit is doing it, but short of conversion, there are actually influences of the Holy Spirit that don’t finally in the end, convert. Many good influences frankly of the Holy Spirit. I believe this is exactly what’s going on in Hebrews 6. Hebrews 6:4-6, he says, “It is impossible for those who have once been enlightened, who have tasted the heavenly gift, who have shared in the Holy Spirit, who have tasted the goodness of the word of God and the powers of the coming age if they fall away to be brought back to repentance.” How do I interpret this? Well, I believe that what was going on is that the Holy Spirit was doing something exceptional among these Jewish Christians that had to do with signs and wonders, miracles, prophecy, perhaps speaking in tongues.

All the kinds of sign gifts of the Spirit were at work, and people were observing that. They were breathing in the air of that spiritual atmosphere. They were tasting of the heavenly gift. They were partaking of the Holy Spirit. And that perhaps brought a change on them, in their affections at some level, but they were not converted. And so, they move along with Christ for a while. But when the persecution came, when the sun came up, plants withered, and they were scorched because they had no roots. They fell away. The persecution came. They didn’t have the resources to make it. So they were breathing in the air of the Holy Spirit. They were influenced in some way, moved to some level of affection, but they were not converted. So, he gives three answers to this.

Fifth that those affections come with many texts of scriptures, no proof either way, concerning their conversion. Obviously, it’s no proof you’re not converted. If you can cite many scriptures, the more scriptures you cite, the less convinced I am that you’re a Christian. I mean, nobody would say that. So, he doesn’t even bother answering that. I hate it when they quote scripture. Obviously, nobody would would say that, and so he doesn’t bother with it. But is it proof that you’re a walking Bible, that you can just spout lots of verses that you are definitely converted? Definitely it is not. There are people that know the Bible far better than me or you that are not converted. It’s true. Affections can rise from understanding a portion of the Bible. The person still is unconverted.

For example, Matthew 13:20-21, this should be familiar, we just heard it in Sunday morning preaching a few weeks ago. “The one who received the seed that fell in the rocky place is the man who hears the word, and at once receives it.” What? With joy. That’s an emotion, isn’t it? That’s an affection. He’s moved. He’s moved by the word. It’s moved him to an affectionate level. Is he a Christian? Is he converted? No, he’s not. “When the sun comes up, trouble of persecution comes because of the word he quickly falls away.” The devil himself quoted the scripture to Christ. Therefore, he’s not afraid to misuse the Bible for his own purposes. Man’s own foolishness can also twist scripture for his own purposes and for his own emotional benefit. So just the ability to spout lots of scripture and even specific scriptures that seem to connect to your situation does not prove that you’re converted.

Six, that there is an appearance of love is no proof. Again, no one would claim that lots of love proves you’re not a Christian. So, he skipped that. But then he says, on the other hand, it is no certain sign that you are truly converted. There is an appearance of love. Why does he say appearance? Because actually it’s a very weighty thing if there’s genuine love. Because remember how he said that true Christianity is in the affection and that’s love. Love is the most excellent thing and that’s his point. Do we counterfeit the most worthless thing? No. The more valuable something is more likely it is to be counterfeited, right? Nobody is making a fake of wantings. It’s true. If I made one, do you think there’d be anybody that would say, I’m going to make a forgery of that. Okay, and I’m going to have that forgery and people will think it’s an original Andy Davis, but it isn’t.

Who’s going to counterfeit something that’s worthless? Now my kids will say, daddy, it’s not worthless, we like your drawings. But it’s worth it to them and they can counterfeit them if they want. But nobody else would counterfeit one of my drawings. They’re worthless. But would somebody counterfeit a Rembrandt or a Van Gogh? It’s been done. It’s been done. And so also, would the devil counterfeit love? Yes, he would. And he has, he counterfeits love. And so, there’s evidence in scripture for example, Matthew 24:12-13. Jesus said because of the increase of wickedness at the end of the world because the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, that he who stands firm to the end will be saved. Well, you can’t have love grow cold if you had no love to begin with. You see that? And so, they had a love, but it wasn’t the fruit of conversion.

It was a different kind of love. And I think that parents can have a love for their children and be unconverted. I really do. I think people can have love for their country, their homeland, and be unconverted. There’s actually lots of different kinds of loves and affections, but there’s a special kind that comes as a direct result of being converted. And he’ll talk about that in the third section. But this is an appearance of love. Having many different kinds of religious affection is no proof. I’m going to skip this one because I’m going to comment at the end. On page 10 I just list the different counterfeited affections, sorrow for sin. Those of you that have been with us on Sunday evenings, do you remember the number of times that Pharaoh repented? I mean he was a big time repenter. I’ve done, I really sinned this time. I’m so sorry. Please take the plague off. Exodus 9. The Lord is right and I’m in the wrong. Really. I’m sorry, please.

He’s just a prime example of a fake repenter I think. And it happens again and again, but you can just read through these things and see on your own just the way that these things are counterfeited. Zeal, desire for eternal life, et cetera. Number eight and nine, you can read on your own. What I want to do is go to number 10, talk about that, number 11, and then read a summary that he gives here, which is really quite striking. And it left me with a question. Number eight says that comforts and joys and spiritual things follow great torments of soul in certain orders. No proof. Just because you have, like I said, a blue-ribbon conversion story, and that it followed the recipe doesn’t prove that you’re converted.

That’s what he talks about there. Number nine, that these religious affections cause someone to spend much time in religion and to be zealously engaged in the external duties of worship is no proof. This is a big one. Even for Baptist churches, people that are here all the time doing lots of stuff, working hard and all that, is that proof that they’re converted? No, it’s not. Can it be a result of conversion? Of course, faithful, diligent, energetic service to the Lord and the house of God is a fruit of conversion. But we can’t say the opposite and trace it back. Just because somebody’s busy or energetic or active around the building or in the church’s ministries does not mean that they’re converted.

Number 10, that these affections lead people to praise and glorify God is no proof. You want to know the prime example of this? Nebuchadnezzar. Alright, what happened after Daniel interpreted Nebuchadnezzar’s dream, told him his dream and then interpreted him? You know what happened? Nebuchadnezzar praised God. He did. He worshiped God because he was stunned. He was amazed. That was something really. No, no, no. You tell me my dream, and then you interpret it. I mean nobody can do that. And Daniel did it, and Nebuchadnezzar was amazed. And so, he says in Daniel 2:47, he says, surely your God is the God of gods and the Lord of kings and a revealer of mysteries. That sounds a lot like worship to me, doesn’t it? And if you were standing there, would you have thought he was converted? I don’t know, but you’d say, boy, that was good worship there. Even worse, after that he sets up that golden idol and throws Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego into the fiery furnace.

That’s just one of the great moments in biblical history when he looks in there and sees four of them walking around, and one looks like a son of the gods. You know why? Because he was brighter than the furnace. Now that’s impressive. So, he’s looking in there and he says, wow. And then he says, “Shadrach Meshach, Abednego, servants of the most high God come out of there.” And they did. They obeyed him, right? But I think that they should have said, no, you king, come in and get us. We’re having a great time. You come and get us or send some of those men in there to come get us. But they were not like that, and they were submissive, and they definitely said we were coming out. But what happened after they came out? Well look at Daniel 3:20, 28 and 29, then Nebuchadnezzar said,

Praise be to the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego who has sent his angel and rescued his servants. They trusted in him and defied the king’s command and were willing to give up their lives rather than serve or worship any God except their own God. Therefore, I decree that the people of any nation or language who say anything against the God of Shadrach, Mesha and Abednego be cut into pieces, houses be turned into piles of rubble for no other God can save in this way.

There was not separation of church and state in Nebuchadnezzar’s kingdom, alright? If you don’t worship God, you’re going to die. But that was his form of worship, wasn’t it? What happened in chapter 4? He’s back to his old ways. He’s not converted, and yet he’s worshiping.

Alright, number 11, that these affections make the people that have them exceedingly confident that what they experience is divine and that they’re in good estate is no proof. Alright? First of all, do people say that assurance of salvation is not possible? Yes, the Catholics say that. As a matter of fact, they say it’s presumptuous. No Protestant tends to say it, although Arminians do. But you would say they would say that that’s evidence of arrogance. And if you say, I am definitely certain that I’m converted, you must not be converted. You must be arrogant and prideful. Well, he’s got to deal with them. And so, he goes through a lot of texts that prove that assurance of salvation is possible. Job 19:25-27, “I know that my Redeemer lives and that in the end I will stand in my flesh and see God.” Now that’s a very solid assurance. He says, Paul in 2 Timothy 4:7-8 says, “I’ve fought the good fight. I’ve finished the race. I’ve kept the faith. Now there is store for me laid up in heaven, a crown of righteousness.” There’s no question in his mind.

So, absolutely solid assurance. But on the other hand, there’s that phrase again, if you have a solid assurance, are you definitely converted? No, you’re not. Strong assurance does not prove that you are converted. Stoddard put it this way, “Some hypocrites are a good deal more confident than many saints.” And Edwards especially points to the Pharisees, “Such an overbearing, high-handed and violent sort of confidence is this, affecting to declare itself with the most glaring show in the sight of men. Although it is seen in many has not the countenance of a true Christian assurance, it saves more of the spirit of the Pharisees who never doubted that they were saints. And even the most eminent of saints and were bold to go to God and come up near him and lift up their eyes to him and thank him for the great distinction he had made between them and other men.”

I thank you God that I’m not like other men like this guy down here, this tax collector. I fast twice a week and I give a 10th of everything, and I thank you that I’m so righteous. Is he lacking in assurance that man? Oh no, he’s not hurting in assurance, not at all, not hurting in self-esteem either. I mean he’s got the whole package. Is he converted? Jesus said he wasn’t. He said the other man went home justified not this man. So, he was not justified. Did Jesus have an easy time convincing the Pharisees that they were not converted? Oh, he had a brutal time convincing them. It was really, really tough. Anyway, the natural state of the human heart is over-weaning pride. We tend to be very confident.

And then 12th, he says, just because all your Christian friends say that you’re Christian doesn’t mean you are. Just because eminent, godly people look at you and say you’re converted does not mean you are. Now look at this. This is very, very interesting. On page 14, he gives a summary here which ties our entire lecture together tonight. And when I read it, I was left weak in the knees. Seriously, you read it and you’re like, what is left? And it made me want to go onto the third section, but I didn’t have time, so I said, oh, please give me something to stand on.

This is Edwards. Now I didn’t write this. This is coming right from Edwards. “Hypocrites may have religious affections of many kinds together. They may have a sort of affection toward God that bears a great resemblance of dear love to him. And so, a kind of love to the brethren and great appearances of admiration of God’s perfections and works. And they may have a sorrow for sin and reverence, submission, self-abasement, gratitude, joy, religious longings and religion and the good of souls. And these affections may come after great awakenings and convictions of conscience. And there may be great appearances of a work of humiliation. And counterfeit love and joy and other affections may seem to follow these and one another just in the same order that is commonly observable in the holy affections of true converts. And these religious affections may be carried to a great height and may cause abundance of tears.

Ye may overcome the nature of those who are the subjects of them. And may make them affectionate and fervent and fluent in speaking of the things of God. And dispose them to be abundant in it. And may be attended with many sweet texts of scripture and precious promises brought with great impression on their minds. And may dispose them with their mouths to praise and glorify God in a very ardent manner. And fervently to call upon others to praise him, crying out of their unworthiness and extolling free grace. And may moreover dispose them to abound in the external duties of religion such as prayer, hearing the word preached, singing and religious conference. And these things attended with a great resemblance of a Christian assurance in its greatest height when the saints mount on eagle’s wings above all darkness and doubting. I think it has been made plain that there may be all these things. And yet there be nothing more than the common influences of the Spirit of God joined with the delusions of Satan and the wicked and deceitful heart. To which I may add that all these things may be attended with a sweet natural temper and good doctrinal knowledge of religion and a long acquaintance with the saint’s way of talking. Of expressing their affections and experiences and the natural ability and subtlety in accommodating their expressions and manner of speaking to the dispositions and notions of the hearers. And taking decency of expression and behavior formed by a good education.

Boy, that’s a pretty complete package when you look at it. How great therefore may the resemblance be as to all outward expressions and appearances between a hypocrite and a true saint. Doubtless it is the glorious prerogative of the omniscient God as the great searcher of hearts to be able well to separate between sheep and goats.

