
Preserving Truth of the Gospel (Galatians Sermon 3)

November 10, 2013

Sermon Series:



Paul writes to Galatians to remind them that truth of the gospel requires faith and the Spirit, not circumcision as some were teaching.

Turn in your Bibles to Galatians 2:1-10. We’re looking today at that incredible passage Bill just read for us. When I was a design engineer, I worked for a number of different companies. I worked for a company that made ion implanters, which was used for making semiconductors. I worked for a company that made eye surgical equipment. I worked for a company that made coffee-brewing equipment. So that’s a wide range of engineering jobs, but my job as a design engineer was to come up basically with the recipe for a product, whatever it was, a recipe that was tested in the lab and that worked, so that we could then crank out hundreds if not thousands once we got the recipe right. And it struck me as I was thinking about Galatians 2 that that’s an apt analogy. Companies all over this country are working on recipes for products, and in mechanical things we don’t use that word “recipe” that’s more something that’s cooked, but I’m sticking with that word here.

For automobiles, they’re working through the designs, coming up with the plans. For architects, they’re working on blueprints and designs for structure and often those designs would be used again and again for the same type of house all over the country. People that work for companies that make confections or cookies or something like that, they literally are working on a recipe and chefs are trying different ingredients and they are trying for the right combination of ingredients to make a cookie or some kind of confection that’s just going to melt in your mouth, and be very successful. Once the recipe is right they are going to crank out hundreds of thousands of these things and send them to the ends of the Earth, so they hope anyway. Pharmaceutical companies here in the RTP are coming up with recipes for drugs, addressing various issues like AIDS, or cancer, or MS. Once they get the recipe right, they’re going to be cranking out hundreds of thousands of pills.

Other companies are trying to maintain existing recipes and protect them from being changed in any way, sometimes through their own foolishness. Think about Coca-Cola, remember when they changed their recipe? You guys remember the 1980s? And they came up with the New Coke and it bombed. Everybody wanted the old Coke back. Remember that whole story? And so for a while they ran them side by side, Coke Classic, remember that? Then the New Coke kind of disappeared, remember that? And Coke Classic ran for a while and then it was just Coca-Cola again. And so they’ve got that special recipe somewhere in a safe, I don’t know where, maybe Atlanta, Georgia, and from now on I think they’re going to guard it with their lives and not change anything. And I didn’t realize this but 1.7 billion servings of Coca-Cola are served worldwide everyday. Everyday. If only the Gospel could be as widespread as Coca-Cola. It’s just incredible.

And then in some scary ways, think about what happened in 1982 with Tylenol, how somebody got into some bottles and laced it with cyanide and seven people died, and after that the industry came up with protections, so that you knew that when you broke open that bottle that it was going be protected from a poison having been added, etcetera. These are all examples of perfecting the recipe, getting the recipe right, and protecting that recipe once it’s been gotten right, so that what gets cranked out and sent to the ends of the Earth is exactly as it should be, and frankly I think that’s what’s going on in Galatians 2:1-10. I think the apostle Paul was raised up in a marvelous way by the sovereign hand of God to protect the recipe of human salvation that had come down from heaven to Earth, that had been crafted in the mind of God before the foundation of the world, to protect it from anything being added to it or taken away from it, for anything added to this recipe is poison, and anything taken away from that recipe is absolutely essential to it.

God has crafted it as perfect – the Gospel. It is the power of salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and then for the Gentile, for in the gospel righteousness from God is revealed, righteousness, that is from faith to faith, justice is written. The righteous will live by faith. That’s the Gospel. And the apostle Paul says in 1 Corinthians 15, “What I received I passed on to you as of first importance. That Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the scriptures.” “I receive this,” and we’re going find out, and we’ve already learned, “from Heaven, from God, from Jesus himself,” the apostle Paul would say, “and I passed it on to you.”

I. Paul and the False Brothers: Steadfast Preserving of the Gospel (verses 1-5)

God has raised this man up, apostle Paul, he raised him up to protect the recipe of the Gospel from adulteration, from being poisoned, from being changed. So let’s try to understand our context. We’re just kind of, to some degree, parachuting right into the midst of a flow, an argument, really a testimony that Paul has given for a point concerning him in the Gospel. Let’s understand our context here in Galatians 2:1-10. Soon after the apostle Paul, who was a traveling, church-planting, evangelist and apostle had moved through modern-day Turkey, Asia Minor, Galatia. He planted some churches there through the simple preaching of the Word and through discipleship. He then left the area and other teachers came along and began contradicting or adding to the Gospel message that Paul preached, preaching a different gospel other than the one that he had preached. They were Jews. They were Jewish people who claimed to believe in Jesus, who loved (so they said), Jesus, who loved the work of Christ and the cross (so they said), but added to it the idea that the gentiles had to be circumcised. And they required Gentiles to obey the law of Moses, and said that if they weren’t circumcised and if they weren’t obedient to the law of Moses, they could not be saved.

“God has raised this man up, [the] Apostle Paul … to protect the recipe of the Gospel from adulteration, from being poisoned, from being changed.”

These teachers are commonly called Judaizers because they were really trying to make gentiles into Jews. They were establishing this new doctrine, by in some very significant ways, discrediting the apostle Paul. They weren’t slamming him, but to some degree, it seems that they were calling him a second-hander, kind of a second-generation guy who came along after the fact and who got his message, like a Johnny-come-lately, got his message from the Jerusalem leaders, apostles of Jerusalem, but got it wrong. He kind of apprenticed under them for a while, hung with them for a while, but now he’s out and about and he’s off, he’s getting it wrong and that we Judaizers, we’ve got it right. We’ve got the real gospel and you’ve got to be circumcised and you’ve got to obey the Law of Moses. Yes, Jesus is wonderful, he’s great, but in addition to that, you need the law of Moses.

And so this is a very serious attack on the Gospel. It’s an attack on Paul but it’s also an attack on the Gospel and so Paul in Galatians 1 and 2 is seeking to defend both his apostleship and his Gospel message. They go together, the man and his message go together. And so from the very beginning, if you look at Galatians 1:1, he says, “Paul an apostle.” That means “sent one.” “Paul an apostle sent not from men nor by man but by Jesus Christ and by God the Father who raised him from the dead.” So right away he’s establishing, “My apostleship was not from human origin. It wasn’t from man, it was from God, it was from Jesus.” And then he adds, “Also his message was from heaven as well.” Same thing. Look at verses 11 and 12, Galatians 1:11-12 he says, “I want you to know, brothers, that the Gospel I preached is not something that man made up. I did not receive it from any man, nor was I taught it. Rather, I received it by revelation from Jesus Christ.”

And so he spends the rest of Galatians 1 basically proving his independence from the Church of Jerusalem. He’s independent. He’s independent from the Jerusalem apostles. He’s every bit as authoritative as they are. His calling originates like theirs did from Jesus. He’s no second-hander. He’s no Johnny-come-lately. And his desire in all this is not to stoke his ego so people will think well of him, it’s but so that they will understand his mission and his message are from God and he needs to be listened to. He can’t be dismissed. God has opened up a conduit of blessing to the churches through Paul, and if you shut that down you’re going be missing significant messages that God has to say through me, he’s saying that.

II. Paul and the Jerusalem Leaders:  Independence, Yet Unity (verses 2, 6-10)

And you’ve already heard the Gospel from me [Paul] and you’re going start questioning, that’s the biggest problem of all. You will be receiving a gospel that’s no gospel at all. But as the same time as he’s seeking to distance himself and show some independence from the Jerusalem apostles he also wants to show unity with them. This is a challenge here. He’s saying, “We are together and we are one in this,” so that the gospel spreads from Jerusalem through Judea and Samaria on a unified, solid basis. It’s built firm on a foundation that’s not moving, there are no cracks in that foundation. As it says in Ephesians 2 that God’s household, 2:19 and following, God’s household is “built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone. And in him, the whole building, the church is joined together and rises to become a Holy Temple in the Lord and in him, you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his spirit.”

Yeah, but if there’s cracks in the foundation, if there’s a rift between Paul and the Jerusalem apostles that’s very, very significant. That’s a problem. So that’s what Paul is trying to do in Galatians 2:1-10.  He is a bit walking a tightrope here, across the Niagara Falls or something like that, with danger all around, and he needs to show independence but also unity at the same time, and that’s what he’s trying to do here. So the issue here are some false brothers, he said, “that rose up to challenge the doctrine.” So who were these false brothers and how did they attack the Gospel? Look at verse 4. It said, “This matter arose because some false brothers had infiltrated our ranks to spy on the freedom we have in Christ Jesus and to make us slaves.” Now this may seem extremely harsh: They are not true Christians. They are not real brothers in Christ, they are false brothers. In our tolerance-loving age, we need to get a sense of Paul’s commitment to the truth here, we really do.

And Paul is willing to speak the truth here, he’s willing to tell the truth and it really makes sense. Look back at Galatians 1:6-9. There he says, “I’m astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you by the grace of Christ and are turning to [What does he call it?] A different gospel which is really no gospel at all. [You see that?] Evidently, some people are throwing you into confusion and are trying to pervert the Gospel of Christ. [But, verse 8] Even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preach to you, let him be eternally condemned. As we have already said, so now I say again, if anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than the one you received, let him be eternally condemned!”

Now here’s the formula. False gospels produce false brothers. It makes sense, doesn’t it? You just see the consistency. He said, “It’s a false Gospel, they’re the ones propagating it, they must be false brothers.” If you’re not getting the right Gospel, then you’re not a genuine believer in Christ. That’s the issue, that’s what’s at stake here. Now these false brothers however are different than the Jews who are mentioned in 1 Thessalonians 2 who chased Paul from pillar to post, who persecuted him everywhere. They’re different. They’re Jews, yes, but they’re not going say they hate Jesus and think of him as a deceiver of the people. They said they love Jesus. They said they follow Jesus. That they, I don’t know what they said, appreciated Jesus’ ministry. I don’t know, how do you put it? Saying it’s not enough but it’s still pretty good, but they said they were in favor, or they love the work of Christ.

They’re false brothers because they outwardly embraced Jesus as the Messiah but inwardly their goal was to transform the gentiles into Jews, that’s what they were trying to do. So Paul accuses them there of infiltrating their ranks, coming in and spying out the freedom they have in Jesus, and they want to make them slaves. That’s what he’s saying, the freedom is from the freedom of the oppression of the law of Moses, of thinking “I’ve got to meticulously keep every jot and tittle or I’m going to go to Hell, I’m gonna be condemned.” It’s blessings and curses and that’s a burden, it’s crushing. Freedom from the law’s ability to condemn us and send us to Hell. Oh, what freedom is that!

And there were other freedoms too. Ceremonial laws that had served their purpose, their time was done and circumcision was part of that, the dietary regulations were part of that. They didn’t need to be circumcised any more, the time of that was over. Once Jesus was identified to the world as a Jew born under the law, the time for that barrier, that dividing wall of hostility between Jew and Gentiles was gone. And there was no longer any need for markers of how the Jews were different than gentiles, that time has finished. Now God’s working one new man out of the two, Christian. The only thing that matters is not circumcision, it’s not un-circumcision, what matters is a new creation, faith in Jesus. He is doing a new work here and you’re free now. You’re free, free from condemnation, free from the law’s regulations that separated you from one another. Perfectly free because God sent his son, Amen? Oh, you just need to revel in that freedom.

