Sermon The Resurrection: Continuity and Transformation Easter Sermons | Easter Sermons | 1 Corinthians 15:35-38 | Redemption | 3.31.2024
Sermon Christ Forsaken by God So We Could Be Eternally Welcomed by God Easter Sermons | Easter Sermons | Psalm 22:1-22:31 | Atonement | 3.29.2024
Sermon The Glorious Ascension of Christ Easter Sermons | Easter Sermons | Acts 1:1-12 | Exaltation of Christ | 4.09.2023
Sermon Behold the Lamb! Easter Sermons | Easter Sermons | John 1:29 | Humiliation of Christ | 4.07.2023
Sermon Seeing Jesus Easter Sermons | Easter Sermons | Hebrews 2:9-2:9 | Resurrection of Christ | 4.17.2022
Sermon The Overwhelming Death of Christ Easter Sermons | Easter Sermons | John 19:28-19:37 | Deity of Christ | 4.15.2022
Sermon A Life Transformed by the Resurrected Christ (Easter Sermon) Easter Sermons | Easter Sermons | Acts 9:1-9:43 | Conversion | 4.04.2021
Sermon A Foretaste of the Heavenly Feast (Maundy Thursday Sermon) Easter Sermons | Easter Sermons | Matthew 26:27-29 | Heaven | 4.01.2021