Aren’t you glad it’s not your job? And what an indecent self-exaltation and arrogance it is in poor, fallible, dark mortals to pretend that they can determine and know who are really sincere and upright before God, and who are not. It’s almost like I’m hearing Wesley at the end there, John Wesley. Can you really tell me what’s going on in that individual? The ability to stare into their heart and tell me they’re converted? We don’t have that power. Jesus does. He can look at Nathaniel and say, now here’s a true Israelite in whom there is nothing false.

John 2, he cannot commit himself to people who are swayed by his miracles. He knew what was in a man, didn’t need any testimony about what was in a man because he knows all men. That’s Jesus, but that’s not us. And so therefore, can we standing on the outside look at somebody and say a hundred percent they’re Christians. So much so that if they then fall away, you’d say, I’m changing my theology. Evidently you can lose your salvation because there’s no doubt in my mind that he or she was saved and now they’re not. Can we really do that? Do we have the ability to look in someone’s heart and say they definitely were.

Now, does that mean that we can’t have practical fellowship, that we don’t know really whether our wife or husband is converted or no? No. I mean I think we’re just free in the matter. I think just accept people as they present themselves to you. Paul says, “we know brothers loved by God that he has saved you, that you are chosen.” 1 Thessalonians 1, he actually goes to predestination. He says, we know that you’re chosen. And my feeling is we can accept one another as Christians and walk in. But if power, if it goes bad and people, and I’ve seen it happen since I’ve been here, I don’t then trace back and say, I guess I was wrong. I guess you can lose your salvation. I don’t do that. I just say they weren’t converted, or they may be, as Jim said, in a very severe state of backslidness. And we need to do what we can to reclaim them. Alright, now you say, okay, what’s left? Okay. I mean this is looking real good. I’m not even at this level.

I had a serious question, question to ask Edwards, is there any evidence from scripture of any one person who possessed all these qualities for a long period of time and yet actually were regenerate at one time? Yes, but the whole picture, I mean that’s pretty rare. And I think even he would say that if you see all of these things operating every likelihood that they are Christians. But what I did was after asking that question, I took the Pharisees back through, and they passed all these tests, all of them. They just made it right through. They traveled over land and sea to win a single convert and then made them twice as much a son of hell as they were Matthew 23. They were zealous, self-confident studiers of the word of God. They were prayer warriors. They were all that. So anyway, next time we’re going to talk about what are sure and certain marks that you converted, but I gave it to you at the beginning. It’s a passionate longing after personal holiness by broken hearted sinners. Okay? Are you encouraged? Do you have hope? Do you see that working in your life? Be encouraged or read the book of 1 John, this is how we know, et cetera. Woe is me. Yes. (audience)

Right. And see, I believe that we can ourselves have assurance. We already read a book on that. Definitely we can have assurance. All this stuff is standing on the outside looking at somebody else. You see, can we stand on the outside and look at somebody else and say, they are definitely a Christian. We can’t do that, but we can practically have fellowship with one another. Yes. I had a question. I absolutely believe that you can’t lose your salvation, and you can’t lose the Holy Spirit. He says when the counselor comes, he will be with you forever. Yeah, I believe that with all my heart.

That’s it. They didn’t. I think that in Hebrews, yeah, in Hebrew 6, I was using an analogy. It was like they breathing the perfume or the incense of the Spirit. That was just a poetical way of saying they were in a room where the Spirit was active. If you come in a room where the Spirit’s active and people are praying fervently and groaning after ’em, et cetera, you’re going to be moved by that. You’re going to be heated up by that, but you might not be converted by that. That’s all I’m saying. You’re in an atmosphere where the Spirit’s at work. Those are good questions. I’m going to close in prayer and release those of you that want. And if anybody wants to come and ask me questions or talk, we can do that. (prayer)

Historical Context

A.   The Great Awakening (1742)

B.    Charles Chauncy and the “Old Lights”

C.    BUT Some Wild Supporters of the Awakening:

D.   Thus Edwards Battling on Two Fronts… Submitted the Treatise on Religious Affections in Three Parts in 1746

Part I.  Concerning the Nature of The Affections, and Their Importance in Religion

Part II.  Showing What Are No Certain Signs That Religious Affections Are Gracious (i.e Saving Grace from God), Or That They Are Not

Part III.  Showing What Are the Distinguishing Signs of Truly Gracious and Holy Affections

I.    Concerning the Nature of The Affections, and Their Importance in Religion

A.  Section I:  Introductory Remarks Concerning the Affections

1 Peter 1:8 Though you have not seen [Christ], you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy

1.   Edwards Central Treatise:

True Religion, in Great Part, Consists in Holy Affections

2.   Definition of Affections of the Mind

Affections of the Mind = Sensible exercises of the inclination and will of the soul

a.  soul’s two principal faculties (endowed by God)

i)  perception (understanding) by which it discerns and judges all things ii)  inclination (will, heart) by which it is inclined or disinclined to every single thing

b.  exercises of the inclination comes in two sorts

i)  approving    OR   ii)  disapproving

c.  approval/disapproval comes in degrees

i)  from perfect indifference  ii) to greater degrees, positive or negative

d.   “affections” come when you “feel” what your will inclines to or disinclines against

e.    from this come all our emotions and actions

B.    Section II:  Proofs That True Religion, in Great Part, Consists in the Affections

Proof #1:  Obvious Nature of Religion

Proof #2:  Affections are the spring of actions

Proof #3:  True religion takes hold in the soul no further than they affect them

Proof #4:  Scripture places religion very much in the affections

Proof #5:  Scripture presents LOVE as the summation of all true religion

Proof #6:  The religion of eminent saints in the Bible consisted of affections

Proof #7:  The Lord Jesus Christ displayed constant affections, of the deepest sort

Proof #9:  Religious duties commanded by God focus much on affections

Proof #10:  Sin of the heart = “hardness of heart”… proof that affection is the core of true religion

C.    Part III:  Some Inferences Deduced from this Doctrine

1.   It is great error to say religion has nothing to do with affection

2.   Since affections are so vital, then all religious duties should be done in such a way as to move the affections maximally

3.   We have a great cause for SHAME that we are not more affected with Christ and with the things of God

Part II.  Showing What Are No Certain Signs That Religious Affections Are Gracious (i.e Saving Grace from God), Or That They Are Not

1)      Strong and high affections is no proof either way concerning someone’s conversion.

2)      That someone’s affections have some strong effect on their body is no proof either way concerning their conversion.

3)      That affections cause someone to become very fluent, fervent, and abundant in talking about Christ and spiritual things is no proof either way concerning their conversion.

4)      That someone did not manufacture or stimulate those affections on their own is no proof either way concerning their conversion.

5)      That those affections come with many texts of Scripture is no proof either way concerning their conversion.

6)      That there is an appearance of love in them is no proof…

7)      Having many different kinds of religious affections is no proof…

8)      That comforts and joys in spiritual things follow great torment of soul in a certain order is no proof…

9)      That these religious affections cause someone to spend much time in religion, and to be zealously engaged in the external duties of worship, is no proof…

10)   That these affections lead people to praise and glorify God with their mouths is no proof…

11)   That these affections make the people that have them exceedingly confident that what they experience is divine, and that they are in a good estate, is no proof…

12)   That the outward manifestations of these affections, and the accounts people give of them, are very affecting and pleasing to the godly, is no proof.

Simplified List

1)       Strong, high religious affections is no proof…

2)       Effects on your body is no proof…

3)       Fluent, fervent, and abundant talk about Christ is no proof…

4)       That you believe these affections came from outside you is no proof…

5)       Having many texts of Scripture is no proof…

6)       Having an appearance of love is no proof…

7)       Having many different kinds of religious affections is no proof…

8)       That torment of soul gave way to joy is no proof…

9)       Lots of religious service and external worship is no proof…

10)    Praising and glorifying God with your mouth is no proof…

11)    Strong confidence and assurance based on these affections is no proof…

12)    Having a compelling testimony that godly people love is no proof…

1)  Strong and high affections is no proof either way concerning someone’s conversion.

A.  It is no proof that you are NOT converted if you have STRONG RELIGIOUS AFFECTIONS (against Chauncy and the “Old Lights”)

1.   Who’s going to say that we should not have a very strong LOVE for Christ?

2.   Or that we should not have a very great HATRED of evil?

3.   Or that we should not have a very strong YEARNING for holiness?

4.   The main text speaks of very strong affections

1  Peter 1:8 Though you have not seen [Christ], you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy

5.     There is much evidence in Scripture about very high affections as part of the healthy Christian life

Luke 6:23 “Rejoice in that day and leap for joy, because great is your reward in heaven. For that is how their fathers treated the prophets.

6.     Psalms are filled with passionate expressions

Psalm 119:97 Oh, how I love your law! I meditate on it all day long.

NASB Psalm 119:53 Burning indignation has seized me because of the wicked, who forsake Your law.

Psalm 119:136 Streams of tears flow from my eyes, for your law is not obeyed.

7.     Paul and John the Baptist express great affections in Christ

John 3:29 The bride belongs to the bridegroom. The friend who attends the bridegroom waits and listens for him, and is full of joy when he hears the bridegroom’s voice. That joy is mine, and it is now complete.

Philippians 1:8 For God is my witness, how I long for you all with the affection of Christ Jesus.

2  Timothy 1:4 Recalling your tears, I long to see you, so that I may be filled with joy.

8.     The church rejoiced greatly in Christ’s resurrection and ascension Luke 24:52 Then they worshiped him and returned to Jerusalem with great joy.

9.     Saints and angels in heaven are characterized by intense displays of affection

Edwards:  “The saints and angels in heaven, that have religion in its highest perfection, are exceedingly affected with what they behold and contemplate of God’s perfections and works.  They are all as a pure flame of fire in their love, and in the greatness and strength of their joy and gratitude…”

Revelation 19:1-7  After this I heard what sounded like the roar of a great multitude in heaven shouting: “Hallelujah! Salvation and glory and power belong to our God, 2 for true and just are his judgments. He has condemned the great prostitute who corrupted the earth by her adulteries. He has avenged on her the blood of his servants.” 3 And again they shouted: “Hallelujah! The smoke from her goes up for ever and ever.” 4 The twenty-four elders and the four living creatures fell down and worshiped God, who was seated on the throne. And they cried: “Amen, Hallelujah!” 5 Then a voice came from the throne, saying: “Praise our God, all you his servants, you who fear him, both small and great!” 6 Then I heard what sounded like a great multitude, like the roar of rushing waters and like loud peals of thunder, shouting: “Hallelujah! For our Lord God Almighty reigns. 7 Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and his bride has made herself ready.

Summary:  Therefore it is clearly concluded that great and high displays of affections are no proof that you are NOT converted.

BUT, “on the other hand…”  “It is no evidence that religious affections are of a spiritual and gracious nature, because they are very great.”

B.  It is no proof that you ARE converted if you have STRONG RELIGIOUS AFFECTIONS

There are many examples in Scripture of people with strong religious affections who are not certainly converted

1.   The Galatians

Galatians 4:15-16  What has happened to all your joy? I can testify that, if you could have done so, you would have torn out your eyes and given them to me. Have I now become your enemy by telling you the truth?

Galatians 4:11  I fear for you, that somehow I have wasted my efforts on you.

2.   The Israelites after the Red Sea

Exodus 15:1-2, 20-21 Then Moses and the Israelites sang this song to the LORD: “I will sing to the LORD, for he is highly exalted. The horse and its rider he has hurled into the sea. 2 The LORD is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation. He is my God, and I will praise him, my father’s God, and I will exalt him.  Then Miriam the prophetess, Aaron’s sister, took a tambourine in her hand, and all the women followed her, with tambourines and dancing. 21 Miriam sang to them: “Sing to the LORD, for he is highly exalted. The horse and its rider he has hurled into the sea.”

BUT Exodus 15:22-24  Then Moses led Israel from the Red Sea and they went into the Desert of Shur. For three days they traveled in the desert without finding water. 23 When they came to Marah, they could not drink its water because it was bitter. (That is why the place is called Marah.) 24 So the people grumbled against Moses, saying, “What are we to drink?”

3.   The crowds of Jerusalem after Lazarus had been raised

John 12:17-19  Now the crowd that was with him when he called Lazarus from the tomb and raised him from the dead continued to spread the word. 18 Many people, because they had heard that he had given this miraculous sign, went out to meet him. 19 So the Pharisees said to one another, “See, this is getting us nowhere. Look how the whole world has gone after him!”