How sweet is it to be free from condemnation? How sweet is it to know you’re forgiven? And so these false brothers have come to come make them slaves again, spy out their freedom, subterfuge, claiming to be something they weren’t. Messengers of Satan really, ultimately, endangering the Gospel itself. And they were teaching a compulsion, there was a compulsion here. Not just, “Gentiles, you might want to think about getting circumcised. If I could just give you some advice, circumcision might help you.” They’re not saying that, are they? No, what are they saying? Look at verse three, “Yet not even Titus who was with me was compelled to be circumcised.” There’s the compulsion, right? Look down to verse 14, it’s not in our text today but just go ahead and look. You’re allowed to do that by the way, so just jump ahead. Verse 14 it says, “But when I saw that they were deviating from the truth of the Gospel I told Cephas, [Peter] in front of everyone, if you, who are a Jew, live like a gentile and not like a Jew, how can you compel gentiles to live like Jews?” Again, compulsion. Okay, what’s the compulsion? Well, it’s really spelled out for us in Acts 15:1 and 5, all right? Acts 15:1 and 5 tells us the compulsion. Acts 15, “some men came down from Judea to Antioch and were teaching the brothers ‘unless you are circumcised according to the law of Moses, you cannot be saved.’” That’s pretty compelling, isn’t it? That’s compelling. If you don’t receive this religious ritual, you’re going to Hell. Wow. And then again Acts 15:5, “Some of the believers came from the party of the Pharisees and stood up and said, ‘It is necessary to circumcise them and command them to keep the law of Moses.'” Necessary for what? Well, we already covered that, for salvation and then secondarily, healthy membership in the church. If you’re going to be a right member, a member in good standing of this church, oh, gentiles you must become Jews. That’s what’s going on.

So the backdrop of Galatians 2:1-10 is laid out for us plainly in Acts 15, leading to what happened in Acts 15, the Jerusalem Council. And so the Jerusalem Council happened when the Jerusalem leaders, the Apostles in Jerusalem, met together with Paul and Barnabas, and I’m sure some others, to decide this issue, to decide this circumcision question. So I think the Jerusalem Council is behind all of this, so we can address this passage now from the beginning. Look at verse 1 and 2, “14 years later, [after my first very brief visit to Jerusalem], 14 years later I went back to Jerusalem, this time with Barnabas. I took Titus along. I went in response to a revelation and set before them the Gospel that I preach among the gentiles.” So he was led by God. Paul wasn’t summoned by his overlords, the Jerusalem apostles, you see that? He wasn’t. Why did he go to Jerusalem? God told him to go.

You see that? “I was led by a revelation.” Paul frequently, as an apostle, was led in ways we wouldn’t be led. Like remember the vision of the man from Macedonia? Come over and help us, and so he knew that it was time to go over to Europe, heading toward Europe, so he would be frequently guided by visions and revelations and so this was one of them. “Paul, I want you to go to Jerusalem.” So he is again distancing himself from the Jerusalem apostles, “They didn’t command me to go, I’m not their errand boy. I went because God told me to go. I went in response to a revelation.” And so they met together in the Jerusalem Council in Acts 15. Why did he go? God told him to go. He wanted Paul to defend the Gospel message that he was preaching among the gentiles. He went to defend the Gospel and to explain it. He brought Barnabas along with him to testify to the truth of his assertions because every matter must be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses. So he brought Barnabas, too, Barnabas was there on their missionary journey and he could explain it, and he also brought Titus. Now that’s interesting. Titus was, at that point, no significant leader in the life of the church, he was just, we could say, a run-of-the-mill gentile convert. But very strategic for Paul to bring him, very strategic.

Okay, you think, you Judaizers think Gentiles, in abstraction, gentiles need to be circumcised in order to go to heaven and if they’re not circumcised they’re going to hell? Tell Titus, tell him. Tell him to his face. I think they were willing to do it. I get the sense there was a struggle there but there’s a sense of an object lesson. This is a real man. These are real people that we’re dealing with. They’re filled with joy that their sins are forgiven through faith in Jesus and now you’re bringing them back under the shadow of the law. This is a real individual. Also, going back to my recipe analogy or prototype or something like that, you kinda have, “Let’s figure out with Titus ’cause we’re about to be replicating this to the ends of the Earth. Let’s figure out with this one individual ’cause we’re gonna be doing this again and again for centuries.” They wouldn’t have known that but we know now. Are we doing this? Is this the recipe, Christ plus circumcision is salvation? Let’s figure it out now. So, Titus was there as well.

Now, he’s concerned about the unity of the church. He says, “I went in response to a revelation and set before them the Gospel that I preach among the gentiles but [I did this privately.] I did this privately to those who seem to be leaders for fear that I was running or had run my race in vain.” Now, I don’t know exactly, strategically why they met alone with Peter, James, and John, but they did, they met alone and they talked about doctrine. They worked it through privately and it was just the wisdom of God to do it that way. But he was afraid, he says, that he had run or was running his race in vain. Now what is he talking about that? Well, his race is his ministry. As he goes from city to city, from town to town, from place to place preaching the Gospel, persecuted, standing up for the Gospel, standing up for the doctrine, that’s his race. Acts 20 in verse 24, he says there to the Ephesian elders, he says, “However, I consider my life worth nothing to me if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me, the task of testifying to the Gospel of God’s grace.” So that’s his race. He’s running that race. That’s his external journey. He’s running it. But he was afraid that he had run or had run his race in vain.

Now, he used this language a lot. He’s afraid sometimes with the Thessalonians that because of persecution he had labored in vain there. And it has to do with having your work undone as though Paul had somehow built a sandcastle in Galatia or a bunch of sandcastles in these churches in Galatia and now the incoming tide was going to wash it all away, there’d be nothing left. If they could discredit Paul, if Paul’s Gospel could be discredited, it’s all undone. It’s gone. All those gentiles would go back to worshipping whatever gods and goddesses they worshipped before he came and the whole thing would be in vain. So this is a key moment in redemptive history, guys, do you see that? We’re trying to get the Gospel recipe right. It’s just beginning to be spread to the gentiles and I would guess the absolute overwhelming majority of you folks are gentiles.

You’re interested. This is your moment. Paul said, “I did it for you so that the truth of the Gospel might remain with you and me.” So this is long before you were born, Paul was fighting for you. Praise God for that, amen. He was your champion, he was fighting for you and God raised him up. And I think it’s right for you on Thanksgiving, which is coming up soon, thank God for people who died long before you were born who gave you gifts by protecting the Gospel and preaching it clearly and accurately. And so he fought for you and so he presents this Gospel, it says to those who seem to be important.” I love that. They seem to be of reputation. We’ll get to all that.

Peter, James, and John who were reputed to be pillars and they gave to Paul the right hand of fellowship, and what was the outcome? They agreed he was preaching the right Gospel and not even Titus was compelled to be circumcised. This is a key moment and Paul gives you a sense, a glimpse of the fight here. This wasn’t a sweet little discussion. “Hey, what do you think?” “I don’t know. What do you think?” Circumcision, yes, no. 51% we’re in, alright. It wasn’t that at all. There were convictions and passions on the part of the Judaizers, they were convinced, they were pointing chapter and verse, they were going to Genesis 17, they were going to other places and they were showing circumcision as a requirement. They’re like, “What you do with that?” But notice the fight. It says here, “That these false brothers who’d infiltrated the ranks to spy on the freedom we have in Christ Jesus.” Look at verse 5, “We did not give in to them for a moment. We stood firm.” This is like, I hate to lower it to sports, but this is like a goal-line stand here. We’re not going to yield for a moment or we lose, I can’t yield.

And so I don’t sense it was pleasant, do you? Do you sense this is a pleasant conversation? He’s like, “False brothers, you guys are false, you’re not even Christians. You don’t even seem to understand grace, you don’t understand what Jesus did. No, Titus will not be circumcised, over my dead body,” that kind of thing. I don’t know if all that got said but things like that. We didn’t yield for a moment. Why, Paul, why are you fighting? So that the truth of the Gospel, oh Galatians, might remain with you. I wanted you to have the true Gospel, that’s why I didn’t yield. That recipe, that’s poison. Christ plus law equals salvation, that’s false. That’s worse than cyanide being added to Tylenol. It deals with eternal souls. No, that gospel is not true. And so he fought for the Gospel, he fought against the false teachers and he did what Jude 3 says we must do. “Dear friends, [this is Jude 3] although I was very eager to write to you about the salvation that we share, I felt I had to write and urge you, [listen] to contend, to fight for the faith that was once for all entrusted to the saints.”

Do you hear those words? We’re going to fight for this thing, we’re going to fight for the Gospel because it was once for all entrusted to the saints. Don’t change it, don’t add to it, it’s poison. Don’t take away from it, whatever you take is essential to it. Everything is perfect, just protect it, it was entrusted to you. And so Paul does that. Now the second aspect of what he’s trying to do here is to show his relationship to the Jerusalem apostles and I’ve already touched on it but he wants to show independence and yet unity with them. He’s walking this challenging tightrope, okay? But fundamentally, what Paul’s saying is that God, Jesus, called me on the Damascus road to my ministry. It had nothing to do with these men, nothing. They didn’t give me my apostleship and they didn’t give me my message and they didn’t add anything to my message. Neither. He doesn’t say this, but neither did they take anything away from it. My message didn’t come from those men and my authority didn’t come from them. So he uses language that seems to be disrespectful but he’s not meaning it. He says, “Those reputed to be pillars,” and then he even goes beyond that, saying, “Hey, look, whatever they were doesn’t matter to me. Makes no difference to me what James, Peter, and John were.”

That sounds a little disrespectful, doesn’t it? It’s like them saying, “Well, it doesn’t matter to me what you are Paul, frankly.” But that’s not what he’s doing, it’s not like he doesn’t have good fellowship. He actually said, “We did have good fellowship, they extended to me the right hand of fellowship. I do respect them, I do honor them, but I didn’t get anything from them. They didn’t change my message. They didn’t give me my apostleship, I got it from Jesus absolutely. So on the one hand, I am independent from these men, the Jerusalem leaders, in my calling as an apostle and my Gospel message, but on the other hand, guess what? We’re preaching the same gospel, and guess what? The same God called us to our work and isn’t that encouraging? Isn’t that awesome to see how God can raise up different laborers to do different works but we’re all preaching the same Gospel and we’re accountable to the same God?”

Now that’s what he’s saying here. So he gives us in verse 1, “14 years later,” he’s saying. “Look, they weren’t teaching me anything, I didn’t learn anything from them for 14 years, I wasn’t even there, and I sure didn’t get them on closed circuit TV or on the Web, alright? They weren’t given anything to me, it was directly from God. And they seem to be leaders,” he’s not trying to be disrespectful. “Whatever… ” verse 6, “Whatever they were makes no difference to me, God doesn’t judge by external appearance.” What is he doing there? He’s saying, “I’m not accountable to them. I’m not going to stand before them on judgment day,” that’s what he’s saying. Paul had an intense sense of personal accountability to God for his ministry, personal accountability.

And so he says in Galatians 1:10, “I am not seeking the approval of men. That’s not what I’m in it for. I’m not trying to please men because if I were doing that I would no longer be a servant of Christ.” And so he says in Acts 26:19 in his testimony to King Agrippa, he said, “So then, King Agrippa, I was not disobedient to the vision from Heaven.” That’s how he sees it. “Jesus appeared to me from heaven. He told me to do something, I didn’t disobey him. He told me to do this, it wasn’t Peter, James, and John who told me to do this.” And why is that? Why does he have that sense of accountability? 2 Corinthians 5:10, “For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ that each one may receive what is due him for the things done in the body, whether good or bad.”

