
Bible Study Questions

Don't Stop Believing... that Jesus is better than anything. Only Jesus' blood can atone for our sins, and he alone can bring us safely home to heaven.... Read More

Product Description

The book of Hebrews is a letter of exhortation written to a church of mostly Jewish believers living in Italy (likely Rome) who had professed faith in Christ and shown great courage and faith in their early Christian walk, even to the point of persecution and imprisonment. However, over time and relentless opposition from fellow Jews, their faith waned, and they faced a huge temptation to deny Christ and go back to Old Covenant Judaism for a more comfortable lifestyle. In this letter of exhortation and warning the author eloquently reminds the Hebrew Christians of all the ways Jesus is better – better than angels, better than Moses, better than the temple sacrifices, indeed how Jesus is God’s fulfillment of all the Old Covenant as the very Son of God. Another overarching theme in Hebrews is the call for endurance. Perseverance in the Christian life is proof that one’s confession is true and that one belongs to Christ. The Hebrew Christians, along with all believers, can look to men and women recorded in the Old Testament who have lived and died by faith. May all true believers heed the warnings and exhortations from the author of Hebrews and run with endurance to the end!

This booklet is designed for personal and small group Bible studies and can also be used in conjunction with the corresponding podcast episodes for further discussion. 

Frequently Asked Questions