BUT  John 12:37 Even after Jesus had done all these miraculous signs in their presence, they still would not believe in him.

Edwards:  “So great multitudes who were affected with the raising of Lazarus from the dead were elevated to a high degree, and made a mighty ado when Jesus presently after entered into Jerusalem…”

John 12:13 They took palm branches and went out to meet him, shouting, “Hosanna!” “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!” “Blessed is the King of Israel!”

“And how quickly was this ado at an end!  All of this nature is quelled and dead, when this Jesus stands bound with a mock robe and a crown of thorns, to be derided, spit upon, scourged, condemned, and executed.  Indeed, there was a great and loud outcry concerning Him among the multitude then as well as before; but of a very different kind: it is not then, ‘Hosanna, hosanna,’ but ‘Crucify, crucify!’”

Edwards’s conclusion:  “It is the concurring voice of all orthodox divines, that there may be religious affections, which are raised to a very high degree, and yet there be nothing of true religion.”

2)   That someone’s affections have some strong effect on their body is no proof either way concerning their conversion.

A.            All affections have in some degree some effect on the body

Edwards:  “It is questionable whether an embodied soul ever so much as thinks one thought or has any exercise at all, but there is some corresponding motion … of the fluids of the body.”

B.             Therefore, it is no proof that you are NOT converted if your affections have some strong effect on your body… and the greater the affections, the greater the effect on the body

Edwards:  “I know of no reason why a being affected with a view of God’s glory should not cause the body to faint…”

Daniel 10:8 So I was left alone, gazing at this great vision; I had no strength left, my face turned deathly pale and I was helpless.

Revelation 1:17 When I saw him, I fell at his feet as though dead.

Hebrews 12:21 The sight was so terrifying that Moses said, “I am trembling with fear.”

C.             HOWEVER, it is no proof either that you ARE converted if your religious affections result in great effects on your body

Edwards:  “Great effects on the body certainly are no sure evidences that affections are spiritual; for we see that such effects often times arise from great affections about temporal things, and when religion is no way concerned in them.  And if great affections about secular things, that are purely natural, may have these effects… [so also affections about religious things can] have the like effect.”

3)   That affections cause someone to become very fluent, fervent, and abundant in talking about Christ and spiritual things is no proof either way concerning their conversion.

A.            Many people tend to be taken in by this one

1.   They say “So and so never used to talk about spiritual things, now he talks a lot and with great fervency about spiritual things.”

2.   To them this is close to absolute proof that God has converted someone

B.             Talking much about religion is no proof that you are NOT converted Matthew 12:34   …out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks.

Colossians 4:6 Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.

1  Peter 4:11 If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God.

Converted people will want to talk much about their conversion, and about the things of God

C.  BUT Neither is much fluent, fervent, knowledgeable talk absolute proof that you ARE converted

Luke 1:65 The neighbors were all filled with awe, and throughout the hill country of Judea people were talking about all these things.

Luke 5:15 Yet the news about him spread all the more, so that crowds of people came to hear him and to be healed of their sicknesses.

John 7:12-13  Among the crowds there was widespread whispering about him. Some said, “He is a good man.” Others replied, “No, he deceives the people.” 13 But no one would say anything publicly about him for fear of the Jews.

John 7:46 “No one ever spoke the way this man does,” the guards declared.

2  Peter 2:17-18  These men are springs without water and mists driven by a storm. Blackest darkness is reserved for them. 18 For they mouth empty, boastful words and, by appealing to the lustful desires of sinful human nature, they entice people who are just escaping from those who live in error.

4)  That someone did not manufacture or stimulate those affections on their own is no proof either way concerning their conversion.

A.   It is no proof that you are NOT converted that the change occurred to you from a source outside yourself  [Old Lights said Spirit only works through certain means of grace… if you didn’t follow their prescribed manner, you weren’t truly converted]

Edwards:  How greatly has the doctrine of the inward experience, or sensible perceiving of the immediate power and operation of the Spirit of God, been reproached and ridiculed by many of late! They say, the manner of the Spirit of God is to co-operate in a silent, secret, and undiscernable way with the use of means, and our own endeavors

B.   God DOES convert some people in a very dramatic and spectacular way for His glory

God does want the saints to know when He has worked, so that He can get all the glory

C.   “On the other hand…” It is no certain proof that you believe your affections have come to you from outside yourself

Edwards cites the evidence of the Anabaptist extremists to show that excessive displays of spirit-induced movement isn’t necessarily a good thing

1.  We don’t really understand the demonic world… and the influence of “other spirits”

1 John 4:1 Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.

2.   We don’t really understand ourselves… and whether those affections have really come from “outside us”

3.   The Holy Spirit may make an impact on us short of true conversion

Hebrews 6:4-6  It is impossible for those who have once been enlightened, who have tasted the heavenly gift, who have shared in the Holy Spirit, who have tasted the goodness of the word of God and the powers of the coming age, if they fall away, to be brought back to repentance

5)    That those affections come with many texts of Scripture is no proof either way concerning their conversion.

A.   Obviously it is no proof that you are NOT converted if you can cite many Scriptures and promises on which you are basing your faith!!

B.    “On the other hard…” It is no proof that you ARE converted that you can cite Scriptures, or that “such and such Scripture popped into my mind”

1.   Affections can rise from understanding a portion of the Bible, and the person is still unconverted

Matthew 13:20-21 The one who received the seed that fell on rocky places is the man who hears the word and at once receives it with joy.  But since he has no root, he lasts only a short time. When trouble or persecution comes because of the word, he quickly falls away.

2.   The devil himself quoted the Scripture to Christ… therefore he is not afraid to misuse the Bible for his own purposes

3.   Man’s own foolishness can also twist the Scripture for his own purposes and his own emotional benefit

6)    That there is an appearance of love in them is no proof…

A.   No one would claim that an appearance of love is proof you’re NOT a Christian!!

B.    “On the other hand…” It is no certain sign that you are truly converted that there is an appearance of love in your life

1.   Love is the most excellent thing in our religion… and the more excellent a thing, the more likely it is to be counterfeited

2.   There is evidence in Scripture of people having love of a kind, but still being unconverted

Matthew 24:12-13  Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, but he who stands firm to the end will be saved.

KJV Ephesians 6:24 Grace be with all them that love our Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity.

Galatians 4:15-16  What has happened to all your joy? I can testify that, if you could have done so, you would have torn out your eyes and given them to me. Have I now become your enemy by telling you the truth? 

7)    Having many different kinds of religious affections is no proof…

A.   It is possible to have a great variety of religious affections altogether, and still be unconverted

Counterfeited affections:

1.   Sorrow for sin

Exodus 9:27 Then Pharaoh summoned Moses and Aaron. “This time I have sinned,” he said to them. “The LORD is in the right, and I and my people are in the wrong.

1 Samuel 15:24 Then Saul said to Samuel, “I have sinned. I violated the LORD’s command and your instructions. I was afraid of the people and so I gave in to them.

1  Kings 21:27 When Ahab heard these words, he tore his clothes, put on sackcloth and fasted. He lay in sackcloth and went around meekly.

2.   Fear of God

2  Kings 17:31-33  the Avvites made Nibhaz and Tartak, and the Sepharvites burned their children in the fire as sacrifices to Adrammelech and Anammelech, the gods of Sepharvaim.  They also feared the LORD and appointed from among themselves priests of the high places, who acted for them in the houses of the high places.  They feared the LORD and served their own gods according to the custom of the nations from among whom they had been carried away into exile.

3.   Reverence and submission

KJV Psalm 66:3 Say unto God, How terrible art thou in thy works! through the greatness of thy power shall thine enemies submit themselves unto thee.

4.   Praise of God

Psalm 106:12-13  Then they believed his promises and sang his praise. But they soon forgot what he had done and did not wait for his counsel.

2 Kings 5:15 Then Naaman and all his attendants went back to the man of God. He stood before him and said, “Now I know that there is no God in all the world except in Israel. Please accept now a gift from your servant.”

[Also Nebuchadnezzar]

5.   Spiritual joy

John 5:35 “He was the lamp that was burning and was shining and you were willing to rejoice for a while in his light.

Matthew 13:20 The one who received the seed that fell on rocky places is the man who hears the word and at once receives it with joy.  

6.   Religious zeal

2 Kings 10:16 Jehu said, “Come with me and see my zeal for the LORD.” Then he had him ride along in his chariot.

Romans 10:2 For I can testify about them that they are zealous for God, but their zeal is not based on knowledge.

Galatians 1:14 I was advancing in Judaism beyond many Jews of my own age and was extremely zealous for the traditions of my fathers.

Philippians 3:6 as for zeal, persecuting the church

7.  Desire for eternal life

Numbers 23:10 [Balaam]  Who can count the dust of Jacob or number the fourth part of Israel? Let me die the death of the righteous, and may my end be like theirs!” 

8)       That comforts and joys in spiritual things follow great torment of soul in a certain order is no proof…

9)       That these religious affections cause someone to spend much time in religion, and to be zealously engaged in the external duties of worship, is no proof…

10)    That these affections lead people to praise and glorify God with their mouths is no proof…

A.   Obviously no one would say that this cannot be a part of a healthy Christian life

B.    BUT it is no certain proof that one is converted if they glorify God with their mouths

Mark 2:12 He got up, took his mat and walked out in full view of them all. This amazed everyone and they praised God, saying, “We have never seen anything like this!”

Matthew 9:8 When the crowd saw this, they were filled with awe; and they praised God, who had given such authority to men.

C.    Note especially the behavior of Nebuchadnezzar before he was converted (if he ever was)

Daniel 2:47 The king said to Daniel, “Surely your God is the God of gods and the Lord of kings and a revealer of mysteries, for you were able to reveal this mystery.”

Daniel 3:28-29  Then Nebuchadnezzar said, “Praise be to the God of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, who has sent his angel and rescued his servants! They trusted in him and defied the king’s command and were willing to give up their lives rather than serve or worship any god except their own God.  Therefore I decree that the people of any nation or language who say anything against the God of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego be cut into pieces and their houses be turned into piles of rubble, for no other god can save in this way.”

In each case, Nebuchadnezzar, overwhelmed with the miracle-working power of God, praised the God of heaven… but soon rebelled openly and grievously, even desiring people to worship an idol he had set up or arrogantly boasting about his own glory.

11)    That these affections make the people that have them exceedingly confident that what they experience is divine, and that they are in a good estate, is no proof…

A.   Confident assurance of salvation is NOT a mark of arrogance, presumption, and unbelief, no matter what the “Papists” say… a man can have a strong assurance AND be saved

Job 19:25-27  I know that my Redeemer lives, and that in the end he will stand upon the earth.  And after my skin has been destroyed, yet in my flesh I will see God; I myself will see him with my own eyes– I, and not another. How my heart yearns within me!

2 Timothy 4:7-8  I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.  Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day– and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing.

Hebrews 6:17-18  Because God wanted to make the unchanging nature of his purpose very clear to the heirs of what was promised, he confirmed it with an oath.  God did this so that, by two unchangeable things in which it is impossible for God to lie, we who have fled to take hold of the hope offered to us may be greatly encouraged.

B.  “On the other hand…”:  It is no certain sign that affections are from saving grace if someone has exceedingly great confidence that their state is good

In other words, strong assurance must have a foundation other than itself… we can’t say “I know I am saved because I have absolutely no doubts in the matter.  My unwavering confidence is the foundation of my unwavering confidence.”

Flavel:  “O professor, look carefully to your foundation: ‘Be not high minded, but fear.’  You have, it may be, done and suffered many things in and for religion; you have excellent gifts and sweet comforts, a warm zeal for God, and high confidence of your integrity:  all this may be right, for all that I (or you) may know, yet it may all be false.  You have sometimes judged yourselves, and pronounced yourself upright; but remember, your final sentence is not yet pronounced by your Judge.”

Stoddard:  “Some hypocrites are a great deal more confident than many saints.”

Edwards:  “Such an overbearing high-handed, and violent sort of confidence as this, affecting to declare itself with a most glaring show in the sight of men, although it is seen in many, has not the countenance of a true Christian assurance: it savors more of the spirit of the Pharisees, who never doubted that they were saints, and the most eminent of saints, and were bold to go to God and come up near Him, and lift up their eyes to Him and thank Him for the great distinction He had made between them and other men…”

Luke 18:11-12 The Pharisee stood up and prayed about himself: ‘God, I thank you that I am not like other men– robbers, evildoers, adulterers– or even like this tax collector.  I fast twice a week and give a tenth of all I get.’”