You are, I am, we’re all going to be standing before Jesus someday. And so therefore he says in 1 Corinthians 4:1-4, “So then men ought to regard us as servants of Christ and those entrusted with the secret things of God. Now it is required that those who have been given a trust must prove faithful to the one who gave it.” Listen to this, 1 Corinthians 4:3, “I care very little if I’m judged by you or by any human court.” Now again, that may seem disrespectful, doesn’t it? But it isn’t. What he’s saying is, I’m not thinking about you in reference to my accountability, in reference to my stewardship. I’m thinking about the one who gave it to me. I care very little if I’m judged by you or by any human court. Can I just pause and say, wouldn’t you love to get to that place? What kind of an evangelist would that make you? How bold would you be in standing for Christ if you really lived like that? I care very little if I’m judged by you or by any human court. In fact, I don’t even judge myself, my conscience is clear but that doesn’t make me innocent, it is the Lord who judges me.

So that’s what he’s saying here, he’s independent and yet, praise God, praise God, united, united. They determined they had the same recipe. Christ plus nothing, sovereign grace, justification by faith alone, apart from works of the law. We’re preaching the same Gospel, amen. And it’s going to go to the ends of the Earth, we’re going to replicate this thing again and again. It’s going to make for the Lord a multitude of believers from every tribe, and language, and people, and nation. We have seen this Gospel crank out people, rescuing them from Hell and bringing them to heaven.

This Gospel recipe works. It is the power of God for salvation, and praise God they got it right. But it wasn’t an accident that they got it right, amen? God sovereignly ordained that they would get it right, but he just used Paul to do it, and Peter and John. And so they gave them the right hand of fellowship and said, “We’re preaching the same Gospel.” And beyond that he could see, it’s like, “I do respect Peter. God raised Peter up and God was at work in Peter’s ministry just like in mine.” He’s not disrespecting Peter. He knows the story, I’m sure he knows it, how in Caesarea Philippi Jesus said, “What do you think about the son of man? Who is he? Some say this, some say… What about you? Who do you say that I am?” “You are the Christ, you are the son of the living God.” Peter said that. Do you remember what Jesus said to Peter? “Blessed are you, Simon, son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by man but by my Father in Heaven.” He had the same revelation of Jesus by the Father. Isn’t that awesome?

God was at work in Peter’s life. And Jesus then said to Peter, “You are Peter and on this rock I will build my church and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it.” How could Paul say, “I follow Jesus but I don’t care about Peter.” He didn’t say that at all. He says the same God is at work in Peter’s ministry to the Jews as he is in my ministry to the gentiles and we have complete unity together.

So where does that leave the Judaizers? On the outside. They’re out in the cold, they’re false teachers. The Jerusalem apostles and Paul were preaching the exact same message and they gave their right hand of fellowship but they say one more thing, one more thing. Please don’t forget the poor as you do this. Look at verse 10. “All they ask was that we should continue to remember the poor, the very thing I was eager to do.”

III. Paul and the Mission: Pure Doctrine and Compassion for the Poor

And so there’s not a lot here, he just mentions it in passing and so I’m not going to belabor it, but wherever the Gospel’s needed most there’s also poverty there. We see that again and again. Satan impoverishes people at every level and so when people are held in thrall by Satan they tend to be crushed in every way, and so they’re not blessed materially, they’re poor. You folks know missiologists have looked at where are the unreached people groups and they say most of them are in North Africa, the Middle East, going across over through Iran and heading toward India, China, Indonesia, what they call the 10/40 window. Latitude 10 to 40, that swath, that’s where most of the unreached people groups are. Well, guess what? 82% of the world’s three billion poorest people live there too. So if you’re going to go minister the Gospel, you’re going to be staring into the jaws of poverty. And so remember the poor, Paul, as you preach the gospel, remember the poor and be concerned about them.

Okay, so what causes that poverty? Human sin, human sin directly and indirectly. Satan dominates peoples minds and hearts. The earth produces far more food than is needed to feed every one of the seven billion of us. Then why do people starve? Why is there poverty? Well, because of man-made religions, and cold-hearted governments, and vicious gangs, vigilante gangs that are trying to take over countries where there’s anarchy, and wild-eyed insurgents, and revolutionaries, and greedy industrialists, and selfish tribal chiefs, and lazy fathers, and drug-addicted mothers, and cycles of social injustice, and all of that, and 100 other sins add up to poverty, add up to poverty. And wherever the Gospel goes, and people repent and genuinely start walking by the spirit, things change radically. So if you’re going to go with the Gospel, you’re going to go and minister to the poor and needy.

IV. Application

So what application can we take from this? I want to give you three main headings. Delighting in the Gospel, defending the Gospel, and extending the Gospel, those three.

Let’s start with delighting in the Gospel. This is glorious. It is a joy to preach this gospel. Isn’t it marvelous? To proclaim in Jesus the forgiveness of sins to all of you is a great privilege and joy. Do you know that saving love of Christ? Maybe you were invited today by a friend. I hope we’re inviting people to church. I can promise you, dear church members, you invite people, they’ll hear the Gospel every week, I promise you. I’m making a pledge before you, every week, at some point, I will clearly explain how lost people can be saved. So if you know you’re lost, you know you’re on the outside, this is for you. I just want to explain it to you, you can’t save yourself by works. There’s nothing you can do, no present obedience can pay for past disobedience to God’s laws, it doesn’t work that way. Instead what you need to do is humble yourself before Jesus and say, “You came, you’re the Son of God, you died on the cross in my place, I trust in you, save me.” Call on the name of the Lord and he will save you.

Delight in that. Embrace it by faith. Now if you’ve done that, you embraced in that years ago, now I’m just asking you to be happy about it. I’m asking you to show your joy everywhere you go. Even in the midst of great sorrow still always rejoicing. Delight in this Gospel. Delight in how much it glorifies God. It’s so God-centered, isn’t it? Not by works but by God. That’s God-honoring, God-glorifying. Delight how it humbles you. You were saved contrary to your works, not by them. Delight in how it meets all of your needs. It secures for you a place in heaven. It gives you something to look forward to that cannot be taken from me, moth and rust cannot destroy, thieves cannot break in and steal, it’s waiting for you and nothing can take it from you. All of your best days are in the future, rejoice in that and be happy. Delight that the Father is not angry with you at all. He is reconciled to you. Delight in that. Your sins are forgiven. Delight in the freedom you have in Christ, freedom from the law in its power to condemn but then freedom to keep the law in its power to instruct you what a good life is. Delight in your freedom.

“Delight in the freedom you have in Christ, freedom from the law in its power to condemn but then freedom to keep the law in its power to instruct you what a good life is. Delight in your freedom.”

Secondly, defending the Gospel. This Gospel, this recipe that God crafted or concocted before the foundation of the world is perfect. Let me say it again. The only thing that can be added to it is poison, the only things that can be taken from it are essential to its nature. We accept it as perfect just as it is, just as it is. So therefore, assume that there will be an attack on the Gospel in every generation. Satan relentlessly attacks this message and we must defend it. God raised up Paul to defend it. He has raised up us. It is entrusted once for all to the saints. It is to us to protect, to defend this Gospel message. We must contend for this faith. So let’s pray, shall we, that FBC will continue to be faithful in the Gospel, don’t assume it. Don’t assume that 20 years from now in this building the Gospel will still be preached. We need to defend it, so pray that we would continue.

Don’t begrudge, let me say this gently but clearly, don’t begrudge the strong doctrinal flavor of our church’s ministry. Don’t begrudge it, rejoice in it. If the church has some failings in fellowship or in friendliness or in outreach or other things, let’s fix those according to God’s word but let’s not give up on precision and care about doctrine. Delight in it. It’s good that this church is careful about doctrine, it’s a delight. The answer isn’t that we become less doctrinally pure, that’s not the right answer. And so let me speak to you elders. The elders are specifically called on to be watch guards in this area. Guard the good deposit that was entrusted to you. Guard it with the help of the Holy Spirit who lives in you. Protect it. And church, pray for the elders to do it. I don’t know what direction Satan is going to come at in reference to this Gospel but let’s pray that we would be protecting it.

And then thirdly, extending the Gospel. We have this perfect recipe but it needs to be out and about. We need to see it making Christians, amen. Let’s get out and trade with it like the talents, like the five talents. Let’s take it to the ends of the Earth. Let’s go and share this. Let’s say, assume that you’re going to be surrounded, for the most part, at the workplace and whatever with unbelievers because that’s probably generally true. And just start praying from it. God give me a chance to invite someone to church. Give me a chance to go deeper. Maybe I’m riding in a car with a coworker, maybe I’m taking a trip with them, we’re going on a business trip or something, maybe it’s just the two of us after hours in the office. Give me a chance to share the Gospel, I want to talk about it.

So let’s extend it. And then concerning ministry to the poor, Paul was zealous, he said, “I was eager to do it.” Ask God to give you an eagerness to care for the poor and needy. We so easily excuse ourselves from that and say, “Oh, it’s because of this or that,” and we don’t get involved. Educate yourself on poverty worldwide and locally, right here. Let’s find out where poverty is right around this church. Now, we need to always give top priority to the ministry of the soul. The Cross Conference that I’m going to be speaking at, at the end of the year, this is their slogan, something like this, “Christians are concerned about all forms of suffering but especially eternal suffering.” So that puts it very well. Let’s give a top priority to the Gospel but as we minister, we’re going to care for the poor and needy.

And then finally, please consider, I’m urging you to consider coming to the City Outreach Conference on November 23rd. Matthew Hodges is putting this together, it’s going to be fantastic. Dr. Carl Ellis is coming, he is an outstanding thinker and speaker. And the point of the conference is really for us more than anything else, that we would know how better to minister right around here. Did I get that right, brother? Is that about right? Anything else you want to say? Is that alright? But please talk to Matthew. Sacrifice some time that Friday, Saturday, and be part of that. Let me close in prayer. Father, we thank you for the joy of the Gospel. Thank you for the way you raised up Paul, really, as a hero to defend the freedom we gentiles have from the law, the crushing burden of the law. And I thank you for this time we’ve had to study together, in Jesus’ name, amen.

These are only preliminary, unedited outlines and may differ from Andy’s final message.

