1 & 2 Peter

Bible Study Questions

Peter calls believers blood-bought exiles, born again to a living hope, who honor Christ and hasten his return through their holy lives and joyful witness even under suffering. ... Read More

Product Description

In 1 & 2 Peter, the apostle commands Christians to live their lives maximally to the glory of God in holiness and fruitfulness. In the midst of great suffering, Peter wants them to know that their inheritance is safe in heaven. They must suffer well for the name of Christ, because following Jesus Christ involves imitating his pattern of suffering in this world. In light of almost certain trials, Peter reminds his readers of the great salvation that has been accomplished on their behalf, as well as the call to holiness.

As Christians submit joyfully to God-ordained authority and live openly hope-filled lives, they should be ready to give a defense for Christian hope. Christians must remain vigilant against the threat of false teachers infiltrating the churches and against worldliness. Peter calls believers to live as exiles, strangers and foreigners to this world’s system as they look for the day Jesus returns to judge the world and usher in his kingdom. Meanwhile, Christians are to be faithful servants on the earth sharing the good news of the gospel to hasten that glorious day.

This booklet is designed for personal and small-group Bible studies and can also be used in conjunction with the corresponding podcast episodes for further discussion. 

Frequent Asked Questions