John 9:40-41  Some Pharisees who were with him heard him say this and asked, “What? Are we blind too?”  Jesus said, “If you were blind, you would not be guilty of sin; but now that you claim you can see, your guilt remains.”

C.  Natural State of Human Hearts:  Overweening Pride

Edwards:  “If we do but consider what the hearts of natural men are, what principles they are under the dominion of, what blindness and deceit, what self-flattery, self-exaltation, and self-confidence reign there, we need not wonder at all that their high opinion of themselves, and confidence of their happy circumstances, be as high as the mountains… fed and prompted by false joys and comforts, excited by some pleasing imaginations, and impressed by Satan transforming himself into an angel of light.”

1.   Hypocrite never questions his true state

2.   Hypocrite has no knowledge of his own blindness and the deceitfulness of his own heart

3.   The devil does not assault the hope of a hypocrite the way he does a true believer’s

4.   Hypocrites have not the true sight of the corruptions of their own hearts

12)  That the outward manifestations of these affections, and the accounts people give of them, are very affecting and pleasing to the godly, is no proof.

A.  True saints  cannot perfectly discern who is godly and who is not

1.   They know what true religion is

2.   They are able to discern it in themselves, to make their own calling and election sure

3.   BUT they cannot perfectly discern whether another person is truly born-again

1 Samuel 16:7 But the LORD said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.”

4.  Christ alone knows what’s truly in someone’s heart by looking at him

Isaiah 11:3-4  [Christ] will not judge by what he sees with his eyes, or decide by what he hears with his ears; but with righteousness he will judge the needy, with justice he will give decisions for the poor of the earth.

John 2:25 He did not need man’s testimony about man, for he knew what was in a man.

B.   Sadly, many eminent professors of Christ have fallen away from Him

Edwards:  “The best of men may be deceived when the appearances seem to them exceeding fair and bright, even so as entirely to gain their charity and conquer their hearts.  It has been a common thing in the church of God for such bright professors, that are received as eminent saints among the saints, to fall away and come to nothing.”

Shepherd:  “Be not offended if you see great cedars fall, stars fall from heaven, great professors die and decay: do not think they be all such: do not think the elect shall fall.”

C.   Thus it is possible for the saints to approve you and God condemn you

Flavel:  “The saints may approve you and God condemn you.  Rev. 3:1, ‘You have a reputation that you are living, and you are dead.’”


[Hypocrites] may have religious affections of many kinds together; they may have a sort of affection towards God, that bears a great resemblance of dear love to him; and so a kind of love to the brethren, and great appearances of admiration of God’s perfections and works, and sorrow for sin, and reverence, submission, self-abasement, gratitude, joy, religious longings, and zeal for religion and the good of souls. And these affections may come after great awakenings and convictions of conscience; and there may be great appearances of a work of humiliation: and counterfeit love and joy, and other affections may seem to follow these, and one another, just in the same order that is commonly observable in the holy affections of true converts. And these religious affections may be carried to a great height, and may cause abundance of tears, yea, may overcome the nature of those who are the subjects of them, and may make them affectionate, and fervent, and fluent, in speaking of the things of God, and dispose them to be abundant in it; and may be attended with many sweet texts of Scripture, and precious promises, brought with great impression on their minds; and may dispose them with their mouths to praise and glorify God, in a very ardent manner, and fervently to call upon others to praise him, crying out of their unworthiness, and extolling free grace. And may, moreover, dispose them to abound in the external duties of religion, such as prayer, hearing the word preached, singing, and religious conference; and these things attended with a great resemblance of a Christian assurance, in its greatest height, when the saints mount on eagles’ wings, above all darkness and doubting. I think it has been made plain, that there

may be all these things, and yet there be nothing more than the common influences of the Spirit of God, joined with the delusions of Satan, and the wicked and deceitful heart.–To which I may add, that all these things may be attended with a sweet natural temper, and a good doctrinal knowledge of religion, and a long acquaintance with the saints’ way of talking, and of expressing their affections and experiences, and a natural ability and subtlety in accommodating their expressions and manner of speaking to the dispositions and notions of the hearers, and a taking decency of expression and behavior, formed by a good education. How great therefore may the resemblance be, as to all outward expressions and appearances, between a hypocrite and a true saint! Doubtless it is the glorious prerogative of the omniscient God, as the great searcher of hearts, to be able well to separate between sheep and goats. And what an indecent self-exaltation and arrogance it is, in poor, fallible, dark mortals, to pretend that they can determine and know, who are really sincere and upright before God, and who are not!

Question to ask Edwards:  Is there any evidence from Scripture of any one person who possessed ALL these qualities for a long period of time and yet was actually unregenerate?

Perhaps Edwards would answer:  Test the Pharisees against this list

Part III.  Showing What Are Distinguishing Signs Of Truly Gracious And Holy Affections. 

I.      Truly gracious affections arise from divine influences and operations on the heart

II.    Their ground is the excellent nature of divine things, not self-interest

III.  They are founded on the loveliness of the moral excellency of divine things.

IV. They arise from the mind’s being enlightened to understand or apprehend divine things.  V. They are attended with a conviction of the reality and certainty of divine things.

VI.      They are attended with evangelical humiliation.

VII.    They are attended with a change of nature.

VIII.  They are attended with the lamblike, dovelike spirit and temper of Jesus Christ

IX.      They are attended with a Christian tenderness of spirit.  X. They have beautiful symmetry and proportion.

XI.    The higher they are raised, the more is a longing of soul after spiritual attainments increased.

XII.  They have their exercise and fruit in Christian practice

1.  Christian practice and holy life is a sign of sincerity to others

2.  Christian practice is the chief evidence to ourselves, much to be preferred to the method of the first convictions, enlightenings, comforts, or any immanent discoveries or exercises of grace whatsoever.

The following resource is from Two Journeys. Two Journeys exists to help Christians make progress in the two journeys of the Christian life, the internal journey of sanctification and the external journey of gospel advancement. We do this by exporting Biblical teaching for the good of Christ’s church and for the glory of God. Please visit two for more resources.

Tonight, we are looking at Edwards’ Treatise on Religious Affections, the second part. I hope you all got a handout. This is a phenomenally significant work that Edwards wrote. Let me set the historical context for you again. Edwards wrote this at the end, or really after one could say after the Great Awakening was really over. The peak of the Great Awakening was finished. And he’s writing now to people who have experienced many things in the religious realm. They’ve been through a lot by this point. They’ve seen more than most of us would ever see. I mean, we haven’t been through a revival like the Great Awakening. And the Great Awakening had an incredible impact in a wide, over a wide area of geography. Many, many people were affected very deeply and very greatly by the moving of the Spirit. But as things started to settle down, some people returned to their old ways.

They didn’t continue walking with the Lord. And so there needed to be some kind of an explanation for what’s going on. Now, there are two different ways to explain what happens when somebody who seems to be a Christian, who has made a profession of faith in Christ, who has lived out, it seems the Christian lifestyle for a while, but then goes back to a life that repudiates Christ. There are two different ways to explain that. What would they be? What would one way be to explain that phenomenon? Somebody who’s a very clear professor of faith in Christ who sits next to you at the revival meetings, who’s just as excited as you are, who goes to all the services the way you do? Who starts attending church, who does all these things, but then after a number of years, they’re not in it at all?

What are the two ways you could explain that? What’s one of the two ways? They never were a Christian. I wouldn’t put Baxter in there, but perhaps. I mean they’re Christian, but I guess that would be a third way that they are behaving contrary to their confession at that point. But one of them is that they weren’t converted. They never really were converted. And what would be another way? The opposite way of understanding that? That they’ve lost their salvation. That they were genuinely converted, that they were redeemed, that they were truly Christian, and they have lost their salvation. And that’s what John Wesley thought as he looked at the situation. He said, it’s very clear, like a dog returning to its vomit. These have returned back to their old way of life. And Edwards tries to explain this through these kind of metaphysical nuances that nobody can follow.

Christianity is a simple thing. You have to hear and repent and believe, that’s all. Christianity and conversion are essentially simple. And therefore, it’s plain and obvious to anybody that these folks have lost their salvation. And even now if they will repent, if God is gracious and gives them time, they can get it back again. That is the Armenian way of looking at this, and this is what Wesley wrote about Treatise on Religious Affections. He read it and didn’t think much of it. This is what he said,

The design of Mr. Edwards in this treatise from which the following extract is made seems to have been chiefly, if not altogether, to serve his onus, namely that these people were not genuinely converted. He’s trying to prove that. In three preceding tracks, he had given an account of the glorious work of God in New England. But in a few years, a considerable part of these turned back as a dog to the vomit.

What was the plain inference to be drawn from this? Why, that a true believer may make ship the shipwreck of his faith. That’s what Wesley said. It’s obvious, isn’t it, that you can lose your salvation.

How then could he evade the force of this? Truly by eating his own words and proving as well as the nature of the thing would bear that they were not believers at all. In order to do this, he heaps together so many curious, subtle metaphysical distinctions as are sufficient to puzzle the brains and confound the intellect of all the plain men and women of the universe. And to make them doubt of if not holy deny all the work which God had wrought in their souls.

So Wesley on Treatise of Religious Affections, what he does say also is, “Out of this dangerous heap wherein there is much wholesome food mixed with much deadly poison, I have selected many remarks and admonitions which may have great use, be of great use to the children of God.”

So, he says there’s some good stuff in here, but there’s some deadly poison as well. Now what was that deadly poison? How did he look at it? Well, basically that it gets you to doubt what God’s done in your life. That conversion is essentially simple, and that Christian faith is essentially simple. And that it is quite possible for someone who is genuinely converted that they would lose their salvation. Now obviously we have some problems here, don’t we? I mean there’s just different ways of looking at experience, but when you look at experience and then say plainly such and such, I’m not so sure that these things are as plain as Wesley thought they were. Is the work of the Holy Spirit a plain and simple obvious thing? I don’t think so. I think that the work of the Holy Spirit is infinitely deep and mysterious and difficult to trace out.

The wind blows where it wishes. It’s very difficult to know what the Spirit is doing. Now we know some things because the scripture tells us. Secondly, are you essentially simple? Are you as a human being, an essentially simple thing? Is your will, your intellect, your emotional state, your affections- are these simple things? No, they’re not. And anyone who’s married can testify that people are not simple, okay? There are complexities involved, and I’m not going to go into gender distinctions right now. There are just complexities involved. People are complex, hearts are complex. And Edwards is wrestling with a very complex thing, namely the work of the Holy Spirit coupled with the mysteries of our own selves, our own minds. Augustine said, I don’t understand myself. Paul said that in Romans 7, I don’t know why I do what I do. I’m a complex being. And so, Edwards is wrestling with this.

And yes, it does seem subtle, and yes, it does seem puzzling. And yes, there do seem to be metaphysical distinctions that are a little hard to follow. It’s not surprising that when you read this you can get lost. That shouldn’t surprise us. And of the three treatises, three sections of the treatise, this one is the most depressing and the most discouraging. So, I’ve had to mix in. Wesley talked about mixing. In this section. he’s going to go through all of those things which are no proof that you are converted. And when you get done with this list of 12 things, you wonder if you’re a Christian. Because you look at all these things and say, I was kind of hoping in these things. I was looking at these and saying, this is how I know that I’m saved. And it really makes you wonder, okay, what’s left?

The love and pursuit of personal holiness by broken-hearted, humbled sinners, this is the mark of regeneration. …this is something that Satan will not counterfeit. He can’t counterfeit it because he’s not holy.

Well, that’s the third section, and we’re not going to get to that tonight. So, I don’t want to leave you a whole week wondering about yourselves and your own Christian experience. So, we’re going to talk about that, the nub of the matter on the third section. Basically, what Edwards is going to say is that the love and pursuit of personal holiness by broken-hearted sinners, this is the mark of regeneration. I’ll say it again, the love and pursuit of personal holiness by broken-hearted, humbled sinners, this is the mark of regeneration. This is what the Holy Spirit does. All the other things that he’s going to list here are good things, but they’re not the essence of it, and they can be counterfeited, but this is something that Satan will not counterfeit. He can’t counterfeit it because he’s not holy. He hates righteousness and he’s never going to work this in anybody.