All over this country, companies are in the process of perfecting RECIPES for products they intend to sell all over the world… RECIPES…

·       Engineers at automobile manufacturers are developing the next models of cars, trying to get every engineering detail down so the recipe is as perfect as they can make it; when the recipe is done, they will crank out tens of thousands of cars following that recipe and ship them to the ends of the earth

·       Candy manufacturers are developing new confections to melt in your mouth… their food scientists are crafting the perfect concoctions of sugars and spices and other ingredients, getting the recipe right; when the taste testers in the lab concur that the recipe is perfect, they will CRANK OUT hundreds of thousands of these candies and ship them to the ends of the earth

·       Pharmaceutical companies are developing drugs to address various illness—cancer, AIDS, MS, etc.; their biochemists are studying the molecular attributes of various compounds, experimenting and developing the formula—the recipe—for the drug. When the recipe is perfected, they will crank out hundreds of thousands of pills and ship them to the ends of the earth

·       Other companies are merely seeking to MAINTAIN existing recipes from being changed or altered in any way; on April 23, 1985, Coca Cola foolishly changed their wildly successful recipe and introduced the “New Coke”… it bombed!! Now their product is manufactured by the secret formula, kept in a locked safe in Atlanta, Georgia; 1.7 billion servings of Coca- Cola consumed worldwide EVERY DAY… their goal is from now no NEVER TO CHANGE THE RECIPE AGAIN

·       On Septembers 29, 1982, the first of seven people died in Chicago, poisoned from Tylenol bottles that had been TAMPERED WITH… a poison, solid cyanide, had been added to the pills, resulting in these deaths… this caused major changes industry wide; steps taken to ensure that NO POISON could be added to the pure recipe for Tylenol

These are all examples of the process of identifying a perfect recipe for a car or a candy or a drug or a soft drink… and PROTECTING that recipe from tampering… so that people all over the earth can enjoy the product

I.   Paul and the False Brothers: Steadfast Preserving of the Gospel (vs. 1-5)

A.   Understanding Our Context

1.   Parachuting into the middle of a train of thought, as Paul seeks to do something very difficult but vital for the future of the church

2.   Soon after Paul had established the churches of Galatia (Asia Minor), other teachers had come to the churches preaching a different gospel message than the one Paul had preached

3.   Their message can be summed up eloquently in this:

Acts 15:5 Then some of the believers who belonged to the party of the Pharisees stood up and said, “The Gentiles must be circumcised and required to obey the law of Moses.”

4.   These teachers—commonly called “Judaizers” because they were trying to make Gentile converts to Christ into Jews—were establishing their new doctrine by discrediting the Apostle Paul

a.   They were saying that Paul wasn’t a real apostle at all, but a “johnny come lately” or (as some called him) a “second-hander”… getting everything second-hand from the Jerusalem apostles

b.   They were saying that Paul wasn’t even a believer in Jesus originally (true), and that everything he was preaching he learned at the feet of the Jerusalem teachers (false)

c.   They were saying also that Paul was misrepresenting the true message of the Jerusalem Apostles (false) and that they themselves were the true representatives of the Jerusalem Apostles (false)

d.   This was a very serious attack on the gospel, as we shall see

5.   Paul is seeking to defend his apostleship and his gospel message by showing the divine origin of both

a.   His apostleship came from heaven, not men

Galatians 1:1 Paul, an apostle– sent not from men nor by man, but by Jesus Christ and God the Father, who raised him from the dead

b.   His message came from heaven, not men

Galatians 1:11-12 I want you to know, brothers, that the gospel I preached is not something that man made up. 12 I did not receive it from any man, nor was I taught it; rather, I received it by revelation from Jesus Christ.

c.   Paul has spent most of Galatians 1 proving his independence from the Jerusalem Apostles; he is every bit as authoritative as they are, because his calling came directly from Jesus Christ

d.   Paul’s desire to defend his calling is really a desire to defend the gospel from attacks that will confuse people and somehow damage the gospel’s power to save

6.   At the same time, Paul has to show UNITY with the Jerusalem Apostles, so that, as the gospel spreads throughout the Gentile world, they can know that it rests on a unified, solid foundation

Ephesians 2:19-22 God’s household, 20 built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone. 21 In him the whole building is joined together and rises to become a holy temple in the Lord. 22 And in him you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit.

a.   If the foundation is cracked, the whole structure will come crashing down… the unity in the truth will be lost

7.   So Paul is walking a tightrope here in his relationship with the Jerusalem leaders… independence from the them

AND unity with them… all for the sake of the truth of the gospel

B.  Who Were the “False Brothers”? And How Did they Attack the Gospel?

1.   Paul mentions them as “false brothers” in verse 5

Galatians 2:4 This matter arose because some false brothers had infiltrated our ranks to spy on the freedom we have in Christ Jesus and to make us slaves.

2.   This may seem extremely harsh, but it follows logically from Paul’s assertion that they were preaching a false gospel

Galatians 1:6-9 I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you by the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel– 7 which is really no gospel at all. Evidently some people are throwing you into confusion and are trying to pervert the gospel of Christ. 8 But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let him be eternally condemned! 9 As we have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let him be eternally condemned!

3.   False gospels produce false brothers!! This is the very thing that Paul was seeking to prevent in this Epistle to the Galatians

4.   These “false brothers” are different than the Jews who were his enemies in other ways

1 Thessalonians 2:14-16  the Jews, 15 who killed the Lord Jesus and the prophets and also drove us out. They displease God and are hostile to all men 16 in their effort to keep us from speaking to the Gentiles so that they may be saved.

5.   Those Jews were just enemies of the gospel… haters of Jesus

6.   These “false brothers” were so-called because they SEEMED to be Christians but really weren’t

a.   They outwardly embraced Jesus as the Messiah

b.   They outwardly embraced the idea of reaching the Gentiles… but only if the Gentiles first became Jews, obedient to the Law of Moses

7.   Paul accuses them here of infiltrating their ranks to spy out their freedom in Christ

a.   Paul is going to argue eloquently throughout this epistle for that freedom

b.   It means freedom from the requirements of the Law of Moses… of the dietary regulations and other external requirements of dress and Sabbath regulations

c.   Those regulations formed what the Apostle Peter called “a yoke that neither we nor our fathers have been able to bear.”

d.   It was a comprehensive coverage of every area of life… set up by God to set the Jews apart as a peculiar people and to give a context for the Savior of the world to be identified

e.   Jesus lived them out perfectly, and fulfilled them… now, they were obsolete…

Galatians 4:4-5 when the time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under law, 5 to redeem those under law, that we might receive the full rights of sons.

Hebrews 8:13 By calling this covenant “new,” he has made the first one obsolete; and what is obsolete and aging will soon disappear.

Ephesians 2:14-15 For he himself is our peace, who has made the two one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility, 15 by abolishing in his flesh the law with its commandments and regulations.

8.   These “false brothers” spied out the freedom of Paul and his associates and (it seems) brought back a bad report about them… they sought to get Paul in trouble for the freedom he and his converts were living out

9.   The language of verse 4 implies some subterfuge… they did not present themselves honestly, but acted as if they were totally on board and thrilled; but their real purposes were destructive

10.   Paul mentions false brothers also in his list of dangers he faced in ministry in 2 Corinthians

2 Corinthians 11:26 I have been constantly on the move. I have been in danger from rivers, in danger from bandits, in danger from my own countrymen, in danger from Gentiles; in danger in the city, in danger in the country, in danger at sea; and in danger from false brothers.

11.   As we shall see, these false brothers were endangering the very gospel itself by mixing works with grace when it came to justification

12.   They were teaching the issue of COMPULSION… what MUST HAPPEN

Galatians 2:3 Yet not even Titus, who was with me, was compelled to be circumcised, even though he was a Greek.

CSB Galatians 2:14 But when I saw that they were deviating from the truth of the gospel, I told Cephas in front of everyone, “If you, who are a Jew, live like a Gentile and not like a Jew, how can you compel Gentiles to live like Jews?”

Acts 15:1 Some men came down from Judea to Antioch and were teaching the brothers: “Unless you are circumcised, according to the custom taught by Moses, you cannot be saved.”

CSB Acts 15:5 But some of the believers from the party of the Pharisees stood up and said, “It is necessary to circumcise them and to command them to keep the law of Moses!”

13.   Necessary for what? For right standing with God and accepted membership in the church!!! And that is an addition to the finished work of Christ!! It is an attack on grace and justification by faith… it is a different gospel, and therefore, no gospel at all

C.   The Jerusalem Council: Why Paul Went

1.   Now we can address the passage from the beginning

2.   Fourteen years after he went to his native Cilicia, he returned to Jerusalem for only the second time as a Christian

3.   And he says exactly why he went: as a response to a revelation from God to go to Jerusalem

Galatians 2:1-2 Fourteen years later I went up again to Jerusalem, this time with Barnabas. I took Titus along also. 2 I went in response to a revelation and set before them the gospel that I preach among the Gentiles.

4.   Paul wanted to present the message to the Jerusalem leaders, and we will talk more about that in a moment

5.   But it was clear that God directly commanded him to go

6.   It is most probable that this is, in fact, the Jerusalem Council referred to in Acts 15

7.   What Acts 15 teaches us about the Jerusalem Council

a.   By this time, the success of Paul’s ministry among the Gentiles had become well-known

8.   SO… why did Paul go?

a.   God told him to go:

Galatians 2:2 I went in response to a revelation

i)   Vital issue: God wanted Paul to defend the gospel message and the ministry he was having among the Gentiles

ii)   God frequently guided Paul by supernatural means like this… key example: the man from Macedonia

Acts 16:9-10 During the night Paul had a vision of a man of Macedonia standing and begging him, “Come over to Macedonia and help us.” 10 After Paul had seen the vision, we got ready at once to leave for Macedonia, concluding that God had called us to preach the gospel to them.

iii)   Paul was led into his ministry in Greece by a vision

iv) So also Paul was led by God to go to this Jerusalem council

b.   Secondly, Paul went to defend the gospel

Galatians 2:2 I went in response to a revelation and set before them the gospel that I preach among the Gentiles.

c.   Thirdly, Paul brought Barnabas along with him… to testify to the truth of his assertions concerning his ministry

2 Corinthians 13:1 “Every matter must be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.”

d.   Fourthly, Paul brought Titus along with him

i)   WHY? Titus was at that point not in any way a KEY LEADER in the church of Jesus Christ

ii)   But he brought Titus as an OBJECT LESSON, a real person, an uncircumcised Gentile, who could stand before them as physical evidence of his ministry

iii)   More than that, as a TEST CASE of Paul’s refusal to circumcise Gentile converts… in effect, here is a REAL MAN, who would have to submit to circumcision… tell him to his face that his salvation is incomplete without circumcision!!!!

e.   Ultimately, Paul is concerned about the unity of the church as he goes on preaching the gospel

Galatians 2:2 I went in response to a revelation and set before them the gospel that I preach among the Gentiles. But I did this privately to those who seemed to be leaders, for fear that I was running or had run my race in vain.

i)   What is Paul’s “race”: it is his gospel ministry among the Gentiles

Acts 20:24 However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me– the task of testifying to the gospel of God’s grace.

ii)   How would Paul be “running his race IN VAIN?”

iii)   Well… if it could be proven that he was out of synch with the Jerusalem apostles, it would mean there was significant disunity in the leadership of the Christian church… AND that Paul was a false witness, untrustworthy in preaching, a discredited leader…. Then all the converts he’d won and churches he planted would have to be reeducated by the Judaizers… all those tender new converts have to be told their father in the faith was WRONG… fatally, doctrinally wrong

1 Corinthians 4:15-16 Even though you have ten thousand guardians in Christ, you do not have many fathers, for in Christ Jesus I became your father through the gospel. 16 Therefore I urge you to imitate me.

iv) DISASTER!!!! “I wasted my time… I’ve run my race in vain!!”

D.  Key Moment in Redemptive History: Paul Presents His Gospel and Refuses to Give In to the False Brothers

1.   Paul privately presented the gospel message to the Jerusalem Apostles

Galatians 2:2 I went in response to a revelation and set before them the gospel that I preach among the Gentiles. But I did this privately to those who seemed to be leaders, for fear that I was running or had run my race in vain.

a.   To “those who seemed to be important” = SEEMED TO BE OF REPUTATION (more in a moment)… these are definitely the Jerusalem leaders and apostles

Galatians 2:9 James, Peter and John, those reputed to be pillars

b.   Why privately? I don’t know… perhaps he and Barnabas and the “pillars” James, Peter, and John, thought it best to give a private hearing

2.   The result of that meeting: the Jerusalem Apostles approved of the gospel Paul preached

Galatians 2:9 James, Peter and John, those reputed to be pillars, gave me and Barnabas the right hand of fellowship when they recognized the grace given to me.

