Sermon The Church Prepares to Change the World (Acts Sermon 2) Acts | Acts 1:12-26 | The Gospel | 9.01.2024
Sermon Christ Commissions His Church (Acts Sermon 1) Acts | Acts 1:1-11 | The Work of the Holy Spirit | 8.25.2024
Sermon The Glorious Ascension of Christ Easter Sermons | Easter Sermons | Acts 1:1-12 | Exaltation of Christ | 4.09.2023
Podcast Acts Podcast 50: Paul’s Ministry in Rome Under Guard Acts Podcast | Acts 28:17-28:31 | Evangelism | 2.01.2023
Podcast Acts Podcast 49: Paul in Malta and Rome Acts Podcast | Acts 28:1-28:16 | Evangelism | 1.25.2023
Podcast Acts Podcast 48: The Shipwreck Acts Podcast | Acts 27:1-27:44 | Life in the Spirit | 1.18.2023