And so, when you see in yourself hearted by that. What do you think he means by broken-hearted? He says all true gracious or godly affections are broken-hearted affections. We’ll talk about that next week. What does he mean by that? Okay, Psalm 51:17, what does that say, Jack? That’s right. “A broken and contrite spirit, O God, you will not despise.” So basically, you are permanently brokenhearted as a Christian, aren’t you? Not really like, well now I’m healed. I’m so full of myself. I’m healthy and strong again. It’s not that. You definitely feel the rest of your life that you are a sinner in need of God’s grace at every moment. And so, you feel that and yet there’s a great joy in that because you know have full forgiveness. You know that Christ has paid the penalty for your sins, and yet you don’t trust in yourself.

There’s a broken heart, blessed are those who mourn. The spiritual beggars, these are the ones who are in the kingdom of heaven. But that’s not enough to just be brokenhearted. There’s also a longing and pursuit and love for personal holiness. What do we mean by that? So true. And the more I look at this and then say it just feels so right. The more of it I come back to the beatitudes and realize how Christ nailed it right at the beginning of the Sermon of the Mount, because these are the things. Blessed are those who are spiritual beggars, who know themselves to be destitute and have no resources inside themselves for this. Blessed are those who mourn, that’s being broken-hearted. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be satisfied. This is what Christ said is the essence of kingdom life and Edwards is just putting it in different words. But when he lists out these 12 things that we’re going to look at tonight, which are no sure and certain sign of regeneration, you’ll be amazed. And you’ll start to realize how cheap it is to enter an evangelical church these days.

How easy it is to be considered to be an eminent saint even. And how careful Edwards was about those things. We’re going to see it. Now the first few pages here are review, and I don’t think we really have time for it. We just talked last time about the nature of affections and their importance in religion. So, I just condensed the lecture from last time on the first page and a half, but you can read that. I’m going to just launch in now into Part 2, “Showing what are no certain signs that religious affections are gracious.”

Lemme say this one thing about last time, which is two weeks ago. Basically, his point is that affections are the essence of true religion, true Christianity, the essence of true faith in Christ. True religion in Christ is essentially affection. Now we define what that meant. In that the human mind or heart has the ability not only to know and understand or perceive something, to know its attributes and its nature, the intellectual side, the mental side. But also to either be attracted to or away from it, to yearn for it and to want it, to like it or love it, or to dislike it or hate it. That we do this kind of thing. And so we are moved in our affections toward holy things toward God. And he’s saying that this affection is very much the essence of true religion.

Now realize that he’s fighting on two different battles. There are some, Chauncey and the old lights, that are saying that these excesses are bad. They actually are proof that these people are not converted. They don’t have that sober-minded, serious duty, dutiful dedication to the laws and the rules and all that, that we see in a sober-minded intellectual understanding of doctrine. That’s the old lights. And he’s arguing against them, saying, “No religion is very much in the affections.” But on the other hand, he’s arguing against those that just go so far the other direction that say the more affections, the more emotions, the more display the better. And so, he’s got to be so careful and find the right place.

Alright, that’s a very quick summary of last time’s discussion. Let’s dig in now into this part. And now what he’s going to do is he’s going to begin to discern things. One of the aspects of the Christian life is that we have is the ability to discern. To see the difference between things, to be able to taste the food and see what’s good and to see what’s not good. And that’s what he’s doing in such a very careful way here, and this is typical of Edwards. He does the same thing in the Marks of a Revival of God. How can you tell when God is doing a revival and when he is not? What are the marks of a work of the Holy Spirit generally in people? So, he’s doing the same thing now. And so he’s going to begin negatively. It’s going to begin negatively. So we’re going to have an essentially negative study tonight in which we’re looking through 12 things, which he says are no sign or mark either way, whether you are converted. You see, it’s no mark either way.

These things showing what are no certain signs that religious affections are gracious, that is saving grace from God, or that they are not. And now he’s not going to do this equally with all 12 because some of them he doesn’t even need to defend one of the sides. Nobody would claim that if you have lots of love it proves you’re not a Christian. Nobody was saying that, and so he didn’t waste any time arguing. Chauncey and the old lights and nobody said that. So why wasn’t it? There’s no Christian on earth that says, I’ll tell you what, if I see a lot of love from you, I know you’re not a Christian. Okay, he didn’t need to waste any time on that, so he only argued on the one side. Just because there seems to be a display of love doesn’t mean you are a Christian.

That’s what he’s going to be doing. But in many of these cases he’s got to go on both sides. He’s got to show that just because you have a lot of affections doesn’t mean you’re not a Christian, arguing against those old lights. All right? Just because you’re not doesn’t mean. But on the other hand, just because you do have them doesn’t mean you are a Christian. So, he’s always got to be looking at both sides of the coin and he does so very, very well. Now let’s look at the list of 12 things and see what he says are no certain signs that you are born again or that you’re not either way.

Number one, strong and high affections is no proof either way concerning someone’s conversion. Secondly, that someone’s affections have a strong effect on their body is no proof either way concerning their conversion. That thirdly, affections cause someone to become very fluent, fervent and abundant in talking about Christ and spiritual things is no proof either way concerning their conversion. Fourth, that someone did not manufacture or stimulate those affections on their own is no proof either way concerning their conversion. Sorry, number five, that those affections come with many texts of scripture is no proof either way concerning their conversion. Number six, that there is an appearance of love in them is no proof. Number seven, having many different kinds of religious affections is no proof. Number eight, that comforts and joys in spiritual things follow a great torment of soul in a certain order is no proof. I’ll talk about that in a moment. But number nine, that these religious affections cause someone to spend much time in religion and to be zealously engaged in the external duties of worship is no proof. Number 10 that these affections lead people to praise and glorify God with their mouths is no proof. Number 11, that these affections make the people that have them exceedingly confident that what they experience is divine, and that they’re in a good estate is no proof. Number 12, that the outward manifestations of these affections and the accounts people give of them are very affecting and pleasing to the godly is no proof. Well, even that might be a little wordy for you. So, what I did was I boiled it down even simpler. Albert Einstein said everything should be made as simple as possible but not simpler.

Now, I don’t know if I’ve gone too simple here, but I’ve tried to simplify that list of 12 and get it down to its lowest level simplified list. First of all, strong high religious affections, no proof. Have lots of strong feelings, religious feelings? That’s no proof.  Secondly, to have those affections have some effect on your body. You might say, what are you talking? Well, I mean if you’ve been through a revival, you probably, I mean there’s dancing in the aisles. I mean there are people rolling on the ground. There are people that show with their bodies that things have happened. There are some people that weep, that cry out. That like when he preached Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God, people thought that the ground was going to open up under their feet and that they were going to be swallowed up into hell. And if you had been watching them, you would’ve seen bodily effects of their affections, what they were going through. Thirdly, fluent fervent and abundant talk about Christ is no proof. Being able to talk about the things of God, and be fervent in that talk. And say many things and even accurate things. It’s no proof. Number four that you believe these affections came from outside you is no proof. To say, Hey, this isn’t like me. These kinds of things don’t happen to me. I didn’t manufacture. This came on me from the outside. It’s no proof. Number five that you have lots of texts of scripture to support what’s happened to you is no proof. Number six, having an appearance of love is no proof. Now Edwards will say having a genuine love for God and love for neighbor is proof, but love can be counterfeited and he’s going to talk about that. And he’s talking here about an appearance of love and having that is no proof. Number seven, having many different kinds of religious affections, a kind of Golden Corral experience in which it’s not just one thing but many things on your plate. Some of you are cringing, maybe you just don’t like Golden Corral, but I mean there are buffets in which you can load up on your plate just to have a variety of these things is no proof.

It’s very interesting that he points that one out and I’ll tell you more later why I find that interesting. He’s a very careful man. Number eight, that torment of soul gave way in the end to joy is no proof. Now this is kind of big. And we’ll talk more about it, but the Puritans especially had a kind of pattern of conversion that you went through certain agonies of the soul. And it was caused by the law and terrors of the law.

And it resulted in a kind of crying out against yourself for a period of time. And then after that would come a certain relief and release that you had been forgiven, and that God was merciful to you. And you were then convinced that you were converted. There was a program, and it almost became ritualistic. As so often happens you can go from tradition to traditionalism. And this is the way, and when you start to realize that everybody coming forward to give testimony gave the same testimony.

That’s why Richard Baxter had to say, “God breaketh not all men alike.” Not everybody gets broken by the Spirit the same way. Have your own testimony. Tell us what God really did in your life. It doesn’t all have to be the same thing. But anyway, even if you do get the grade A, blue-ribbon approved conversion testimony story doesn’t mean that it’s genuinely you’re genuinely converted. Okay, number nine, lots of religious service and external worship is no proof. And number 10, praising and glorifying God with your mouth is no proof.

Number 11, this is striking. “Having a strong confidence and assurance based on these affections is no proof.” Now think about evangelism explosion. Don’t we basically ask them to give an assessment of their assurance? If you were to die tonight, tell me how sure you would be that you were going to heaven. We are always asking people about their assurance. And if they don’t have a hundred percent assurance, we think they need the gospel. And we’re going to share the gospel with them because, “99% assured is a hundred percent lost,” one preacher said. 99% assured is a hundred percent lost.

Is that true? Where do you find that in the Bible? What do you think Peter’s level of assurance was when the cock crowed that night? A hundred percent lost. Jesus said, “I pray for you that your faith will not fail” (Luke 22:32). He wasn’t lost at all, but he had a pretty tough night that night. And his assurance was about as low as I think you’re going to find it. But flip side, is it true that a hundred percent assured is a hundred percent saved? Because you are absolutely convinced that you’re saved? Are you? I don’t know. How convinced were the Pharisees that they were saved? They were at 110% and working on 111%! They were going up. Okay, number 12, having a compelling testimony that godly people that other godly people love and put their stamp of approval on. All of these people say, now this person’s a Christian, is no proof.

Alright, now you say, Wow, what’s left? You look at that and you say, I’ve got nothing left to stand on. But you got to realize- now you look at these 12 things, realize that these things actually are part of a healthy Christian life, and they are good things that God does. And so, you can get to be alienated from the list and say, okay, I don’t want any of those things. That’s the wrong reaction. You should want all of these things. These are good things. To talk a lot about your faith is a good thing. And to be active and praising God with your mouth is a good. All of these are fruit on the tree but they’re not the essence of the tree. That’s what he’s saying. And the fruit can be taped by the devil onto the tree without there being a genuine living principle there.

That’s what he’s getting at here. Alright, well let’s take them apart and look at them one at a time. As time allows, we’re not going to really have the time to go through all of these equally. As a matter of fact, I didn’t even do that on your sheet. I’m urging you to read this on your own. My little synopsis here will not do it justice. Let’s look at the first: strong and high affections. There’s no proof either way concerning someone’s conversion. And by the way, just when you begin this process and start to accept that this process is valid, you begin to realize how revolutionary that is in an evangelical church. Because it’s so easy to just take everything at face value and just assume that because somebody comes regularly to church and that they talk a lot about Christianity, and I mean the standards get impossibly low almost in evangelical churches.

I mean looking for some evidence and even the slightest little thing. And then we’ll say, well they were, saved, they just didn’t really lead a great Christian life. Well, I’ll tell you this for myself. I get anxious about that as a pastor, I don’t settle for that. And it’s a hard thing to break into that and say, don’t trust in these things. These things are no sure certain proof for you. Let’s look instead at what’s really going on in your heart to be sure that you know the Lord. And I say of all the things in pastoral ministry, that is among the most painful. To take somebody who you believe as a pastor is falsely assured and to do the work needed to bring them to that same conclusion so that they will genuinely trust in the Lord is a very difficult and painful journey. You can imagine because they’re going to fight you every step of the way. And you’re taking away what they clung to all this time.

It’s very, very hard, but it needs to be done, alright. Number one, strong and high affections. No proof either way, alright? It is no proof that you are not converted if you have strong religious affections. Now that might seem odd to you, but that’s what these old lights, Chauncey and all them were saying. If we see this big enthusiastic outward affection thing, you don’t really know what Christianity is. Well, he’s got to argue against that. And that’s the very thing he did in the whole first section of his treatise anyway, isn’t it? Who’s going to say that we should not have a very strong love for Christ? You have too much love for Christ. I mean, who would ever argue that? That’s an odd position to take. Or that we should not have a very great hatred of evil? And be actually emotional about it and have a reaction to it. To a temptation or something? I actually think our reactions are too weak, too flaccid. And Edward says, no, drive them on to where God is. Have a strong and passionate response to evil like Jesus did.