3.   More significantly: the false brothers attacked and made this plain demand… Acts 15

Acts 15:5 Then some of the believers who belonged to the party of the Pharisees stood up and said, “The Gentiles must be circumcised and required to obey the law of Moses.”

Just as they’d said earlier:

Acts 15:1 “Unless you are circumcised, according to the custom taught by Moses, you cannot be saved.”

4.   Look at what Paul says in our text:

Galatians 2:3 Yet not even Titus, who was with me, was compelled to be circumcised, even though he was a Greek.

a.   In other words, the Jerusalem “pillars” Peter, James, and John all agreed that Titus did not need to be circumcised

b.   This was plain evidence that they SUPPORTED Paul’s take on the gospel of Jesus Christ

5.   This is a KEY MOMENT in Redemptive History!!! Certainly Paul thought it was

Galatians 2:4-5 This matter arose because some false brothers had infiltrated our ranks to spy on the freedom we have in Christ Jesus and to make us slaves. 5 We did not give in to them for a moment, so that the truth of the gospel might remain with you.

a.   Paul felt that the future of the gospel was at stake

b.   They REFUSED TO GIVE IN FOR A MOMENT…very strong language!!

c.   The temptation to compromise would have been overpowering… “C’mon, Paul… give a little; for the sake of unity, for the sake of peace, let’s find some COMPROMISE, some common ground.”

d.   Basically Paul said: “ABSOLUTELY NOT! We will NOT circumcise this dear brother with the message that, if we don’t do this to you, you cannot be saved… you’re going to hell if you don’t have this ritual performed.”

e.   Speaking to a Gentile church like the Galatians, Paul says the reason he refused to give in for a moment was to SAVE THE GOSPEL


f.   Paul looked on this as a life or death issue for the Gentiles… indeed for everyone

g.   To protect the truth of the gospel, it was IMPERATIVE that Titus not be circumcised

E.   Why Was the Truth of the Gospel At Stake??

1.   As we’ve seen in Galatians 1, to add circumcision to the finished work of Christ on the cross is to preach a different gospel

2.   The gospel is the POWER OF GOD for the salvation of everyone who believes

3.   So, to retool the gospel is to destroy it… resulting in the eternal damnation of souls

4.   The truth of the gospel is simply this:

Romans 3:28-30 we maintain that a man is justified by faith apart from observing the law. 29 Is God the God of Jews only? Is he not the God of Gentiles too? Yes, of Gentiles too, 30 since there is only one God, who will justify the circumcised by faith and the uncircumcised through that same faith.

Romans 5:1 Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ

5.   SO, it was WORTH IT to Paul to risk division in the Body to fight for the purity of the gospel…

6.   In our age of tolerance, one thing we must never tolerate is the perversion of the gospel

Jude 3 Dear friends, although I was very eager to write to you about the salvation we share, I felt I had to write and urge you to contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to the saints.

II.   Paul and the Jerusalem Leaders: Independence, Yet Unity (vs. 2, 6-10)

A.   Walking a Challenging Tightrope

1.   The Judaizers were claiming Paul was a second-hander, a disciple of theirs who was trained by them and who was messing up their message

2.   In Galatians 1, he proved that he was called into the ministry on the Road to Damacus by Jesus Himself…

3.   And that he got his message directly from the Lord, not from the Jerusalem apostles

4.   His authority does not come from them, nor is it any less than theirs

5.   His message doesn’t come from them, nor is it any different than theirs

6.   That’s the tightrope:

a.   ON THE ONE HAND… “I am independent from the Jerusalem Apostles” in my calling and my gospel

b.   ON THE OTHER HAND… “I am in total unity with the Jerusalem Apostles… we preach the same gospel, and they are 100% behind my mission to the Gentiles.”

B.   Independence from the Jerusalem Apostles

1.   Independence already established in Galatians 1, as we’ve seen… culmination in 2:1

Galatians 2:1  Fourteen years later

If Paul was so dependent on the Jerusalem Apostles, why did he spend almost no time there whatsoever? Why did he stay away for fourteen years?

2.   Independence in verse 2

Galatians 2:2 I did this privately to those who seemed to be leaders

a.   Paul’s not trying to be disrespectful… just showing his independence

b.   He’ll elaborate on this even more in a moment

3.   Independence in verse 6

Galatians 2:6 As for those who seemed to be important– whatever they were makes no difference to me; God does not judge by external appearance– those men added nothing to my message.

a.   Again, Paul is not being disrespectful… not at all

b.   He’s trying to show his sense of total accountability to CHRIST ALONE…

c.   It was Christ who gave him his message and his office and as an apostle

d.   He is accountable to his own master

Acts 26:19 “So then, King Agrippa, I was not disobedient to the vision from heaven.

2 Corinthians 5:10 For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive what is due him for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad.

1 Corinthians 4:1-4 So then, men ought to regard us as servants of Christ and as those entrusted with the secret things of God. 2 Now it is required that those who have been given a trust must prove faithful. 3 I care very little if I am judged by you or by any human court; indeed, I do not even judge myself. 4 My conscience is clear, but that does not make me innocent. It is the Lord who judges me.

4.   More importantly, he wants to retain his ability to LEAD the churches he planted… he doesn’t want his authority or his message questioned because he has more to say to them, and he wants to be able to speak into their lives with authority to build them up

2 Corinthians 10:8 For even if I boast somewhat freely about the authority the Lord gave us for building you up rather than pulling you down, I will not be ashamed of it.

2 Corinthians 13:10 This is why I write these things when I am absent, that when I come I may not have to be harsh in my use of authority– the authority the Lord gave me for building you up, not for tearing you down.

If Paul doesn’t successfully defend the divine origin of his apostleship, his ministry with them will be at an end

AND if Paul doesn’t successfully defend the divine origin of the gospel he preached, their progress in salvation will be at an end too

So Paul went to Jerusalem to defend BOTH so that the gospel could advance

But of the two, the second was more eternally significant… if the Jerusalem Council failed to defend JUSTIFICATION BY FAITH ALONE, they recipe for worldwide evangelism would be destroyed… they would spread a false gospel resulting in no salvation at all

C.   Unity with the Jerusalem Apostles

1.   BUT there’s a second issue here

2.   If Paul a maverick, on his own, preaching a different gospel from the Jerusalem Apostles?? If so, where is the unity of the church of Jesus Christ??!!

3.   Paul, having proven his independence from the Jerusalem Apostles and leaders, he now shows that they were preaching the same gospel he was, and they were in total SOLIDARITY with him

4.   This meant there really is just ONE WORK of GOD worldwide

5.   Look at the language of unity:

Galatians 2:2    I went in response to a revelation and set before them the gospel that I preach among the Gentiles. But I did this privately to those who seemed to be leaders, for fear that I was running or had run my race in vain.

a.   Paul felt it vital to set his gospel before the Jerusalem Apostles… so clearly unity was important to him

b.   Now look at what happened next:

Galatians 2:6-9 As for those who seemed to be important– whatever they were makes no difference to me; God does not judge by external appearance– those men added nothing to my message. 7 On the contrary, they saw that I had been entrusted with the task of preaching the gospel to the Gentiles, just as Peter had been to the Jews. 8 For God, who was at work in the ministry of Peter as an apostle to the Jews, was also at work in my ministry as an apostle to the Gentiles. 9 James, Peter and John, those reputed to be pillars, gave me and Barnabas the right hand of fellowship when they recognized the grace given to me. They agreed that we should go to the Gentiles, and they to the Jews.

c.   The Jerusalem Apostles did not ADD ANYTHING to Paul’s message

d.   BUT there was no need… both sides were preaching the exact same gospel, praise God!!

e.   AND they recognized the God had given Paul BOTH his office of Apostle AND his message as well… the same God who called Peter to be an Apostle called Paul to the same ministry

f.   Division of labor: Paul preaching the gospel to the Gentiles; Peter preaching THE SAME GOSPEL to the Jews… God at work in both ministries

g.   James, Peter, and John gave Paul and Barnabas the RIGHT HAND OF FELLOWSHIP after recognizing the grace of God in their lives and ministries


Redemptive History… they got the recipe right, they refused to circumcise Titus, and they rejected the Judaizers’ mixture of works with grace

i.   They AGREED about the future DIVISION OF LABOR…Paul to the Gentiles, Peter to the Jews; but it was a work of unity… the SAME GOSPEL to each

Ephesians 4:4-6 There is one body and one Spirit– just as you were called to one hope when you were called– 5 one Lord, one faith, one baptism; 6 one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.

III.   Paul and the Mission: Pure Doctrine and Compassion for the Poor

A.  So What was the Recipe?? Pure Doctrine and Compassion for the Poor

Galatians 2:10 All they asked was that we should continue to remember the poor, the very thing I was eager to do.

B.  Pure Doctrine: Salvation by Christ Alone, by Grace Alone, by Faith Alone, for the Glory of God Alone

1.   We’ll spend the rest of the Book of Galatians making this perfectly clear

2.   But the whole point of the Jerusalem Council was to get the doctrine right, to be sure it was the PURE GOSPEL that they were spreading to the ends of the earth

3.   But they added this statement about the poor

C.   Remembering the Poor

1.   A consistent theme in the scriptures… an overwhelming theme

2.   The ravages of sin and Satan’s dark Kingdom have left much of the world in staggering poverty

3.   God cursed the earth because of Adam’s sin, resulting in crop failures of all times

Genesis 3:17-18 “Cursed is the ground because of you; through painful toil you will eat of it all the days of your life. 18 It will produce thorns and thistles for you, and you will eat the plants of the field.

4.   Human sin has developed and spread beyond this curse… now we impoverish each other by our selfishness…though the earth produces vastly more food than needed to feed every hungry mouth on earth, manmade religions and coldhearted governments and vicious gangs and wild-eyed insurgents and revolutionaries and greedy industrialists and selfish tribal chiefs and lazy fathers and drug addicted mothers and cycles of societal injustice and and and and all add up to this one statement:

Mark 14:7 The poor you will always have with you

5.   The only final remedy is the gospel of Jesus Christ

6.   Churches are called on to show compassion for the poor and needy… blended with a top priority on the SOUL

7.   The gospel advances in a context of staggering poverty

8.   Missiologists have identified where the unreached people groups are, for the most part: “10-40 Window”… 10 degrees north latitude to 40 degrees north latitude..

9.   BUT that’s also where the poorest of the poor are!!

Of 3.0 Billion people living in such poverty-stricken nations, 82% lived in the 10/40 Window

10.   Where Satan has been ruling openly, there the people are BOTH spiritually AND materially poor

IV.   Applications

A.   Delighting in the Gospel

1.   Understand the Gospel: God—Man—Christ—Response; especially justification by faith alone

2.   Embrace the Gospel by Faith

3.   Delight in the Gospel:

a.   Delight in how it glorifies God

b.   Delight in how it humbles our pride

c.   Delight in how it meets our needs

d.   Delight in how it proclaims how eternally blessed we are in Christ

e.   Delight in the certainty of final salvation

f.   Delight in the freedom we have in Christ… free from the Law’s power to condemn

B.   Defending the Gospel

1.   Understand that this Gospel is the PERFECT RECIPE from heaven… nothing but poison can be added to it; nothing but absolutely essential ingredients can be taken away from it

2.   Assume that Satan will attack this gospel savagely in EVERY GENERATION!! Including ours

3.   Assume that, like Paul in his day, those defending the gospel will appear narrow-minded, stubborn, divisive, even mean… but if the truth of the gospel is going to remain in this world, we MUST

Jude 3 contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to the saints.

