Sermon A Precise Question: Whose Son is the Christ? (Matthew Sermon 115 of 151) Matthew | Matthew 22:41-22:46 | Bible Prophecy | 2.28.2010
Sermon Love Your Neighbor: The Call of the Jericho Road (Matthew Sermon 114 of 151) Matthew | Matthew 22:34-22:40 | Brotherly Love | 2.21.2010
Sermon The Second Greatest Commandment (Matthew Sermon 113 of 151) Matthew | Matthew 22:34-22:40 | Brotherly Love | 2.14.2010
Sermon Diagnosing Your Heart Condition (Matthew Sermon 112 of 151) Matthew | Matthew 22:34-22:40 | Idolatry | 2.07.2010
Sermon The Greatest Commandment (Matthew Sermon 111 of 151) Matthew | Matthew 22:34-22:40 | Judgement Day | 1.17.2010
Sermon Jesus Proves the Resurrection (Matthew Sermon 110 of 151) Matthew | Matthew 22:23-22:33 | Death & Dying | 1.10.2010
Sermon A Christian’s Duty to God and Government (Matthew Sermon 109 of 151) Matthew | Matthew 22:15-22:22 | Exaltation of Christ | 1.03.2010