Or number three, that we should have a very strong yearning for holiness. These are affections. The main text that he’s working on speaks of very strong affections. 1 Peter 1:8, “Though you have not seen him, you love him. And even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy.” That’s pretty strong affection, isn’t it? And so, if this is what Peter’s enjoining, so much for Chauncey in the old lights. Because that is very strong affection. That’s passionate language, isn’t it?

Number five, there is much evidence in scripture about very high affections as part of the healthy Christian life. Jesus commanded it, didn’t he? Luke 6:23, “If you’re persecuted for righteousness’ sake,” he told you, ‘Rejoice in that day and leap for joy.'” And when was the last time you leapt for joy? I think it’s been a while for me. I’m not a leaper. Okay, okay, but maybe I need to be more of a leaper. Okay? Jesus commands leap for joy here. What would Chauncey think of that? What would the old lights think of that leaping thing? We got to be careful of that leaping. But Jesus said, leap for joy because great is your reward in heaven, because that’s how they persecuted to the prophets.

Number six, the Psalms are filled with passionate expressions. Psalm 119:97, “O how I love your law, meditate on it all day long.” It’s interesting to do an original language study on the word O. There’s a number of words that are translated O, and they have no business there except emotion. They’re affectionate words, they’re passionate words. Sometimes the English translates O just in the direct address the so-called evocative case. Whenever we’re speaking to Lord, I love you, Oh Lord, that’s not the word I’m talking about. But there’s another word that does like, “O, the depths of the riches, the wisdom, the knowledge of God, how unsearchable his judgments” (Romans 11:33). That’s just passionate language, isn’t it? And it’s just the Greek omega, just a single letter. And the NASB 119:53 says, “Burning indignation has seized me because of the wicked who forsake your law.” Burning indignation. That sounds like strong passion, doesn’t it? Sounds like affections. Psalm 119:136, “Streams of tears flow from my eyes for your law is not obeyed.” I was very convicted by my study of Psalm 119 and how passionate the psalmist is, and how my heart isn’t like this. I don’t cry when God’s word is disobeyed, but the psalmist did.

Paul and John the Baptist expressed affections in Christ. John the Baptist said, “The bride belongs to the bridegroom. The friend who attends the bridegroom waits and listens for him and is full of joy when he hears the bridegroom’s voice. That joy is mine and it is now perfect” (John 3:29). I mean he’s just filled with joy at hearing Jesus’ voice, filled with joy. And so also Philippians 1:8, “For God is my witness, how I long for all of you with the affection of Christ Jesus.” Very affectionate language there. 2 Timothy 1:4, same thing with his relationship with Timothy, “Recalling your tears, I long to see you so that I may be filled with joy.” Timothy apparently cried when he said goodbye to Paul. Back in those days when you said goodbye to somebody, it could be for life. I mean it was just hard to move around.

And if he knew that Paul was going a long distance away, he might never see him again and he cried. And he said, “Recalling your tears, I long to see you.” And there’s every indication with this being 2 Timothy that he never saw him again. That was his last letter. He expected to die soon. So, a lot of affection, a lot of emotion there. The church rejoiced greatly in Christ’s resurrection and ascension. They worshiped him and returned to Jerusalem with great joy. There’s a lot of evidence about this. We don’t have to work too hard to prove this.

Number nine, saints and angels in heaven are characterized by displays of affection. Edwards put it this way, the saints and angels in heaven that have religion in its highest perfection are exceedingly affected with what they behold in contemplated God’s perfections and works. They are all as a pure flame of fire in their love and in the greatness and strength of their joy and gratitude. Revelation 19:1-7. This is a little slice of heavenly affection is what it is. “After this, I heard what sounded like the roar of a great multitude in heaven shouting,” stop there. I mean that is passion going on up there in heaven. “The roar of a multitude shouting, ‘Hallelujah! Salvation and glory and power belong to our God, for true and just are his judgments.'” What are they celebrating? They’re celebrating like the seven bowls and the seven vials and the seven trumpets. I mean they are just worshiping God for what he’s doing. And he’s pouring out wrath, but they know that he’s clearing the way for the coming of Christ. That Jesus is coming back now. Revelation 19 is the Second Coming chapter, and they’re just on the edge of their seat if they’re even seated. They’re probably standing and jumping up and down. “Come, Lord Jesus,” they’re shouting. “But salvation and glory and power belong to our God, true and just are his judgments; he has condemned the great prostitute who corrupted the earth by her adulteries. He has avenged on her the blood of his servants. And again, they shouted,” stop there. I mean they just don’t stop, do they? They’re just so excited, and they’re so thrilled. And non-Christians tell us that heaven’s going to be a boring place. My goodness, this is not boredom I’m reading here. “They shouted again, ‘Hallelujah! The smoke from her goes up forever and ever.” They’re worshiping God for his wrath here. The 24 elders and the four living creatures fell down and worshiped God who is seated on the throne. They did what? They fell down. These are bodily expressions. Do they have bodies? I don’t know. But they fell down. They fell down. And they’re just filled with joy. And they worship God who is seated on the throne.

And they cried, “Amen. Hallelujah!’ And then a voice came from the throne saying, ‘Praise our God, all you servants, you who fear him, both small and great.’ Then I heard what sounded like a great multitude, like the roar of rushing waters and like loud peals of thunder.” Well, he already said that in verse 1, so he’s got to be adding even more. It was like that was, but this is louder now, okay, “Shouting, hallelujah! For our Lord God Almighty reigns.” That’s the hallelujah verse. You know that don’t you? The hallelujah chorus. That’s what Handel was reading when he said this, and he did his feeble best to put into earthly music what is really going to go on, on that day in heaven. And you say feeble. Yes, feeble. Compared to what the saints and the angels in heaven were doing it is just an earthly echo.

Verse seven, “Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory, for the wedding of the Lamb has come, and his Bride has made herself ready.” Now if that’s not passion, I don’t know what is. That? That’s a hot place. There’s a lot of passion there. And therefore, it is clearly concluded that great and high displays of affection are no proof that you are not converted. Isn’t it obvious? But now is it proof that you are converted? That’s what he’s going to argue now.

Because you have big, high displays of affection and emotion, does that prove that you’re born again? Frequently in the text he will say, on the other hand, and when you read that, if you have a copy you could write in, you circle that because that’s where he’s turning to deal with the other folks. And just about every time in each one of these points he says, now on the other hand, it is no proof the other way that you are converted, if you have these big shows of affection and emotion.

There are many examples of people in scripture who have strong religious affections who are not certainly converted. We don’t know for a fact that the Galatians were converted. You could say, well, wait a minute. Well, was Paul certain they were converted? He wasn’t. He was concerned because they were getting swept away by a false gospel. And that’s not the mark of conversion, okay? Converted people don’t get swept away with a gospel of works. They stand firm in that day of testing. They hear Christ’s voice, and they will not follow the voice of another. They know. And so, they’re not going to follow. And he says, “I fear for you that somehow I have wasted my effort on you,” Galatians 4:11. Is he certain that they’re converted? No, he’s not.

And that’s why there’s such a strong, strong tone here in Galatians. It’s such a serious letter, isn’t it? He doesn’t even bother to commend them, usually he commends everybody. Ephesians get their commendation. The Philippians get their commendation. Galatians get nothing. They get, “I’m shocked that you’re so quickly abandoning the gospel.” That’s what they get. And what does he say in Galatians 4:15-16? He says, “What has happened to all your joy? I can testify that if you could have done so, you would’ve torn out your eyes and given them to me. Have I now become your enemy by telling you the truth?” Okay, well he talks about some joy there, doesn’t he? And not just a little joy, but all your joy. So apparently, they were very joyful about their conversion, very joyful because displays of the Spirit were shown. There were miracles, I believe. There were all kinds of stuff going on, and they were really excited about that. But now he doesn’t even know if they’re converted. Doesn’t that prove that you can have great and high displays of affection, and yet it’s no sure and certain sign that you were born again?

How about the Israelites after the Red Sea? How did they feel on the other side of the Red Sea? If you walked around and asked, are you feeling emotional right now? What would they have said? Oh, they were feeling emotional. They even wrote a poem. They even sang and danced to tambourines. I mean they were having a very, very emotional experience. They really were. “Moses and the Israelites sang this song to the LORD, ‘I will sing to the LORD, for he is highly exalted; the horse and his rider he has hurled into the sea. The LORD is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation; He is my God, and I will praise him, my father’s God, and I will exalt him'” (Exodus 15:1-2). And then later in the chapter, verse 20, “Then Miriam, the prophetess, Aaron’s sister took a tambourine in her and all the women followed her with tambourines and dancing. Miriam sang to them, ‘Sing to the LORD, for he is highly exalted; the horse and rider, he has hurled into the sea.” So, they’re definitely having an affection there. There’s definitely emotion, there’s definitely passion. And it’s not a little, it’s a lot. Strong passion. And I would argue that you probably haven’t had any religious affections as high as the Israelites on the other side of the Red Sea. I mean that was incredible. And they wrote psalms about it for centuries after that. To actually see what it was like. And to see Pharaoh and his army finally destroyed. And they’re finally free. And they know it’s done now. They are really, truly free. What a moment, what a moment. And yet the next verse even (Exodus 15:22-24), “Then Moses led Israel from the Red Sea, and they went into the desert of Shur. For three days they traveled in the desert without finding water. When they came to Mara, they could not drink its water because it was bitter. That’s why the place is called Mara. So, the people grumbled against Moses.” Is that a big deal, that grumbling thing? Oh, it’s a huge deal. And as a matter of fact, God mentions it many times and talks about it. David talks about it in Psalm 95, the fact that they hardened their hearts and grumbled against the Lord. They did not trust him and therefore they didn’t believe in him. And therefore, they were not converted. Some of them were, but not many. And Paul himself says they are examples of people who were baptized in the Red Sea and ate the bread and all that using that Christian terminology. And said, “Yet God was not pleased with most of them. Their bodies were scattered in the desert” (1 Corinthians 10:5). So, they had very high affections, and yet they were not genuinely converted.

How about the crowds of Jerusalem after Lazarus had been raised? That was a big moment, wasn’t it? When Jesus said, Lazarus come forth, and he came forth. Those people apparently were the ones that really fired up the “Hosanna! Hosanna!” celebration when Jesus entered Jerusalem. That’s what it says in John 12:13, middle of the page, “They took palm branches and went out to meet him, shouting, “Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord, blessed is the King of Israel!” And then 12:17 there at the top under number three there, it says the crowd that was with him when he had called Lazarus from the tomb and raised him from the dead, continued to spread the word. Do you see that? Many people, because they had heard that he had given this miraculous sign, went out to meet him. So, the Pharisees said to one another, see, this is getting us nowhere. Look how the whole world has gone out after him.

So, we have to assume that the people did not go out in a flat unemotional state. I mean, is that a fair assumption that when they were saying Hosanna, they weren’t saying Hosanna, Hosanna. They actually had a lot of affections; they had a lot of emotions. It was a very high day for them. And again, one might argue that you haven’t experienced any emotions as high as seeing Jesus ride in because they thought that he was the king. And this was the time, and the Romans were finished. And there it was. They were so excited about this. If he can raise the dead, we are undefeatable. I mean because we have good fighters anyway. But even if they have a lot more than us, we’ll just get Jesus to keep raising them from the dead. And I mean, it’s just going to be kind of tough to beat us at this point.

And frankly, if he can do that, we probably won’t even die anyway. He will protect us and be powerful. And so, they really thought this was it. And I would have to imagine that their affections, their emotions were very, very high at that point. Look what Edwards writes about this, “And how quickly was this ado at an end?” Do you see that? “All of this nature is quelled and dead when Jesus stands bound with a mock robe and a crown of thorns to be derided, spat upon, scourged, condemned and executed? Indeed, there was a great and loud outcry concerning him among the multitude then as well as before, but of a very different kind. It’s not then hosanna, hosanna, but crucify, crucify! And why? Well, I think they felt jilted. I really do. I think that there was a backlash at that point. This is not what they expected, and the Romans are going to win again.

