Start Growing
Christlike Maturity
It is time to grow up to spiritual maturity. Watch the video. Click the Spiritual Assessment button. Choose a pathway below and get started.

Start Your Journey
New Christian
When you become a Christian, God says you are a new creation, created by Christ for good works. Thus begins an incredible journey that will last your entire life here on earth and forever in heaven. Start growing to spiritual maturity through Bible-based resources about the essentials of the gospel and the eternal value of God’s word.

The Classroom
Essentials of the Gospel
Discovering Christ through the Gospel of Mark
The Classroom
Essentials of the Gospel
Discovering Christ through the Gospel of Mark
Explore the essential beliefs of the Christian faith as revealed by Jesus in the Gospel of Mark. Zoom in as Mark chronicles Jesus’ teaching about his identity as the Son of God, the problem of sin, Christ’s crucifixion, and his resurrection.

The Classroom
How to Think about the Christian Journey
A Study on Sanctification
The Classroom
How to Think about the Christian Journey
A Study on Sanctification
Jesus didn’t go to the cross just to die for our sins, but to transform us into His image. First, we gain knowledge of Jesus through hearing the gospel. When the Holy Spirit causes us to be born again, we put our faith in Jesus, and God begins transforming us into the character of Christ. From this new nature flows actions and affections like his. This journey of increasing conformity to Christ is the Christian life.

Sermon Series
Understanding God's Word
Sermon Series
Understanding God's Word
God’s word, the Bible, is God-breathed and gives us knowledge of God and Jesus. Living and active, God’s word feeds our faith, reveals truth, exposes lies and convicts of sin. Start your study of the Book of Galatians to learn more!

Memorize God's Word
How to Memorize Scripture for Life: From One Verse to Entire Books
Memorize God's Word
How to Memorize Scripture for Life: From One Verse to Entire Books
Never thought you could memorize the Bible? Well, you can! As you intensely focus on each word and phrase of a Bible passage to memorize, you are absorbing it deeper into your heart. Like eating dinner – the more you chew your food, the more your body can digest all the nutrients, so also scripture memory fuels spiritual growth and powerful prayer.
Recommended Chapters to Memorize: Psalm 1 and Ephesians 1
Continue your Journey
Growing Christian
One of the greatest assurances of our faith is to see God growing us through the sanctification process. Am I more forgiving than before? More trusting in God’s promises? More humble, teachable, and quicker to serve others? Keep growing in your knowledge, faith, character and godly actions to make progress toward Christlike maturity.

How to think about the Christian Journey
An Infinite Journey
How to think about the Christian Journey
An Infinite Journey
Every day we are faced with a myriad of decisions. How can we make sense of them all? Keeping our eyes on Jesus, we seek first his kingdom by faith. God’s word fuels our faith and makes us more like Jesus daily, conforming our character and actions into increasing Christlikeness.

Sermon Series
Understand God's Word
Gospel of Mark
Sermon Series
Understand God's Word
Gospel of Mark
Plants grow by photosynthesis; according to Jesus, Christians grow by every word that comes from the mouth of God. Psalm 119:2-3 says, “Blessed are those who keep his testimonies, who seek him with their whole heart, who also do no wrong, but walk in his ways.” Learn and apply the truths of scripture through digging deeply into the Gospel of Mark and the Book of Philippians.

Memorize God's Word
How to Memorize Scripture for Life: From One Verse to Entire Books
Memorize God's Word
How to Memorize Scripture for Life: From One Verse to Entire Books
Take your knowledge of God’s word to the next level by memorizing Mark or Philippians. Andy Davis testifies, “There is no discipline I have ever invested in that pays such rich dividends in the Christian life as this one! I plead with you to consider investing yourself in this pattern.”
Recomended to Memorize: the Book of Philippians or the Gospel of Mark
Continue Your journey
Mature Christian
The spiritually mature Christian never gets over the gospel. Rather, we increasingly recognize the true wickedness of our sins and desperate dependence on the grace and mercy of Jesus Christ. Keep increasing in your knowledge, faith, godly character and actions until, by God’s grace, your race is won, and you hear him say, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”

How to think about the Christian Journey
The Glory Now Revealed
The Power of Christian Contentment
How to think about the Christian Journey
The Glory Now Revealed
The Power of Christian Contentment
As you abide in Christ year by year over the course of a lifetime, you are being transformed into Christ’s likeness with ever-increasing glory and humility, producing a river of good works and fruitful labor for Christ and his kingdom. Gain additional insights into the Christian life as you study Andy’s books, The Power of Christian Contentment and The Glory Now Revealed.

Sermon Series
Understand God's Word
Book of Romans and the Gospel of Matthew
Sermon Series
Understand God's Word
Book of Romans and the Gospel of Matthew
Strong, tall oak trees depend on deep, well-developed root systems that extend tens, even hundreds of feet deep into the ground to mine its riches to support the tree. In the same way we will never plumb the depths of the riches of God’s glory in Christ and his word. Experience going deep into the gospel of Matthew and Paul’s letter to the Romans.

Memorize God's Word
How to Memorize Scripture for Life: From One Verse to Entire Books
Memorize God's Word
How to Memorize Scripture for Life: From One Verse to Entire Books
“Extended memorization of scripture as a foundational discipline to full fruitfulness in the Christian life, especially for those called to teach the Bible… It is fueled by faith that scripture will produce a glorious fruit that will bless both earthly life and eternal glory in heaven” (Andy Davis). Commit to memory the entire book of Matthew or Romans.
Recomended to Memorize: the Book of Matthew or Romans.
Critical Pillars
The Christian Life
In addition to Two Journeys’ resources, growing to spiritual maturity involves community, regular reading of scripture, daily prayer, accountability and discipleship, and evangelism.