4.   Pray for FBC to remain faithful in our commitment to the DOCTRINE of the gospel… don’t despise the doctrinal commitment the elders have, be grateful for it… if the church has other weaknesses, don’t think that becoming LESS DOCTRINALLY PURE will solve those

5.   Elders: “Guard the good deposit that was entrusted to you!!!”

6.   FBC: pray for the elders to be discerning and willing to do whatever is necessary to defend this gospel

C.   Extending the Gospel

1.   We have received the perfect recipe from heaven… the gospel… now let’s TAKE IT TO THE ENDS OF THE EARTH… evangelism and missions…

2.   There is no other way for lost people to be saved

3.   Assume that the ministry of the gospel will include ministry to the POOR AND NEEDY: 82% of the poorest people in the world live in the 10-40 window

4.   Educate yourself on how BEST to minister to the poor and needy… educate yourself on global poverty and local poverty; ask the Lord to expand your generosity to the poor

5.   But let’s always give TOP PRIORITY to the ministry to the soul: “Christians are concerned about all forms of suffering, but especially eternal suffering.”

6.   City Outreach Conference:  November 23!!!!!

Turn in your Bibles to Galatians 2:1-10. We’re looking today at that incredible passage Bill just read for us. When I was a design engineer, I worked for a number of different companies. I worked for a company that made ion implanters, which was used for making semiconductors. I worked for a company that made eye surgical equipment. I worked for a company that made coffee-brewing equipment. So that’s a wide range of engineering jobs, but my job as a design engineer was to come up basically with the recipe for a product, whatever it was, a recipe that was tested in the lab and that worked, so that we could then crank out hundreds if not thousands once we got the recipe right. And it struck me as I was thinking about Galatians 2 that that’s an apt analogy. Companies all over this country are working on recipes for products, and in mechanical things we don’t use that word “recipe” that’s more something that’s cooked, but I’m sticking with that word here.

For automobiles, they’re working through the designs, coming up with the plans. For architects, they’re working on blueprints and designs for structure and often those designs would be used again and again for the same type of house all over the country. People that work for companies that make confections or cookies or something like that, they literally are working on a recipe and chefs are trying different ingredients and they are trying for the right combination of ingredients to make a cookie or some kind of confection that’s just going to melt in your mouth, and be very successful. Once the recipe is right they are going to crank out hundreds of thousands of these things and send them to the ends of the Earth, so they hope anyway. Pharmaceutical companies here in the RTP are coming up with recipes for drugs, addressing various issues like AIDS, or cancer, or MS. Once they get the recipe right, they’re going to be cranking out hundreds of thousands of pills.

Other companies are trying to maintain existing recipes and protect them from being changed in any way, sometimes through their own foolishness. Think about Coca-Cola, remember when they changed their recipe? You guys remember the 1980s? And they came up with the New Coke and it bombed. Everybody wanted the old Coke back. Remember that whole story? And so for a while they ran them side by side, Coke Classic, remember that? Then the New Coke kind of disappeared, remember that? And Coke Classic ran for a while and then it was just Coca-Cola again. And so they’ve got that special recipe somewhere in a safe, I don’t know where, maybe Atlanta, Georgia, and from now on I think they’re going to guard it with their lives and not change anything. And I didn’t realize this but 1.7 billion servings of Coca-Cola are served worldwide everyday. Everyday. If only the Gospel could be as widespread as Coca-Cola. It’s just incredible.

And then in some scary ways, think about what happened in 1982 with Tylenol, how somebody got into some bottles and laced it with cyanide and seven people died, and after that the industry came up with protections, so that you knew that when you broke open that bottle that it was going be protected from a poison having been added, etcetera. These are all examples of perfecting the recipe, getting the recipe right, and protecting that recipe once it’s been gotten right, so that what gets cranked out and sent to the ends of the Earth is exactly as it should be, and frankly I think that’s what’s going on in Galatians 2:1-10. I think the apostle Paul was raised up in a marvelous way by the sovereign hand of God to protect the recipe of human salvation that had come down from heaven to Earth, that had been crafted in the mind of God before the foundation of the world, to protect it from anything being added to it or taken away from it, for anything added to this recipe is poison, and anything taken away from that recipe is absolutely essential to it.

God has crafted it as perfect – the Gospel. It is the power of salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and then for the Gentile, for in the gospel righteousness from God is revealed, righteousness, that is from faith to faith, justice is written. The righteous will live by faith. That’s the Gospel. And the apostle Paul says in 1 Corinthians 15, “What I received I passed on to you as of first importance. That Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the scriptures.” “I receive this,” and we’re going find out, and we’ve already learned, “from Heaven, from God, from Jesus himself,” the apostle Paul would say, “and I passed it on to you.”

I. Paul and the False Brothers: Steadfast Preserving of the Gospel (verses 1-5)

God has raised this man up, apostle Paul, he raised him up to protect the recipe of the Gospel from adulteration, from being poisoned, from being changed. So let’s try to understand our context. We’re just kind of, to some degree, parachuting right into the midst of a flow, an argument, really a testimony that Paul has given for a point concerning him in the Gospel. Let’s understand our context here in Galatians 2:1-10. Soon after the apostle Paul, who was a traveling, church-planting, evangelist and apostle had moved through modern-day Turkey, Asia Minor, Galatia. He planted some churches there through the simple preaching of the Word and through discipleship. He then left the area and other teachers came along and began contradicting or adding to the Gospel message that Paul preached, preaching a different gospel other than the one that he had preached. They were Jews. They were Jewish people who claimed to believe in Jesus, who loved (so they said), Jesus, who loved the work of Christ and the cross (so they said), but added to it the idea that the gentiles had to be circumcised. And they required Gentiles to obey the law of Moses, and said that if they weren’t circumcised and if they weren’t obedient to the law of Moses, they could not be saved.

“God has raised this man up, [the] Apostle Paul … to protect the recipe of the Gospel from adulteration, from being poisoned, from being changed.”

These teachers are commonly called Judaizers because they were really trying to make gentiles into Jews. They were establishing this new doctrine, by in some very significant ways, discrediting the apostle Paul. They weren’t slamming him, but to some degree, it seems that they were calling him a second-hander, kind of a second-generation guy who came along after the fact and who got his message, like a Johnny-come-lately, got his message from the Jerusalem leaders, apostles of Jerusalem, but got it wrong. He kind of apprenticed under them for a while, hung with them for a while, but now he’s out and about and he’s off, he’s getting it wrong and that we Judaizers, we’ve got it right. We’ve got the real gospel and you’ve got to be circumcised and you’ve got to obey the Law of Moses. Yes, Jesus is wonderful, he’s great, but in addition to that, you need the law of Moses.

And so this is a very serious attack on the Gospel. It’s an attack on Paul but it’s also an attack on the Gospel and so Paul in Galatians 1 and 2 is seeking to defend both his apostleship and his Gospel message. They go together, the man and his message go together. And so from the very beginning, if you look at Galatians 1:1, he says, “Paul an apostle.” That means “sent one.” “Paul an apostle sent not from men nor by man but by Jesus Christ and by God the Father who raised him from the dead.” So right away he’s establishing, “My apostleship was not from human origin. It wasn’t from man, it was from God, it was from Jesus.” And then he adds, “Also his message was from heaven as well.” Same thing. Look at verses 11 and 12, Galatians 1:11-12 he says, “I want you to know, brothers, that the Gospel I preached is not something that man made up. I did not receive it from any man, nor was I taught it. Rather, I received it by revelation from Jesus Christ.”

And so he spends the rest of Galatians 1 basically proving his independence from the Church of Jerusalem. He’s independent. He’s independent from the Jerusalem apostles. He’s every bit as authoritative as they are. His calling originates like theirs did from Jesus. He’s no second-hander. He’s no Johnny-come-lately. And his desire in all this is not to stoke his ego so people will think well of him, it’s but so that they will understand his mission and his message are from God and he needs to be listened to. He can’t be dismissed. God has opened up a conduit of blessing to the churches through Paul, and if you shut that down you’re going be missing significant messages that God has to say through me, he’s saying that.

II. Paul and the Jerusalem Leaders:  Independence, Yet Unity (verses 2, 6-10)

And you’ve already heard the Gospel from me [Paul] and you’re going start questioning, that’s the biggest problem of all. You will be receiving a gospel that’s no gospel at all. But as the same time as he’s seeking to distance himself and show some independence from the Jerusalem apostles he also wants to show unity with them. This is a challenge here. He’s saying, “We are together and we are one in this,” so that the gospel spreads from Jerusalem through Judea and Samaria on a unified, solid basis. It’s built firm on a foundation that’s not moving, there are no cracks in that foundation. As it says in Ephesians 2 that God’s household, 2:19 and following, God’s household is “built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone. And in him, the whole building, the church is joined together and rises to become a Holy Temple in the Lord and in him, you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his spirit.”

Yeah, but if there’s cracks in the foundation, if there’s a rift between Paul and the Jerusalem apostles that’s very, very significant. That’s a problem. So that’s what Paul is trying to do in Galatians 2:1-10.  He is a bit walking a tightrope here, across the Niagara Falls or something like that, with danger all around, and he needs to show independence but also unity at the same time, and that’s what he’s trying to do here. So the issue here are some false brothers, he said, “that rose up to challenge the doctrine.” So who were these false brothers and how did they attack the Gospel? Look at verse 4. It said, “This matter arose because some false brothers had infiltrated our ranks to spy on the freedom we have in Christ Jesus and to make us slaves.” Now this may seem extremely harsh: They are not true Christians. They are not real brothers in Christ, they are false brothers. In our tolerance-loving age, we need to get a sense of Paul’s commitment to the truth here, we really do.

And Paul is willing to speak the truth here, he’s willing to tell the truth and it really makes sense. Look back at Galatians 1:6-9. There he says, “I’m astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you by the grace of Christ and are turning to [What does he call it?] A different gospel which is really no gospel at all. [You see that?] Evidently, some people are throwing you into confusion and are trying to pervert the Gospel of Christ. [But, verse 8] Even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preach to you, let him be eternally condemned. As we have already said, so now I say again, if anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than the one you received, let him be eternally condemned!”

Now here’s the formula. False gospels produce false brothers. It makes sense, doesn’t it? You just see the consistency. He said, “It’s a false Gospel, they’re the ones propagating it, they must be false brothers.” If you’re not getting the right Gospel, then you’re not a genuine believer in Christ. That’s the issue, that’s what’s at stake here. Now these false brothers however are different than the Jews who are mentioned in 1 Thessalonians 2 who chased Paul from pillar to post, who persecuted him everywhere. They’re different. They’re Jews, yes, but they’re not going say they hate Jesus and think of him as a deceiver of the people. They said they love Jesus. They said they follow Jesus. That they, I don’t know what they said, appreciated Jesus’ ministry. I don’t know, how do you put it? Saying it’s not enough but it’s still pretty good, but they said they were in favor, or they love the work of Christ.