I mean, I think they were angry at Jesus for being so weak. And that’s why there was such a vengeance. They were like beasts of prey. Of course, they were whipped up by the chief priests and the Pharisees and all that, but they were the ones who called it out. They were responsible. And so, what I’m saying is you can have very, very high displays of affection and yet not be converted. Not be converted. Edward’s conclusion, “It is a concurring voice of all orthodox divines that there may be religious affections which are raised to a very high degree, and yet there be nothing of true religion.” Wow, that’s huge, isn’t it? Number two, that someone’s affections have strong effect on their body is no proof either way concerning their conversion. I mean, this might be good for our Pentecostal brothers and sisters. I mean to them it’s a very great mark of being born again, that there’s certain physical displays. And the more displays, I think the greater the piety really. I mean you’re really into it. You’re really able to worship like David dancing before the ark. The fact that you can really do this shows I think a great deal of piety. So they would believe, but what he’s saying is all affections, all affections have some effect on the body, don’t they? I mean he said, I don’t, that’s questionable whether an embodied soul ever so much as thinks one thought or has any exercise at all, but that there’s some corresponding motion to the fluids of the body. We are just married to our bodies, aren’t we? And if you’re going to feel high affections as in the first point, could it be that there’s going to be a physical display of that in the second point? And so, these two really go together. If you’re going to concede that having very high and great affections, there’s no sure uncertain proof that you’re born again, then the bodily thing comes right next to it.

And so, this really doesn’t, you don’t have to work that hard. Now what he said, it’s no proof that you’re not converted either. Some might say this is kind of demonic. To have a bodily display of your love for Christ is evil or wrong. Well, he says that’s false. And frankly throughout the scriptures we’re going to see, you see a lot of bodily displays or demonstrations of great affections. Like Daniel for example, Daniel 10:8, “So I was left alone gazing at this great vision. I had no strength left. My face turned deathly pale, and I was helpless.” Other times the angel had to help him up because he was collapsed and prostrate on the ground. Revelation 1:17, “And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as though dead.” Now that’s a physical bodily reaction to an internal affection, isn’t it? Nobody made him fall dead at Christ’s feet, but John just fell dead as one dead at the feet of the resurrected Christ.

And how about in Hebrews 12:21, Moses at the foot of Mount Sinai? The sight was so terrifying that Moses said, I am trembling with fear. This is Moses, and he is beside himself with terror at the foot of Mount. So, there are going to be physical displays. And that doesn’t mean you’re not converted. However, it is no proof either that you are converted if you have these. Great effects on the body are no sure evidence that the affections are spiritual for we see that such effects oftentimes arise from great affections about temporal things.” Like what? Well, like a ball game. Of course they didn’t have ball games back then. But have you ever seen great physical effects of the body of affections at ball games? Yes, standing ovations, crowds, cheering, the wave, all that. Those are bodily displays of affection aren’t, they? They don’t prove anything. They don’t prove a thing. And so just because your body is doing this does not mean that you are born again.

Thirdly, that affections cause someone to become very fluent, fervent, and abundant in Christ. And spiritual things is no proof either way concerning their conversion. Many people tend to be taken in by this one. How he talks, especially if he never talked like that before. If you say, well, you should have heard his language before, but now all he can talk about are spiritual things. Now talking much about religion is a good thing. If you’re born again out of the fullness of the heart, the mouth speaks. And I have said before, I’ve preached, and I still think it’s true, that all Christ needs is the a hundred percent catalog of your words. And he will accurately judge your soul accurately. He can do that.

So, he said, just give me your words and I’ll know what to do. But he can do that. We can’t do that. And what he’s saying is just because somebody else as you’re listening is talking a lot about spiritual things, does not mean certainly that they’re born again. Now talking much about religion is a good thing. It says in Colossians 4:6, “Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt.” So, talk a lot. It says then, “About what?” It says, talk about Christ. 1 Peter 4:11, “If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God.” So converted people to talk much about their conversions, about the thing of God, things of God. But neither is true that much fluent, fervent, knowledgeable talk is absolute proof that you are converted. Like in Luke 1:65, “After John the Baptist was born, the neighbors were all filled with awe. And throughout the hill country of Judea, people were talking about all these things.” Were they excited? Were they talking a lot about them? Oh, certainly they were lots of talk. Were they all converted? I doubt it. There’s no indication that the entire hillside of Judea did not need Christ, that they were converted, that they were now in the kingdom of God. I think they were just excited and talking. Luke 5:15, “Yet the news about him (this time, Christ) spread all the more so that the crowds of people came to hear him and be healed of their sicknesses.” Now, do you think that everyone that Jesus physically healed was converted?

Was everybody that Jesus physically healed, were they all converted? No. As a matter of fact, in John 5 he warns somebody that he has healed. He says, look, you’re well again, stop sinning or something worse might happen to you. Worse than 40 years of paralysis? Oh yes, much worse. He’s warning him about hell, isn’t he? And so, he warns him about his spiritual state even though his body’s been healed. So, here’s the deal though. If you have been physically healed miraculously about Jesus, by Jesus, do you think you’re going to go talk about it among your neighbors? Do you think you’ll be bored about it or excited about it? Probably very excited. Do you think you’ll talk a little or a lot? A lot! And you’ll spread it all around, won’t you? As a matter of fact, Jesus even asked some of them not to do that, but they did it anyway. Is that proof that they’re converted, that they talked a lot about this spiritual thing that happened to them? No, it isn’t.

John 7:12, “Among the crowds there was widespread whispering about him. Some said, ‘He’s a good man,’ others replied, ‘No, he deceives the people.'” Widespread whispering. Do you see that? Lots of talk about him.  Why were they whispering, by the way? They were afraid. They were afraid. Afraid of the Jews. Yes. “No one would say anything publicly about him for fear of the Jews.” Why did John put that in there? Because he wants you to know that these folks are afraid to die. They’re afraid. Now, open testimony to Christ is evidence of spiritual maturity and the lack of it is no proof that you’re not born again. I mean, there are people that wimp out in key moments, but at the same time, what he’s saying is there was lots of communication going on about Jesus. We’re not certain what the spiritual state is of those that were doing the talking.

Or how about the palace guards that were sent to arrest Jesus, and they came back empty handed? Remember? Remember what they said? “No one ever talked the way this man did.” So, they were talking about Jesus. Were they converted? Maybe some of them were, I don’t know. And then there’s the false teachers in 2 Peter 2:17-18, “Many are springs without water and mist driven by a storm. Blackest darkness is reserved for them, for they mouth empty, boastful words. And by appealing to the lustful desires of sinful human nature, they entice people who are just escaping from those who live in error.” False teachers do a lot of talking, fervent talking about spiritual things. But 2 Peter 2 is a dreadful chapter. Now these people are bound for the worst place in hell. I mean, it’s a terrible, terrible thing to be a false teacher, terrible thing. And yet they do a lot of talking about spiritual things.

The Holy Spirit works in whatever way he chooses.

Number four, that someone did not manufacture or stimulate those affections on their own is no proof either way concerning their conversion. It’s no proof that you’re not converted. And this is a little subtle, and frankly I’m not going to take time, okay? It really is. It’s tough. But basically, the old lights were saying that the Holy Spirit always worked in a certain way and that if he worked in this other way, it proves you’re not converted. But he said that’s foolish. The Holy Spirit works in whatever way he chooses. And just because he doesn’t follow your recipe doesn’t mean you’re not converted. But let’s not spend much time on that. I don’t think there’s anyone in this room that will argue that. But God does convert some people in a very dramatic and spectacular way for his glory.

He wants the saints to know when he has worked so that he can get all the glory. And then he says this key phrase, as I pointed out before, on the other hand, there’s no certain proof that you believe your affections to have come to you from the outside yourself. Now here’s the thing. You say, look, I know myself. This isn’t like me. I don’t do this kind of thing. This has kind of come on me from the outside and that proves that I’m born again. Does it? First of all, we don’t really understand the demonic world. There are spirits out there that are not the Holy Spirit, and therefore it says in 1 John 4:1, “Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they’re from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.” Do those demonic spirits have an influence on people?

Can they lead somebody astray into a false faith? Of course they can. That’s the essence of idolatrous religions. Is that demons have led people astray into worshiping passionately things that are false. So just because something comes on you from the outside doesn’t mean it’s good. It may actually be openly demonic and lead you into an idolatrous faith, a false faith. It is the religion of demons. So, we don’t understand the spiritual world. So just because something came from the outside doesn’t mean that for sure you’re converted. Secondly, we don’t action ourselves. How do you know you’re not really like this? How do you know that this came from the outside, and it isn’t you? Could it be that this was just part of who you were, but you were repressing it all this time? You don’t really know yourself, do you? So that’s no proof.

And thirdly, and this is interesting, could be that the Holy Spirit is doing it, but short of conversion, there are actually influences of the Holy Spirit that don’t finally in the end, convert. Many good influences frankly of the Holy Spirit. I believe this is exactly what’s going on in Hebrews 6. Hebrews 6:4-6, he says, “It is impossible for those who have once been enlightened, who have tasted the heavenly gift, who have shared in the Holy Spirit, who have tasted the goodness of the word of God and the powers of the coming age if they fall away to be brought back to repentance.” How do I interpret this? Well, I believe that what was going on is that the Holy Spirit was doing something exceptional among these Jewish Christians that had to do with signs and wonders, miracles, prophecy, perhaps speaking in tongues.

All the kinds of sign gifts of the Spirit were at work, and people were observing that. They were breathing in the air of that spiritual atmosphere. They were tasting of the heavenly gift. They were partaking of the Holy Spirit. And that perhaps brought a change on them, in their affections at some level, but they were not converted. And so, they move along with Christ for a while. But when the persecution came, when the sun came up, plants withered, and they were scorched because they had no roots. They fell away. The persecution came. They didn’t have the resources to make it. So they were breathing in the air of the Holy Spirit. They were influenced in some way, moved to some level of affection, but they were not converted. So, he gives three answers to this.

Fifth that those affections come with many texts of scriptures, no proof either way, concerning their conversion. Obviously, it’s no proof you’re not converted. If you can cite many scriptures, the more scriptures you cite, the less convinced I am that you’re a Christian. I mean, nobody would say that. So, he doesn’t even bother answering that. I hate it when they quote scripture. Obviously, nobody would would say that, and so he doesn’t bother with it. But is it proof that you’re a walking Bible, that you can just spout lots of verses that you are definitely converted? Definitely it is not. There are people that know the Bible far better than me or you that are not converted. It’s true. Affections can rise from understanding a portion of the Bible. The person still is unconverted.

For example, Matthew 13:20-21, this should be familiar, we just heard it in Sunday morning preaching a few weeks ago. “The one who received the seed that fell in the rocky place is the man who hears the word, and at once receives it.” What? With joy. That’s an emotion, isn’t it? That’s an affection. He’s moved. He’s moved by the word. It’s moved him to an affectionate level. Is he a Christian? Is he converted? No, he’s not. “When the sun comes up, trouble of persecution comes because of the word he quickly falls away.” The devil himself quoted the scripture to Christ. Therefore, he’s not afraid to misuse the Bible for his own purposes. Man’s own foolishness can also twist scripture for his own purposes and for his own emotional benefit. So just the ability to spout lots of scripture and even specific scriptures that seem to connect to your situation does not prove that you’re converted.

Six, that there is an appearance of love is no proof. Again, no one would claim that lots of love proves you’re not a Christian. So, he skipped that. But then he says, on the other hand, it is no certain sign that you are truly converted. There is an appearance of love. Why does he say appearance? Because actually it’s a very weighty thing if there’s genuine love. Because remember how he said that true Christianity is in the affection and that’s love. Love is the most excellent thing and that’s his point. Do we counterfeit the most worthless thing? No. The more valuable something is more likely it is to be counterfeited, right? Nobody is making a fake of wantings. It’s true. If I made one, do you think there’d be anybody that would say, I’m going to make a forgery of that. Okay, and I’m going to have that forgery and people will think it’s an original Andy Davis, but it isn’t.

Who’s going to counterfeit something that’s worthless? Now my kids will say, daddy, it’s not worthless, we like your drawings. But it’s worth it to them and they can counterfeit them if they want. But nobody else would counterfeit one of my drawings. They’re worthless. But would somebody counterfeit a Rembrandt or a Van Gogh? It’s been done. It’s been done. And so also, would the devil counterfeit love? Yes, he would. And he has, he counterfeits love. And so, there’s evidence in scripture for example, Matthew 24:12-13. Jesus said because of the increase of wickedness at the end of the world because the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, that he who stands firm to the end will be saved. Well, you can’t have love grow cold if you had no love to begin with. You see that? And so, they had a love, but it wasn’t the fruit of conversion.

