Sermon Run for Your Lives! (Mark Sermon 73) Mark | Mark 13:14-23 | Israel's Rejection of Jesus | 1.14.2024
Sermon The Necessity and Certainty of Worldwide Evangelization (Mark Sermon 71) Mark | Mark 13:10 | Majesty of God | 12.10.2023
Devotional Constant Vigilance Toward an Uncertain Future Matthew 24:42-24:42 | Judgement Day | 8.16.2022
Podcast Acts Episode 4: The Prophet Joel Fulfilled Acts Podcast | Acts 2:14-21 | Prophecy | 2.23.2022
Podcast Thessalonians Episode 5: The Coming Day of the Lord 1 & 2 Thessalonians Podcast | 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 | Return of Christ | 6.23.2021
Sermon God’s Final Purpose in the Resurrection (1 Corinthians Sermon 60) 1 Corinthians | 1 Corinthians 15:20-28 | Resurrection | 8.30.2020
Sermon The Rapture of the Elect (Matthew Sermon 127 of 151) Matthew | Matthew 24:31-24:41 | Angels | 6.20.2010
Sermon The Second Coming of Christ, Part 2 (Matthew Sermon 126 of 151) Matthew | Matthew 24:26-24:31 | Glory of God | 6.13.2010