Copyright Policy

Two Journeys Ministry houses all of the teaching content of pastor Andy Davis, with the purpose of sharing Bible teaching resources with the universal church.

All teaching resources (audio, transcripts, video, notes, articles, ect) on are under copyright protection. Our goal is to share these resources with as many people as possible, while respecting and crediting the author’s role in generating the content.

Feel free to use and share all Two Journeys resources under the following conditions:

1. The usage must be non-commercial in nature

2. No monetary fee may be charged

3. Changes to content is prohibited

4. If incorporating Andy’s teaching or notes into your sermon or lecture, please ascribe due credit

5. Plagiarism is prohibited

6. If sharing web resources, please cite the website URL

Please contact Two Journeys if you have questions about your situation.

Given these parameters, please use the content for the good of Christ’s church and for the Glory of God.