It was a different kind of love. And I think that parents can have a love for their children and be unconverted. I really do. I think people can have love for their country, their homeland, and be unconverted. There’s actually lots of different kinds of loves and affections, but there’s a special kind that comes as a direct result of being converted. And he’ll talk about that in the third section. But this is an appearance of love. Having many different kinds of religious affection is no proof. I’m going to skip this one because I’m going to comment at the end. On page 10 I just list the different counterfeited affections, sorrow for sin. Those of you that have been with us on Sunday evenings, do you remember the number of times that Pharaoh repented? I mean he was a big time repenter. I’ve done, I really sinned this time. I’m so sorry. Please take the plague off. Exodus 9. The Lord is right and I’m in the wrong. Really. I’m sorry, please.

He’s just a prime example of a fake repenter I think. And it happens again and again, but you can just read through these things and see on your own just the way that these things are counterfeited. Zeal, desire for eternal life, et cetera. Number eight and nine, you can read on your own. What I want to do is go to number 10, talk about that, number 11, and then read a summary that he gives here, which is really quite striking. And it left me with a question. Number eight says that comforts and joys and spiritual things follow great torments of soul in certain orders. No proof. Just because you have, like I said, a blue-ribbon conversion story, and that it followed the recipe doesn’t prove that you’re converted.

That’s what he talks about there. Number nine, that these religious affections cause someone to spend much time in religion and to be zealously engaged in the external duties of worship is no proof. This is a big one. Even for Baptist churches, people that are here all the time doing lots of stuff, working hard and all that, is that proof that they’re converted? No, it’s not. Can it be a result of conversion? Of course, faithful, diligent, energetic service to the Lord and the house of God is a fruit of conversion. But we can’t say the opposite and trace it back. Just because somebody’s busy or energetic or active around the building or in the church’s ministries does not mean that they’re converted.

Number 10, that these affections lead people to praise and glorify God is no proof. You want to know the prime example of this? Nebuchadnezzar. Alright, what happened after Daniel interpreted Nebuchadnezzar’s dream, told him his dream and then interpreted him? You know what happened? Nebuchadnezzar praised God. He did. He worshiped God because he was stunned. He was amazed. That was something really. No, no, no. You tell me my dream, and then you interpret it. I mean nobody can do that. And Daniel did it, and Nebuchadnezzar was amazed. And so, he says in Daniel 2:47, he says, surely your God is the God of gods and the Lord of kings and a revealer of mysteries. That sounds a lot like worship to me, doesn’t it? And if you were standing there, would you have thought he was converted? I don’t know, but you’d say, boy, that was good worship there. Even worse, after that he sets up that golden idol and throws Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego into the fiery furnace.

That’s just one of the great moments in biblical history when he looks in there and sees four of them walking around, and one looks like a son of the gods. You know why? Because he was brighter than the furnace. Now that’s impressive. So, he’s looking in there and he says, wow. And then he says, “Shadrach Meshach, Abednego, servants of the most high God come out of there.” And they did. They obeyed him, right? But I think that they should have said, no, you king, come in and get us. We’re having a great time. You come and get us or send some of those men in there to come get us. But they were not like that, and they were submissive, and they definitely said we were coming out. But what happened after they came out? Well look at Daniel 3:20, 28 and 29, then Nebuchadnezzar said,

Praise be to the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego who has sent his angel and rescued his servants. They trusted in him and defied the king’s command and were willing to give up their lives rather than serve or worship any God except their own God. Therefore, I decree that the people of any nation or language who say anything against the God of Shadrach, Mesha and Abednego be cut into pieces, houses be turned into piles of rubble for no other God can save in this way.

There was not separation of church and state in Nebuchadnezzar’s kingdom, alright? If you don’t worship God, you’re going to die. But that was his form of worship, wasn’t it? What happened in chapter 4? He’s back to his old ways. He’s not converted, and yet he’s worshiping.

Alright, number 11, that these affections make the people that have them exceedingly confident that what they experience is divine and that they’re in good estate is no proof. Alright? First of all, do people say that assurance of salvation is not possible? Yes, the Catholics say that. As a matter of fact, they say it’s presumptuous. No Protestant tends to say it, although Arminians do. But you would say they would say that that’s evidence of arrogance. And if you say, I am definitely certain that I’m converted, you must not be converted. You must be arrogant and prideful. Well, he’s got to deal with them. And so, he goes through a lot of texts that prove that assurance of salvation is possible. Job 19:25-27, “I know that my Redeemer lives and that in the end I will stand in my flesh and see God.” Now that’s a very solid assurance. He says, Paul in 2 Timothy 4:7-8 says, “I’ve fought the good fight. I’ve finished the race. I’ve kept the faith. Now there is store for me laid up in heaven, a crown of righteousness.” There’s no question in his mind.

So, absolutely solid assurance. But on the other hand, there’s that phrase again, if you have a solid assurance, are you definitely converted? No, you’re not. Strong assurance does not prove that you are converted. Stoddard put it this way, “Some hypocrites are a good deal more confident than many saints.” And Edwards especially points to the Pharisees, “Such an overbearing, high-handed and violent sort of confidence is this, affecting to declare itself with the most glaring show in the sight of men. Although it is seen in many has not the countenance of a true Christian assurance, it saves more of the spirit of the Pharisees who never doubted that they were saints. And even the most eminent of saints and were bold to go to God and come up near him and lift up their eyes to him and thank him for the great distinction he had made between them and other men.”

I thank you God that I’m not like other men like this guy down here, this tax collector. I fast twice a week and I give a 10th of everything, and I thank you that I’m so righteous. Is he lacking in assurance that man? Oh no, he’s not hurting in assurance, not at all, not hurting in self-esteem either. I mean he’s got the whole package. Is he converted? Jesus said he wasn’t. He said the other man went home justified not this man. So, he was not justified. Did Jesus have an easy time convincing the Pharisees that they were not converted? Oh, he had a brutal time convincing them. It was really, really tough. Anyway, the natural state of the human heart is over-weaning pride. We tend to be very confident.

And then 12th, he says, just because all your Christian friends say that you’re Christian doesn’t mean you are. Just because eminent, godly people look at you and say you’re converted does not mean you are. Now look at this. This is very, very interesting. On page 14, he gives a summary here which ties our entire lecture together tonight. And when I read it, I was left weak in the knees. Seriously, you read it and you’re like, what is left? And it made me want to go onto the third section, but I didn’t have time, so I said, oh, please give me something to stand on.

This is Edwards. Now I didn’t write this. This is coming right from Edwards. “Hypocrites may have religious affections of many kinds together. They may have a sort of affection toward God that bears a great resemblance of dear love to him. And so, a kind of love to the brethren and great appearances of admiration of God’s perfections and works. And they may have a sorrow for sin and reverence, submission, self-abasement, gratitude, joy, religious longings and religion and the good of souls. And these affections may come after great awakenings and convictions of conscience. And there may be great appearances of a work of humiliation. And counterfeit love and joy and other affections may seem to follow these and one another just in the same order that is commonly observable in the holy affections of true converts. And these religious affections may be carried to a great height and may cause abundance of tears.

Ye may overcome the nature of those who are the subjects of them. And may make them affectionate and fervent and fluent in speaking of the things of God. And dispose them to be abundant in it. And may be attended with many sweet texts of scripture and precious promises brought with great impression on their minds. And may dispose them with their mouths to praise and glorify God in a very ardent manner. And fervently to call upon others to praise him, crying out of their unworthiness and extolling free grace. And may moreover dispose them to abound in the external duties of religion such as prayer, hearing the word preached, singing and religious conference. And these things attended with a great resemblance of a Christian assurance in its greatest height when the saints mount on eagle’s wings above all darkness and doubting. I think it has been made plain that there may be all these things. And yet there be nothing more than the common influences of the Spirit of God joined with the delusions of Satan and the wicked and deceitful heart. To which I may add that all these things may be attended with a sweet natural temper and good doctrinal knowledge of religion and a long acquaintance with the saint’s way of talking. Of expressing their affections and experiences and the natural ability and subtlety in accommodating their expressions and manner of speaking to the dispositions and notions of the hearers. And taking decency of expression and behavior formed by a good education.

Boy, that’s a pretty complete package when you look at it. How great therefore may the resemblance be as to all outward expressions and appearances between a hypocrite and a true saint. Doubtless it is the glorious prerogative of the omniscient God as the great searcher of hearts to be able well to separate between sheep and goats.

Aren’t you glad it’s not your job? And what an indecent self-exaltation and arrogance it is in poor, fallible, dark mortals to pretend that they can determine and know who are really sincere and upright before God, and who are not. It’s almost like I’m hearing Wesley at the end there, John Wesley. Can you really tell me what’s going on in that individual? The ability to stare into their heart and tell me they’re converted? We don’t have that power. Jesus does. He can look at Nathaniel and say, now here’s a true Israelite in whom there is nothing false.

John 2, he cannot commit himself to people who are swayed by his miracles. He knew what was in a man, didn’t need any testimony about what was in a man because he knows all men. That’s Jesus, but that’s not us. And so therefore, can we standing on the outside look at somebody and say a hundred percent they’re Christians. So much so that if they then fall away, you’d say, I’m changing my theology. Evidently you can lose your salvation because there’s no doubt in my mind that he or she was saved and now they’re not. Can we really do that? Do we have the ability to look in someone’s heart and say they definitely were.

Now, does that mean that we can’t have practical fellowship, that we don’t know really whether our wife or husband is converted or no? No. I mean I think we’re just free in the matter. I think just accept people as they present themselves to you. Paul says, “we know brothers loved by God that he has saved you, that you are chosen.” 1 Thessalonians 1, he actually goes to predestination. He says, we know that you’re chosen. And my feeling is we can accept one another as Christians and walk in. But if power, if it goes bad and people, and I’ve seen it happen since I’ve been here, I don’t then trace back and say, I guess I was wrong. I guess you can lose your salvation. I don’t do that. I just say they weren’t converted, or they may be, as Jim said, in a very severe state of backslidness. And we need to do what we can to reclaim them. Alright, now you say, okay, what’s left? Okay. I mean this is looking real good. I’m not even at this level.

I had a serious question, question to ask Edwards, is there any evidence from scripture of any one person who possessed all these qualities for a long period of time and yet actually were regenerate at one time? Yes, but the whole picture, I mean that’s pretty rare. And I think even he would say that if you see all of these things operating every likelihood that they are Christians. But what I did was after asking that question, I took the Pharisees back through, and they passed all these tests, all of them. They just made it right through. They traveled over land and sea to win a single convert and then made them twice as much a son of hell as they were Matthew 23. They were zealous, self-confident studiers of the word of God. They were prayer warriors. They were all that. So anyway, next time we’re going to talk about what are sure and certain marks that you converted, but I gave it to you at the beginning. It’s a passionate longing after personal holiness by broken hearted sinners. Okay? Are you encouraged? Do you have hope? Do you see that working in your life? Be encouraged or read the book of 1 John, this is how we know, et cetera. Woe is me. Yes. (audience)

Right. And see, I believe that we can ourselves have assurance. We already read a book on that. Definitely we can have assurance. All this stuff is standing on the outside looking at somebody else. You see, can we stand on the outside and look at somebody else and say, they are definitely a Christian. We can’t do that, but we can practically have fellowship with one another. Yes. I had a question. I absolutely believe that you can’t lose your salvation, and you can’t lose the Holy Spirit. He says when the counselor comes, he will be with you forever. Yeah, I believe that with all my heart.

That’s it. They didn’t. I think that in Hebrews, yeah, in Hebrew 6, I was using an analogy. It was like they breathing the perfume or the incense of the Spirit. That was just a poetical way of saying they were in a room where the Spirit was active. If you come in a room where the Spirit’s active and people are praying fervently and groaning after ’em, et cetera, you’re going to be moved by that. You’re going to be heated up by that, but you might not be converted by that. That’s all I’m saying. You’re in an atmosphere where the Spirit’s at work. Those are good questions. I’m going to close in prayer and release those of you that want. And if anybody wants to come and ask me questions or talk, we can do that. (prayer)

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