Devotional All the Treasures of Knowledge Other Ministries | Colossians 2:3 | Deity of Christ | Ligonier | 1.01.2024
Sermon The Glory of Christ Unwrapped and Revealed Christmas Season | Christmas Season | Colossians 1:15-22 | Glory of God | 12.20.2020
Sermon Fellow Workers for the Kingdom (Colossians Sermon 21 of 21) Colossians | Colossians 4:7-4:18 | Book Overviews | 2.24.2008
Sermon Heavenly Conversation (Colossians Sermon 20 of 21) Colossians | Colossians 4:2-4:6 | Evangelism | 2.17.2008
Sermon The Freedom of a Christian Slave (Colossians Sermon 19 of 21) Colossians | Colossians 3:22-4:1 | Good Works | 2.10.2008