They’re false brothers because they outwardly embraced Jesus as the Messiah but inwardly their goal was to transform the gentiles into Jews, that’s what they were trying to do. So Paul accuses them there of infiltrating their ranks, coming in and spying out the freedom they have in Jesus, and they want to make them slaves. That’s what he’s saying, the freedom is from the freedom of the oppression of the law of Moses, of thinking “I’ve got to meticulously keep every jot and tittle or I’m going to go to Hell, I’m gonna be condemned.” It’s blessings and curses and that’s a burden, it’s crushing. Freedom from the law’s ability to condemn us and send us to Hell. Oh, what freedom is that!

And there were other freedoms too. Ceremonial laws that had served their purpose, their time was done and circumcision was part of that, the dietary regulations were part of that. They didn’t need to be circumcised any more, the time of that was over. Once Jesus was identified to the world as a Jew born under the law, the time for that barrier, that dividing wall of hostility between Jew and Gentiles was gone. And there was no longer any need for markers of how the Jews were different than gentiles, that time has finished. Now God’s working one new man out of the two, Christian. The only thing that matters is not circumcision, it’s not un-circumcision, what matters is a new creation, faith in Jesus. He is doing a new work here and you’re free now. You’re free, free from condemnation, free from the law’s regulations that separated you from one another. Perfectly free because God sent his son, Amen? Oh, you just need to revel in that freedom.

How sweet is it to be free from condemnation? How sweet is it to know you’re forgiven? And so these false brothers have come to come make them slaves again, spy out their freedom, subterfuge, claiming to be something they weren’t. Messengers of Satan really, ultimately, endangering the Gospel itself. And they were teaching a compulsion, there was a compulsion here. Not just, “Gentiles, you might want to think about getting circumcised. If I could just give you some advice, circumcision might help you.” They’re not saying that, are they? No, what are they saying? Look at verse three, “Yet not even Titus who was with me was compelled to be circumcised.” There’s the compulsion, right? Look down to verse 14, it’s not in our text today but just go ahead and look. You’re allowed to do that by the way, so just jump ahead. Verse 14 it says, “But when I saw that they were deviating from the truth of the Gospel I told Cephas, [Peter] in front of everyone, if you, who are a Jew, live like a gentile and not like a Jew, how can you compel gentiles to live like Jews?” Again, compulsion. Okay, what’s the compulsion? Well, it’s really spelled out for us in Acts 15:1 and 5, all right? Acts 15:1 and 5 tells us the compulsion. Acts 15, “some men came down from Judea to Antioch and were teaching the brothers ‘unless you are circumcised according to the law of Moses, you cannot be saved.’” That’s pretty compelling, isn’t it? That’s compelling. If you don’t receive this religious ritual, you’re going to Hell. Wow. And then again Acts 15:5, “Some of the believers came from the party of the Pharisees and stood up and said, ‘It is necessary to circumcise them and command them to keep the law of Moses.'” Necessary for what? Well, we already covered that, for salvation and then secondarily, healthy membership in the church. If you’re going to be a right member, a member in good standing of this church, oh, gentiles you must become Jews. That’s what’s going on.

So the backdrop of Galatians 2:1-10 is laid out for us plainly in Acts 15, leading to what happened in Acts 15, the Jerusalem Council. And so the Jerusalem Council happened when the Jerusalem leaders, the Apostles in Jerusalem, met together with Paul and Barnabas, and I’m sure some others, to decide this issue, to decide this circumcision question. So I think the Jerusalem Council is behind all of this, so we can address this passage now from the beginning. Look at verse 1 and 2, “14 years later, [after my first very brief visit to Jerusalem], 14 years later I went back to Jerusalem, this time with Barnabas. I took Titus along. I went in response to a revelation and set before them the Gospel that I preach among the gentiles.” So he was led by God. Paul wasn’t summoned by his overlords, the Jerusalem apostles, you see that? He wasn’t. Why did he go to Jerusalem? God told him to go.

You see that? “I was led by a revelation.” Paul frequently, as an apostle, was led in ways we wouldn’t be led. Like remember the vision of the man from Macedonia? Come over and help us, and so he knew that it was time to go over to Europe, heading toward Europe, so he would be frequently guided by visions and revelations and so this was one of them. “Paul, I want you to go to Jerusalem.” So he is again distancing himself from the Jerusalem apostles, “They didn’t command me to go, I’m not their errand boy. I went because God told me to go. I went in response to a revelation.” And so they met together in the Jerusalem Council in Acts 15. Why did he go? God told him to go. He wanted Paul to defend the Gospel message that he was preaching among the gentiles. He went to defend the Gospel and to explain it. He brought Barnabas along with him to testify to the truth of his assertions because every matter must be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses. So he brought Barnabas, too, Barnabas was there on their missionary journey and he could explain it, and he also brought Titus. Now that’s interesting. Titus was, at that point, no significant leader in the life of the church, he was just, we could say, a run-of-the-mill gentile convert. But very strategic for Paul to bring him, very strategic.

Okay, you think, you Judaizers think Gentiles, in abstraction, gentiles need to be circumcised in order to go to heaven and if they’re not circumcised they’re going to hell? Tell Titus, tell him. Tell him to his face. I think they were willing to do it. I get the sense there was a struggle there but there’s a sense of an object lesson. This is a real man. These are real people that we’re dealing with. They’re filled with joy that their sins are forgiven through faith in Jesus and now you’re bringing them back under the shadow of the law. This is a real individual. Also, going back to my recipe analogy or prototype or something like that, you kinda have, “Let’s figure out with Titus ’cause we’re about to be replicating this to the ends of the Earth. Let’s figure out with this one individual ’cause we’re gonna be doing this again and again for centuries.” They wouldn’t have known that but we know now. Are we doing this? Is this the recipe, Christ plus circumcision is salvation? Let’s figure it out now. So, Titus was there as well.

Now, he’s concerned about the unity of the church. He says, “I went in response to a revelation and set before them the Gospel that I preach among the gentiles but [I did this privately.] I did this privately to those who seem to be leaders for fear that I was running or had run my race in vain.” Now, I don’t know exactly, strategically why they met alone with Peter, James, and John, but they did, they met alone and they talked about doctrine. They worked it through privately and it was just the wisdom of God to do it that way. But he was afraid, he says, that he had run or was running his race in vain. Now what is he talking about that? Well, his race is his ministry. As he goes from city to city, from town to town, from place to place preaching the Gospel, persecuted, standing up for the Gospel, standing up for the doctrine, that’s his race. Acts 20 in verse 24, he says there to the Ephesian elders, he says, “However, I consider my life worth nothing to me if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me, the task of testifying to the Gospel of God’s grace.” So that’s his race. He’s running that race. That’s his external journey. He’s running it. But he was afraid that he had run or had run his race in vain.

Now, he used this language a lot. He’s afraid sometimes with the Thessalonians that because of persecution he had labored in vain there. And it has to do with having your work undone as though Paul had somehow built a sandcastle in Galatia or a bunch of sandcastles in these churches in Galatia and now the incoming tide was going to wash it all away, there’d be nothing left. If they could discredit Paul, if Paul’s Gospel could be discredited, it’s all undone. It’s gone. All those gentiles would go back to worshipping whatever gods and goddesses they worshipped before he came and the whole thing would be in vain. So this is a key moment in redemptive history, guys, do you see that? We’re trying to get the Gospel recipe right. It’s just beginning to be spread to the gentiles and I would guess the absolute overwhelming majority of you folks are gentiles.

You’re interested. This is your moment. Paul said, “I did it for you so that the truth of the Gospel might remain with you and me.” So this is long before you were born, Paul was fighting for you. Praise God for that, amen. He was your champion, he was fighting for you and God raised him up. And I think it’s right for you on Thanksgiving, which is coming up soon, thank God for people who died long before you were born who gave you gifts by protecting the Gospel and preaching it clearly and accurately. And so he fought for you and so he presents this Gospel, it says to those who seem to be important.” I love that. They seem to be of reputation. We’ll get to all that.

Peter, James, and John who were reputed to be pillars and they gave to Paul the right hand of fellowship, and what was the outcome? They agreed he was preaching the right Gospel and not even Titus was compelled to be circumcised. This is a key moment and Paul gives you a sense, a glimpse of the fight here. This wasn’t a sweet little discussion. “Hey, what do you think?” “I don’t know. What do you think?” Circumcision, yes, no. 51% we’re in, alright. It wasn’t that at all. There were convictions and passions on the part of the Judaizers, they were convinced, they were pointing chapter and verse, they were going to Genesis 17, they were going to other places and they were showing circumcision as a requirement. They’re like, “What you do with that?” But notice the fight. It says here, “That these false brothers who’d infiltrated the ranks to spy on the freedom we have in Christ Jesus.” Look at verse 5, “We did not give in to them for a moment. We stood firm.” This is like, I hate to lower it to sports, but this is like a goal-line stand here. We’re not going to yield for a moment or we lose, I can’t yield.

And so I don’t sense it was pleasant, do you? Do you sense this is a pleasant conversation? He’s like, “False brothers, you guys are false, you’re not even Christians. You don’t even seem to understand grace, you don’t understand what Jesus did. No, Titus will not be circumcised, over my dead body,” that kind of thing. I don’t know if all that got said but things like that. We didn’t yield for a moment. Why, Paul, why are you fighting? So that the truth of the Gospel, oh Galatians, might remain with you. I wanted you to have the true Gospel, that’s why I didn’t yield. That recipe, that’s poison. Christ plus law equals salvation, that’s false. That’s worse than cyanide being added to Tylenol. It deals with eternal souls. No, that gospel is not true. And so he fought for the Gospel, he fought against the false teachers and he did what Jude 3 says we must do. “Dear friends, [this is Jude 3] although I was very eager to write to you about the salvation that we share, I felt I had to write and urge you, [listen] to contend, to fight for the faith that was once for all entrusted to the saints.”

Do you hear those words? We’re going to fight for this thing, we’re going to fight for the Gospel because it was once for all entrusted to the saints. Don’t change it, don’t add to it, it’s poison. Don’t take away from it, whatever you take is essential to it. Everything is perfect, just protect it, it was entrusted to you. And so Paul does that. Now the second aspect of what he’s trying to do here is to show his relationship to the Jerusalem apostles and I’ve already touched on it but he wants to show independence and yet unity with them. He’s walking this challenging tightrope, okay? But fundamentally, what Paul’s saying is that God, Jesus, called me on the Damascus road to my ministry. It had nothing to do with these men, nothing. They didn’t give me my apostleship and they didn’t give me my message and they didn’t add anything to my message. Neither. He doesn’t say this, but neither did they take anything away from it. My message didn’t come from those men and my authority didn’t come from them. So he uses language that seems to be disrespectful but he’s not meaning it. He says, “Those reputed to be pillars,” and then he even goes beyond that, saying, “Hey, look, whatever they were doesn’t matter to me. Makes no difference to me what James, Peter, and John were.”

That sounds a little disrespectful, doesn’t it? It’s like them saying, “Well, it doesn’t matter to me what you are Paul, frankly.” But that’s not what he’s doing, it’s not like he doesn’t have good fellowship. He actually said, “We did have good fellowship, they extended to me the right hand of fellowship. I do respect them, I do honor them, but I didn’t get anything from them. They didn’t change my message. They didn’t give me my apostleship, I got it from Jesus absolutely. So on the one hand, I am independent from these men, the Jerusalem leaders, in my calling as an apostle and my Gospel message, but on the other hand, guess what? We’re preaching the same gospel, and guess what? The same God called us to our work and isn’t that encouraging? Isn’t that awesome to see how God can raise up different laborers to do different works but we’re all preaching the same Gospel and we’re accountable to the same God?”

Now that’s what he’s saying here. So he gives us in verse 1, “14 years later,” he’s saying. “Look, they weren’t teaching me anything, I didn’t learn anything from them for 14 years, I wasn’t even there, and I sure didn’t get them on closed circuit TV or on the Web, alright? They weren’t given anything to me, it was directly from God. And they seem to be leaders,” he’s not trying to be disrespectful. “Whatever… ” verse 6, “Whatever they were makes no difference to me, God doesn’t judge by external appearance.” What is he doing there? He’s saying, “I’m not accountable to them. I’m not going to stand before them on judgment day,” that’s what he’s saying. Paul had an intense sense of personal accountability to God for his ministry, personal accountability.

And so he says in Galatians 1:10, “I am not seeking the approval of men. That’s not what I’m in it for. I’m not trying to please men because if I were doing that I would no longer be a servant of Christ.” And so he says in Acts 26:19 in his testimony to King Agrippa, he said, “So then, King Agrippa, I was not disobedient to the vision from Heaven.” That’s how he sees it. “Jesus appeared to me from heaven. He told me to do something, I didn’t disobey him. He told me to do this, it wasn’t Peter, James, and John who told me to do this.” And why is that? Why does he have that sense of accountability? 2 Corinthians 5:10, “For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ that each one may receive what is due him for the things done in the body, whether good or bad.”

You are, I am, we’re all going to be standing before Jesus someday. And so therefore he says in 1 Corinthians 4:1-4, “So then men ought to regard us as servants of Christ and those entrusted with the secret things of God. Now it is required that those who have been given a trust must prove faithful to the one who gave it.” Listen to this, 1 Corinthians 4:3, “I care very little if I’m judged by you or by any human court.” Now again, that may seem disrespectful, doesn’t it? But it isn’t. What he’s saying is, I’m not thinking about you in reference to my accountability, in reference to my stewardship. I’m thinking about the one who gave it to me. I care very little if I’m judged by you or by any human court. Can I just pause and say, wouldn’t you love to get to that place? What kind of an evangelist would that make you? How bold would you be in standing for Christ if you really lived like that? I care very little if I’m judged by you or by any human court. In fact, I don’t even judge myself, my conscience is clear but that doesn’t make me innocent, it is the Lord who judges me.

So that’s what he’s saying here, he’s independent and yet, praise God, praise God, united, united. They determined they had the same recipe. Christ plus nothing, sovereign grace, justification by faith alone, apart from works of the law. We’re preaching the same Gospel, amen. And it’s going to go to the ends of the Earth, we’re going to replicate this thing again and again. It’s going to make for the Lord a multitude of believers from every tribe, and language, and people, and nation. We have seen this Gospel crank out people, rescuing them from Hell and bringing them to heaven.

This Gospel recipe works. It is the power of God for salvation, and praise God they got it right. But it wasn’t an accident that they got it right, amen? God sovereignly ordained that they would get it right, but he just used Paul to do it, and Peter and John. And so they gave them the right hand of fellowship and said, “We’re preaching the same Gospel.” And beyond that he could see, it’s like, “I do respect Peter. God raised Peter up and God was at work in Peter’s ministry just like in mine.” He’s not disrespecting Peter. He knows the story, I’m sure he knows it, how in Caesarea Philippi Jesus said, “What do you think about the son of man? Who is he? Some say this, some say… What about you? Who do you say that I am?” “You are the Christ, you are the son of the living God.” Peter said that. Do you remember what Jesus said to Peter? “Blessed are you, Simon, son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by man but by my Father in Heaven.” He had the same revelation of Jesus by the Father. Isn’t that awesome?

God was at work in Peter’s life. And Jesus then said to Peter, “You are Peter and on this rock I will build my church and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it.” How could Paul say, “I follow Jesus but I don’t care about Peter.” He didn’t say that at all. He says the same God is at work in Peter’s ministry to the Jews as he is in my ministry to the gentiles and we have complete unity together.

So where does that leave the Judaizers? On the outside. They’re out in the cold, they’re false teachers. The Jerusalem apostles and Paul were preaching the exact same message and they gave their right hand of fellowship but they say one more thing, one more thing. Please don’t forget the poor as you do this. Look at verse 10. “All they ask was that we should continue to remember the poor, the very thing I was eager to do.”

III. Paul and the Mission: Pure Doctrine and Compassion for the Poor

And so there’s not a lot here, he just mentions it in passing and so I’m not going to belabor it, but wherever the Gospel’s needed most there’s also poverty there. We see that again and again. Satan impoverishes people at every level and so when people are held in thrall by Satan they tend to be crushed in every way, and so they’re not blessed materially, they’re poor. You folks know missiologists have looked at where are the unreached people groups and they say most of them are in North Africa, the Middle East, going across over through Iran and heading toward India, China, Indonesia, what they call the 10/40 window. Latitude 10 to 40, that swath, that’s where most of the unreached people groups are. Well, guess what? 82% of the world’s three billion poorest people live there too. So if you’re going to go minister the Gospel, you’re going to be staring into the jaws of poverty. And so remember the poor, Paul, as you preach the gospel, remember the poor and be concerned about them.

Okay, so what causes that poverty? Human sin, human sin directly and indirectly. Satan dominates peoples minds and hearts. The earth produces far more food than is needed to feed every one of the seven billion of us. Then why do people starve? Why is there poverty? Well, because of man-made religions, and cold-hearted governments, and vicious gangs, vigilante gangs that are trying to take over countries where there’s anarchy, and wild-eyed insurgents, and revolutionaries, and greedy industrialists, and selfish tribal chiefs, and lazy fathers, and drug-addicted mothers, and cycles of social injustice, and all of that, and 100 other sins add up to poverty, add up to poverty. And wherever the Gospel goes, and people repent and genuinely start walking by the spirit, things change radically. So if you’re going to go with the Gospel, you’re going to go and minister to the poor and needy.

IV. Application

So what application can we take from this? I want to give you three main headings. Delighting in the Gospel, defending the Gospel, and extending the Gospel, those three.

Let’s start with delighting in the Gospel. This is glorious. It is a joy to preach this gospel. Isn’t it marvelous? To proclaim in Jesus the forgiveness of sins to all of you is a great privilege and joy. Do you know that saving love of Christ? Maybe you were invited today by a friend. I hope we’re inviting people to church. I can promise you, dear church members, you invite people, they’ll hear the Gospel every week, I promise you. I’m making a pledge before you, every week, at some point, I will clearly explain how lost people can be saved. So if you know you’re lost, you know you’re on the outside, this is for you. I just want to explain it to you, you can’t save yourself by works. There’s nothing you can do, no present obedience can pay for past disobedience to God’s laws, it doesn’t work that way. Instead what you need to do is humble yourself before Jesus and say, “You came, you’re the Son of God, you died on the cross in my place, I trust in you, save me.” Call on the name of the Lord and he will save you.

Delight in that. Embrace it by faith. Now if you’ve done that, you embraced in that years ago, now I’m just asking you to be happy about it. I’m asking you to show your joy everywhere you go. Even in the midst of great sorrow still always rejoicing. Delight in this Gospel. Delight in how much it glorifies God. It’s so God-centered, isn’t it? Not by works but by God. That’s God-honoring, God-glorifying. Delight how it humbles you. You were saved contrary to your works, not by them. Delight in how it meets all of your needs. It secures for you a place in heaven. It gives you something to look forward to that cannot be taken from me, moth and rust cannot destroy, thieves cannot break in and steal, it’s waiting for you and nothing can take it from you. All of your best days are in the future, rejoice in that and be happy. Delight that the Father is not angry with you at all. He is reconciled to you. Delight in that. Your sins are forgiven. Delight in the freedom you have in Christ, freedom from the law in its power to condemn but then freedom to keep the law in its power to instruct you what a good life is. Delight in your freedom.

“Delight in the freedom you have in Christ, freedom from the law in its power to condemn but then freedom to keep the law in its power to instruct you what a good life is. Delight in your freedom.”

Secondly, defending the Gospel. This Gospel, this recipe that God crafted or concocted before the foundation of the world is perfect. Let me say it again. The only thing that can be added to it is poison, the only things that can be taken from it are essential to its nature. We accept it as perfect just as it is, just as it is. So therefore, assume that there will be an attack on the Gospel in every generation. Satan relentlessly attacks this message and we must defend it. God raised up Paul to defend it. He has raised up us. It is entrusted once for all to the saints. It is to us to protect, to defend this Gospel message. We must contend for this faith. So let’s pray, shall we, that FBC will continue to be faithful in the Gospel, don’t assume it. Don’t assume that 20 years from now in this building the Gospel will still be preached. We need to defend it, so pray that we would continue.

Don’t begrudge, let me say this gently but clearly, don’t begrudge the strong doctrinal flavor of our church’s ministry. Don’t begrudge it, rejoice in it. If the church has some failings in fellowship or in friendliness or in outreach or other things, let’s fix those according to God’s word but let’s not give up on precision and care about doctrine. Delight in it. It’s good that this church is careful about doctrine, it’s a delight. The answer isn’t that we become less doctrinally pure, that’s not the right answer. And so let me speak to you elders. The elders are specifically called on to be watch guards in this area. Guard the good deposit that was entrusted to you. Guard it with the help of the Holy Spirit who lives in you. Protect it. And church, pray for the elders to do it. I don’t know what direction Satan is going to come at in reference to this Gospel but let’s pray that we would be protecting it.

And then thirdly, extending the Gospel. We have this perfect recipe but it needs to be out and about. We need to see it making Christians, amen. Let’s get out and trade with it like the talents, like the five talents. Let’s take it to the ends of the Earth. Let’s go and share this. Let’s say, assume that you’re going to be surrounded, for the most part, at the workplace and whatever with unbelievers because that’s probably generally true. And just start praying from it. God give me a chance to invite someone to church. Give me a chance to go deeper. Maybe I’m riding in a car with a coworker, maybe I’m taking a trip with them, we’re going on a business trip or something, maybe it’s just the two of us after hours in the office. Give me a chance to share the Gospel, I want to talk about it.

So let’s extend it. And then concerning ministry to the poor, Paul was zealous, he said, “I was eager to do it.” Ask God to give you an eagerness to care for the poor and needy. We so easily excuse ourselves from that and say, “Oh, it’s because of this or that,” and we don’t get involved. Educate yourself on poverty worldwide and locally, right here. Let’s find out where poverty is right around this church. Now, we need to always give top priority to the ministry of the soul. The Cross Conference that I’m going to be speaking at, at the end of the year, this is their slogan, something like this, “Christians are concerned about all forms of suffering but especially eternal suffering.” So that puts it very well. Let’s give a top priority to the Gospel but as we minister, we’re going to care for the poor and needy.

And then finally, please consider, I’m urging you to consider coming to the City Outreach Conference on November 23rd. Matthew Hodges is putting this together, it’s going to be fantastic. Dr. Carl Ellis is coming, he is an outstanding thinker and speaker. And the point of the conference is really for us more than anything else, that we would know how better to minister right around here. Did I get that right, brother? Is that about right? Anything else you want to say? Is that alright? But please talk to Matthew. Sacrifice some time that Friday, Saturday, and be part of that. Let me close in prayer. Father, we thank you for the joy of the Gospel. Thank you for the way you raised up Paul, really, as a hero to defend the freedom we gentiles have from the law, the crushing burden of the law. And I thank you for this time we’ve had to study together, in Jesus’ name, amen.

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